防爆接线箱Explosion-proof junction box
发布者:q993118181  发布时间:2014-06-30 16:36:50

防爆接线箱Explosion-proof junction box








Technical characteristics

1. Aluminum alloy shell die-casting molding, surface coating, beautiful appearance;

2. The built-in C65N, NC100H and S25 / S high marks broken small circuit breaker, 3 ve1 M611 or GV2 motor protector, air switch CM1 molded case circuit breaker and light component;

3. With overload, short circuit protection function;

4. The module structure, according to user needs all kinds of circuit free assembly;

5. Explosion-proof junction box factory type can be specially designed according to user requirements, such as adding surge protector, ammeter, voltmeter, etc.;

6. Steel pipe cargo cable wiring;








To adapt to the environment

Apply to 1 zone and 2 zone dangerous gas places;

2. Suitable for type IIA, IIB, IIC T1 - T6 group explosive gas or steam environment;

3. Suitable for indoor and outdoor (IP54, IP65 *)

4. Suitable for combustible dust places;

5. Suitable for oil production, storage, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, printing and dyeing, military and military facilities and other dangerous explosive environment;

6. Used for lighting or power circuit of the power distribution;







a) 所有出厂检验项目;

b) 温升试验、温度试验;

c) 外壳和透明件冲击试验;

d) 透明件耐热试验及耐寒试验;

e) 弹性密封圈材料老化试验;

f) 电缆引入装置夹紧试验;

g) 隔爆外壳耐压试验;

h) 隔爆外壳内部点燃的不传爆试验;

i) 外壳防护能力试验;

j) 操作性能试验;

k) 漏电断路器额定剩余动作电流,额定剩余不动作电流的最大分断时间试验;

l) 脱扣器动作特性试验;

m) 额定短路分断能力试验。

The factory test


Type test is to verify the purpose of shape design of distribution box performance conform to the enterprise standard requirements.

Type test is a new product trial production test must be conducted. Only when the product design, manufacturing process, the structure of the use of raw materials or components are subject to change, may affect the distribution box, explosion-proof performance need to re-run the type testing of the project. Normal production of a product every five years. Try any type of product from the factory inspection qualified products, any makes a test of two (2) 2 sets of test product is unqualified, to that type of test. Otherwise have to analyze the reason, technical measures and even improving design, process, such as test again, until the type testing qualified.

Type test project:

A) all the factory inspection project.

B) the temperature rise test, temperature test;

C) shell and transparent impact test;

D) transparent heat test and cold test;

E) elastic sealing ring material aging test;

F) cable entry device clamp test;

G) explosion-proof casing pressure test;

H) explosion-proof enclosure internal testing not explosive lighting;

I) shell protective ability test;

J) operating performance test;

K) leakage circuit breaker rated residual operating current, rated residual operating current not the biggest breaking time test;

L) trip movement characteristic test;

M) rated short circuit breaking capacity test.





4.密封圈在使用过程中出现腐蚀、脆裂、变形、发粘或硬度变化超过出厂时的20%应及时向厂家进行选购并更换,      以确保防爆性能可靠;





Installation method

1. Install the check before use the product technical data and the use situation of the nameplate of match;

2. Installation and maintenance must be cut off before the level power supply;

3. The inlet and outlet cable through the rubber sealing ring, must use washer and gland nut pressure, ensure sealing and cable must not loose;

4. The sealing ring in use process, corrosion, deformation, sticky or hardness changes more than 20% of the factory is to be in a timely manner to the manufacturer and replacement of choose and buy, in order to ensure reliable explosion-proof performance;

5. Maintenance is disassembled note flame-proof surface may knock against, scratches, corrosion, rust-proof and regularly with 204-1;

6. Distribution box in use process, should be inspected regularly to ensure its good operation;

7. Inspection maintenance, non-professional personnel are strictly prohibited to open cover.

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