选用首选德莎TESA51006 铝箔胶带 哑黑聚酰亚胺胶带
发布者:ccdz3288  发布时间:2019-03-25 17:52:45

 原装进口德国德莎51006 线束胶带 绝缘胶带 电工胶带



tesa 51006

PET cloth tape for abrasion protection

tesa 51006 is a PET cloth wire harness tape with a rubber based adhesive.

Major Features:

High temperature resistance 150°C / 3000h

Abrasion resistant

Strong adhesion

Color: Black

Main Application

tesa 51006 is designed for the engine compartment, providing abrasion



Technical Data

Backing material PET cloth

Total thickness 320 μm

Type of adhesive rubber based

Adhesion to steel 4.5 N/cm

Elongation at break 22 %

Tensile strength 175 N/cm

Temperature resistance min. -40 °C

Temperature resistance (3000h) 150 °C

Abrasion resistance (10mmmandrel)

Class C (acc. toLV312)

Abrasion resistance (5mmmandrel)

Class B (acc. toLV312)

Flame resistance as composite Class B (acc. toLV312)

Unwind force (roll width ≤ 9mm) 6 N/roll (30 m/min)

Unwind force (roll width > 9mm) 10 N/roll (30 m/min)

Noise damping (decibel) Class A (acc. toLV312)

Additional Information

Standard widths: 9, 19, 25, 32 mm

Standard lengths: 25 m

Most combinations of width and length are possible

Further dimensions are available upon request

Standard core diameter: 38 mm




A44 品牌:德莎TESA 型号:51006 规格:19mm*25m 颜色:黑色 基材:PET(聚酯)布基 厚度:0.32mm 胶系:橡胶基 单价:21
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