发布者:zhuokai  发布时间:2022-09-29 15:57:12
联系人:张经理  联系电话:18859151762(微信同号)    QQ号:1994404299 

Mattson Technology 282-74000-01 Coaxial RF Match Network Cable New Surplus

Mattson Technology 299-13000-00 Relay PCB Board 299-13001-00 Used Working

Mattson Technology 301-02189-00 System LED Terminal Panel CVR New Surplus

Mattson Technology 301-06476-00 Left Insulator Flange Rework Rev. P2 New Surplus

Mattson Technology 301-08333-00 Cover Cap Reseller Lot of 7 Working Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-00756-00 Clamp Window Reseller Lot of 6 New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-02287-00 200mm Wafer Cassette Nest Reseller Lot of 22 New

Mattson Technology 303-04715-00 Quartz Guide Ring Support New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-04716-00 Quartz Guide Ring Clamp New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-05314-01 Shower Head AMAT Applied Materials New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-06606-00 Slit Door Reseller Lot of 4 Working Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-07752-00 Sealing Blade New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-07850-00 Excel 0502 Assembly Reseller Lot of 10 New Spare

Mattson Technology 303-08543-00 Stainless Steel Cylinder Assembly Rev. P2 New

Mattson Technology 303-09825-00 Robot Paddle Alignment Block Assembly New Spare

Mattson Technology 303-15312-00 200mm A3 Wide Cassette Platform New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-15665-00 A3 CVD Faceplate with Lip New Surplus

Mattson Technology 303-16347-00 A3 300mm Ground Shield New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-05343-00 Ceramic Pin Reseller Lot of 13 New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-06563-00 Quartz Upper Heater Shield New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-06565-00 Chamber Hood Liner New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-07849-00 A3 CVD Ceramic Pin Plate New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-15694-00-Z1 Quarts RF Break Angled Holes Lot of 7 New

Mattson Technology 304-16253-00 A3 Wafer Platen Quartz Ring Refurbished

Mattson Technology 304-16336-00 A3 Quartz Tube 304-16336-00-P1 New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-16542-00 200mm Wafer Platen Quartz Shield A3 New Surplus

Mattson Technology 304-17600-00 A3 Wafer Platen Hi-Temp Quartz Ring New Spare

Mattson Technology 304-17600-00 A3 Wafer Platen Hi-Temp Quartz Ring Rev. P1 New

Mattson Technology 304-21004-00 Insulator Wafer Platen 200/300 HL New Surplus

Mattson Technology 40-594-501 5" Ceramic Chamber Ring Working Surplus

Mattson Technology 40-594-601 Ceramic Chamber Ring Working Surplus

Mattson Technology 40-594-651 Ceramic Chamber Ring Working Surplus

Mattson Technology 40-594-851 8" Ceramic Chamber Ring Working Surplus

Mattson Technology 47800039 Graphite Box Lid Graphitbox deckel 2Z New Surplus

Mattson Technology 47800058 Graphite Ring 6Z GR Suseptor Ring New Surplus

Mattson Technology 47800174 150mm Calibration Wafer w/Thermocouple Lot of 3 New

Mattson Technology 518-01530-00 Display Upgrade Kit and PCB Card WDFPCARD New

Mattson Technology 528-00030-00 SD Chamber Weldment Reseller Lot of 2 New Spare

Mattson Technology 544-00023-00 Quartz Tube Cap New

Mattson Technology 560-12134-03 ADTEC RF Generator AC Cable 60 Foot Lot of 2 New

Mattson Technology 560-12135-03 RF Cable Coax 60 Foot ADTEC Plasma New Surplus

Mattson Technology 560-12135-04 RF Cable Coax 100 Foot ADTEC Plasma New Surplus

Mattson Technology 57000007 Quartz Panel Cover New Surplus

Mattson Technology Aspen II Implanter Pumping Channel Chamber Working Surplus

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