发布者:tjqizhongji  发布时间:2022-05-27 21:55:39


     Model CD1,MD1 Wirerope Electric Hoist is a small-sized lifting equipment,which can be mounted on singlebeam,bridge,gantry and arm cranes.With slight modification,it can also be used as a winch.It is widely used in factories,mines,harbours,warehouses,cargo storage areas and shops,es sential in raising working efficiency and improving working conditions.
     Model CDl Electric Hoist has only one normal speed,which can satisfy normal application.Model MD1 Electric Hoist provides two speeds:normal speed and low speed.At a low speed,it can do precise loading and unloading,mounding of sand box,maintenance of machine tools,etc.Thus,model MDI Electric Hoist is more widely than Model CD1.
To meet the needs of lifting heavier cargo,our factory also manufactures HC20t electric hoist.

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