德国西门子授权上海一级代理ET 200模块
发布者:zhengyy999  发布时间:2018-07-19 09:48:02




I/O 模块



SIMATIC ET 200SP, 数字式输入端模块, DI 8x 24V DC High Feature, 适合用于 A0 类型的基座单元, 颜色代码 CC01, 通道诊断

SIMATIC ET 200SP, 数字式输入端模块, DI 8x 24VDC High Speed, 包装数量:1 件, 三个备择的操作模式: DI,过采样,4x计数器, 适合用于 A0 类型的基座单元, 颜色代码 CC01,

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 8x 24V DC Basic, type 2 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, P-reading), Packing unit: 1 piece, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC01, input delay time 0,05..20ms, module diagnostics for: supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 8x 24V DC Standard, type 3 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, P-reading), Packing unit: 1 piece, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC01, input delay time 0,05..20ms, module diagnostics for: short-circuit of sensor supply, wire break, supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 8x 24V DC Basic, type 2 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, P-reading), Packing unit: 10 pieces, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC01, input delay time 0,05..20ms, module diagnostics for: supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 8x 24V DC Standard, type 3 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, P-reading), Packing unit: 10 pieces, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC01, input delay time 0,05..20ms, module diagnostics for: short-circuit of sensor supply, wire break, supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 8x 24V DC SRC BA, type 1 (IEC 61131), source Input (NPN, M-reading) Packing unit: 1 piece, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC02, input delay time 0,05..20ms, module diagnostics for: supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 16x 24V DC Standard, type 3 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, P-reading), Packing unit: 1 Piece, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC00, input delay time 0,05..20ms, diagnostics wire break, diagnostics supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 16x 24V DC Standard, type 3 (IEC 61131), sink input, (PNP, P-reading), Packing unit: 10 Pieces, fits to BU-type A0, Colour Code CC00, input delay time 0,05..20ms, diagnostics wire break, diagnostics supply voltage

SIMATIC ET 200SP, Digital input module, DI 4x 120..230V AC Standard, type 3 (IEC 61131), Packing unit: 1 piece, fits to BU-type B1, Colour Code CC41, module diagnostics

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