发布者:lylqqzzc2020  发布时间:2022-05-14 16:46:18
Air filter element is a kind of filter, also known as air filter cartridge, air filter, style, etc. It is mainly used for air filtration in engineering locomotives, automobiles, agricultural locomotives, laboratories, sterile operating rooms and various precision operating rooms.

The engine should inhale a large amount of air during operation. If the air is not filtered out and the suspended dust in the air is sucked into the cylinder, it will accelerate the wear of the piston group and the cylinder. Large particles entering the piston and the cylinder will cause a serious "pull cylinder", which is particularly serious in dry and sandy working environments. The air filter is installed in front of the carburetor or intake pipe to filter out dust and sand in the air and ensure that sufficient and clean air is entered in the cylinder.
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