HPPA standard kits Part number: See below : 厦门纪扬4,181* * A stylus assembly is not included and must be ordered separately. In addition HPPA and HPMA R/E systems require the separate purchase of a cable. Part description Part number A-dimension B-dimensionMachine tool probes HPPA 6 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0181 250 219 A HPPA 8 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0182 286 249 B HPPA 10 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0183 335 298 HPPA 12 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0184 368 298 2 HPPA 15 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0185 400 343 8 HPPA 18 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0186 469 383 HPPA 24 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0187 555 458 7 HPPA 6 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0188 250 219 HPPA 8 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0189 286 249 HPPA 10 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0190 335 298 HPPA 12 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0191 368 298 HPPA 15 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0192 400 343 HPPA 18 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0193 469 383 HPPA 24 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2275-0194 555 4582-36 HPMA standard kits Part number: See below : 厦门纪扬4,718 Part description Part number A-dimension B-dimension HPMA 6 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0645 250 219 HPMA 8 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0646 286 249 HPMA 10 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0647 355 298 HPMA 12 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0648 368 298 HPMA 15 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0649 400 343 HPMA 18 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0650 469 383 HPMA 24 in R/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0651 555 458 HPMA 6 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0652 250 219 HPMA 8 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0653 286 249 HPMA 10 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0654 355 298 HPMA 12 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0655 368 298 HPMA 15 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0656 400 343 HPMA 18 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0657 469 383 HPMA 24 in S/E with RP3 kit A-2181-0658 555 458 Custom kits The HPPA and HPMA can also be designed for specific applications. The customer 3 must specify arm length, probe holder, stylus configuration, hub type etc. The items 9 below depict some of the options. Please contact Renishaw for pricing. 1 A-2176-0268 PCB/LED housing 5 1 2 A-2176-0018 90° holder fixed 4 6 3 A-2176-0257 I/L holder fixed 4 A-2048-0523 LP2 adaptor 5 A-2176-1291 I/L adj RP3 holder 6 A-2176-1290 30° adj RP3 holder 7 A-2176-0269 45° adj RP3 holder 8 A-2176-1289 60° adj RP3 holder 9 A-2176-1288 90° adj RP3 holder
HPPA/HPMA cablesThe HPPA and HPMA R/E systems require the use of one of the cables below:Part number: P-CA82-1010 (2 meters) : 厦门纪扬32Part number: P-CA82-1009 (5 meters) : 厦门纪扬52Part number: P-CA82-1011 (10 meters) : 厦门纪扬73HPRA/HPPA/HPMA stylus kits Stylus Machine tool probes assemblyThere are six primary configurations of styli to support HPPA and HPMA. Each isdesigned to be compatible with standard sizes of block tooling ranging from5/8 in to 2 in. Each stylus kit is supplied complete with:? 15×15×4 stylus assembly? Break stem? Stylus extension/adaptor? Screws and tool kitPart number: A-2197-0157 (16 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116 BreakPart number: A-2197-0158 (20 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116 stemPart number: A-2197-0159 (25 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116Part number: A-2197-0160 (32 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116 2-37Part number: A-2197-0161 (40 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116Part number: A-2197-0162 (50 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116HPRA/HPPA/HPMA M4 break stems : 厦门纪扬25 : 厦门纪扬25Part number: M-2197-0156 (16 mm and 20 mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬25Part number: M-2197-0150 (25 mm to 50 mm tooling) Part number: M-2048-2093 (Mori Seiki) Legacy HPA stylus kitsTS20 replacement stylus kitIncludes stylus 10×10×4, break protect link, adaptor and screw.Part number: A-2008-0601 (25?mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116Part number: A-2008-0602 (32?mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116Part number: A-2008-0603 (40?mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬116TS20 break protect link : 厦门纪扬25 : 厦门纪扬25Part number: M-2008-0333 (25?mm tooling) : 厦门纪扬25Part number: M-2008-0604 (32?mm tooling) Part number: M-2008-0605 (40?mm tooling)
RP1, RP2 and RP3 tool setting probes The RP1, RP2 and RP3 probes are suitable for OEM installation into purpose- built holders, or for use with Renishaw’s automatic or manual tool setting arms. RP1 – Tool setting/inspection probe and tool kit For use on OEM installation into purpose-built holders. Part number: A-2154-0007 : 厦门纪扬1,470Machine tool probes RP1 DD – RP1 double diaphragm version and tool kit For use on OEM installation into purpose-built holders. Part number: A-2154-0008 : 厦门纪扬1,4702-38 RP2 – Probe for tool setting arm (TSA) only Part number: A-2116-0149 : 厦门纪扬1,470 RP2DD – RP2 double diaphragm version for TSA only Part number: A-2116-0150 : 厦门纪扬1,470 RP3 – Probe for HPRA, HPPA and HPMA arms Part number: A-2197-0049 : 厦门纪扬1,470
InterfacesMI5 interfaceThe MI5 interface is required for use with Renishaw’s inductivetransmission probe systems. The MI5 converts probe signals into anacceptable form for the CNC machine control. This interface has solidstate relay outputs.Part number: A-2019-0006 : 厦门纪扬583MI5 board only (SSR)Part number: A-2084-0500 : 厦门纪扬498MI12 interface Machine tool probesThe MI12 interface is required for use with Renishaw optical probesusing Legacy transmission. The MI12 converts signals received fromthe OMM receiver into an acceptable form for the CNC machinecontrol. This interface has solid state relay outputs.Part number: A-2075-0142 : 厦门纪扬931 2-39MI12 board only (SSR)Part number: A-2075-0141 : 厦门纪扬798OSI interfaceThe OSI interface is required for use with Renishaw optical probesusing Modulated transmission. The OSI works exclusively with theOMM-2 receiver.Part number: A-5492-2000 : 厦门纪扬931HSI interfaceThe HSI interface is required for use with Renishaw’s MP250 andTS34 probes. The HSI converts signals received from the probe into anacceptable form for the CNC machine control. The HSI has solid staterelay output.Part number: A-5500-1000 : 厦门纪扬198NCi-5 interfaceAn NCi-5 interface is required for use with Renishaw non-contacttool setting systems. The interface converts probe signals into anacceptable form for the CNC machine control. This interface has solidstate relay outputs.Part number: A-5259-2000 : 厦门纪扬226
Комплект подкладок для юстировки эл. двигателя
Shim motor
Воздушный фильтр 1 ст SM3000-7000, TMX/Y/Z (старый код CST71001-02,9100203040)
Inlet Filter 1st
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