Brocade博科 SAN交换机保存及恢复配置命令
发布者:brocade  发布时间:2013-09-12 14:43:00
产品支持 万恒军  13910878669  QQ:39780601   国内统一服务电话:400 699 8828  官网:http://www.hengzhengtc.com.cn

Brocade博科 SAN交换机保存及恢复配置命令技术指导:
switch:admin> configupload
Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: jdoe
File Name [config.txt]: config.txt
Password: ********
configUpload complete: All config parameters except AD Headers,SFOS, and
Security parameters are uploaded from AD0


switch:admin> configdownload
Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: jdoe
File Name [config.txt]: config.txt
*** CAUTION ***
This command is used to download a backed-up configuration
for a specific switch. If using a file from a different
switch, this file's configuration settings will override
any current switch settings. Downloading a configuration
file, which was uploaded from a different type of switch,
may cause this switch to fail. A switch reboot might be
required for some parameter changes to take effect.
configDownload operation may take several minutes
to complete for large files.
Do you want to continue [y/n]: y
Password: ********
Activating configDownload without disabling switch:
configDownload complete: All config parameters except AD Headers,
SFOS and Security parameters are downloaded to AD0
To download a configuration file interactively, on a non-AD aware switch running Fabric OS v5.1.0:
switch:admin> configdownload
configDownload: This command may not be executed on an operational switch.
You must first disable the switch using the "switchDisable" command.
switch:admin> switchdisable
switch:admin> configdownload
Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: jdoe
File Name [config.txt]: config51x_onSW3900
*** CAUTION ***
This command is used to download a backed-up configuration
for a specific switch. If using a file from a different
switch, this file's configuration settings will override
any current switch settings. Downloading a configuration
file, which was uploaded from a different type of switch,
may cause this switch to fail. A switch reboot might be
required for some parameter changes to take effect.
Do you want to continue [y/n]: y
configDownload completed successfully. All parameters are downloaded.
switch:admin> switchenable



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