发布者:liukun2352  发布时间:2015-10-12 14:31:47


Since 1990, Seametrics has been providing high-value flow meters and controls. The guiding principles have been common sense, simplicity, economy and durability. We started with mechanical insertion meters that extended the bottom of the flow range and were easy to repair. Over the years our flow meter product family has expanded to include electronic turbine flow meters, inexpensive and highly accurate mechanical low-flow meters, and a variety of flow meter controls and displays. In recent years Seametrics has become a leading manufacturer of electromagnetic meters (mag meters) in a variety of designs suitable to a wide range of applications. These include insertion, spool, and low-flow chemical-resistant mag meters




Seametrics is committed to providing a broad range of flow metering products for the Industrial/Municipal and Irrigation industries in addition to a variety of OEM applications. 

We maintain an attitude of responsiveness to the many flow metering needs encompassed within these industries and are vigilant in our efforts at developing new flow meter products and enhancing our existing products to better serve our customers.







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