发布者:txj52888  发布时间:2022-05-12 09:22:34


Kongsberg Maritime is a world leader in marine technology. With an extensive portfolio of innovative and integrated products and solutions, Kongsberg Maritime delivers efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and environmental sustainability to enhance the business of its customers. Our approach to product design maximize performance by providing THE FULL PICTURE.

Power supply: 24 VDC (12 to 32 VDC
depending on load resistance) 
Output signal: 4 to 20 mA
Load resistance: 0 to 1020 ohm depending upon 
power supply 
Transmitter output 
current: 3.8 mA ≤ Iout ≤ 21.6 mA 
Output current with 
Transmitter fault: Iout ≤ 3.6 mA
Accuracy*): 0.5 % of FRO**
Temperature drift: 0.05 % of FRO /°C (0 to +60 °C)
temperature range: 0 to +60 °C
Long term drift: ≤ 0.3 % /year as % of nom. range 
Performance degradation 
during immunity test: ≤ 0.5 % of FRO
Operating ambient 
temperature: -25°C to +85 °C
Storage temperature: -45°C to +100 °C 
Weight: 0.3 kg 
Protection grade: IP56

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