PA12食品级【供应】食品级PA12 FDA NSF61 FDA
发布者:htsjyl99  发布时间:2018-08-01 11:22:47

PA12食品级【供应】食品级PA12 FDA NSF61 FDA

PA12食品级【供应】食品级PA12 FDA NSF61 FDA

PA12 瑞士EMS TR90LS,食品级,脱模性好,用途:包装,薄膜,电气电子应用,动力工具,个人护理,工程配件,工业领域应用,光学应用,家电部件,家用货品,镜架,镜头,连接器,气动应用,汽车领域的应用,汽车内部零件,手机,体育用品,眼镜,液压应用,医疗护理应用,医疗器械,医用包装,外观清晰透明,挤出成型,注射成型,NSF61,FDA,DVGW W270,USP,KTW Unspecified Rating,WRAS Unspecified Rating,外观清晰透明,挤出成型,注射成型,密度1.0,收缩率0.7-0.8%,吸水率1.5-3.0%, 热变形温度115-135℃,最高长期使用温度80-100℃,最高短期使用温度120℃,玻璃转化温度155℃,表面电阻率1.0E+12ohm,体积电阻率1.0E+13ohm.cm,漏电起痕指数600V


  The family of Grilamid PA12 FWA products offers plenty of new possibilities in the areas of food or potable water contact components.

Grilamid PA12 products have remarkable properties such as:

  • Very low water absorption, high dimensional stability
  • Excellent chemical and UV resistance
  • Strong hydrolysis resistance
  • High impact strength and high elongation when compared to other polymers with an identical stiffness
  • Very favorable molding conditions thanks to low tooling and material temperatures compared to most other engineering plastics


Grilamid FWA products are available in two distinct series, specific to maximum applicable temperatures in contact with potable water.


In water up to 60 °C In water up to 85 °C
Grilamid LV-30H FWA Grilamid LBV-30H FWA
Grilamid LV-50H FWA Grilamid LBV-50H FWA
Grilamid LV-65H FWA Grilamid LBV-65H FWA


Beside the above standard Grilamid FWA grades in natural and black, specific custom colors are possible, even for small delivery sizes.

 Grilamid FWA products are compliant or homologated with regard to the most important standards and regulations in Europe and North America, such as  WRAS, ACS, KTW, NSF and FDA. Detailed data on compliance and homologations is available on each specific datasheet, which can be downloaded from this site.

 For further details such as long term behavior in water according to ISO 9080 please contact your nearest EMS-GRIVORY sales office or representative.

Grilamid FWA products have been especially developed for the replacement of more costly metal and high performance polymers. Their favorable molding conditions make them particularly suitable for large and thick-walled as well as thin components difficult or impossible to mold with other polymers.    
Grilamid FWA products nicely complement the Grivory GV...FWA and Grivory HT…FWA product lines, also available from EMS-GRIVORY for potable water and food contact components.


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