1. 工卡或考勤记录 (过去十二个月),包括在职与离职人员。 如果是使用电子考勤,审核员可能需要从计算机直接审阅考勤记录,审阅是会在企业职员协助下进行。
Timecards or Attendance Records (Last 12 Months), including active employees and resignation employees. If electronics time card is used, the auditor may need to review the time record directly from the computer, with the assistance from the facility staff.
2. 工资表 (过去十二个月) ,包括在职与离职人员。如果工资是通过银行转账发放,请同时提供银行转账记录。
Payroll Records (Last 12 months) ), including active employees and resignation employees. If wage paid by Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer record is required accordingly.
3. 员工花名册及员工个人档案(含身份证复印件)
Employee Roster and Employee Personnel Records (including I.D. card copy)
4. 劳动合同
Labor Contract
5.请假记录,离职申请/ 审批记录
LeAVE Application Form, Resignation Application Form with Approval
6. 社会保险收据,参保人员花名册,当地参保要求文件或合格证明文件等
7. 工商营业执照
Business Registration
8. 建筑工程消防验收意见书或消防备案记录、 消防检查报告
Construction Project Fire Safety Acceptance Document/Record or Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
9. 消防演习记录、紧急疏散计划及工伤记录等
Fire Drill Record, Emergency Evacuation Plan, Work Accident Records and Work-related Injury Record
10. 特种设备注册登记证(表)及检验报告,如电梯、起重机械、场(厂)内专用机动车辆、锅炉及压力容器(含气瓶,压力表及安全阀)等(如有)
Special Appliance Registration Certificate and Inspection Report, such as Lift, Lifting Appliance, Inside Special motor vehicle, Boiler and Compressing Equipment (including Gas Cylinders, Gauge and Safety Valve) and etc., if any.