德国UTP A 68不锈钢焊丝厂家价格
发布者:hmhjht  发布时间:2019-12-20 20:14:21
规格 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4/1.6

UTP A 63 stainless steels
Classifications solid wire
EN ISO 14343-A AWS A5.9 Material-No.
G 18 8 Mn ER 307 (mod.) 1.4370
Characteristics and field of use
UTP A 63 is suitable for particularly crack resistant joining and surfacing of high-strength
ferritic and austenitic steels, hard manganese steels and cold-tough steels, as cushioning
layer under hard alloys, dissimilar metal joints.
The weld metal of UTP A 63 is scale resistant up to 850 °C, cold-tough to –110 °C.
Work hardening.
Hardness of the pure weld metal: approx. 200 HB
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Cr Ni Fe
0,08 0,8 6,5 19,5 9,0 balance
Mechanical properties of the weld metal
Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm Elongation A
MPa MPa %
> 370 > 600 > 30
Welding instruction
Clean weld area thoroughly. Thick walled, ferritic elements have to be preheated to
approx. 150 – 250 °C.
TüV (No. 04096), DB (No. 43.138.02)
bbbb of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Wire diameter (mm) Current type Shielding gas (EN ISO 14175)
0,8 DC (+) M 12
1,0 DC (+) M 12
1,2 DC (+) M 12
1,6 DC (+) M 12




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