发布者:zhuokai  发布时间:2022-09-29 15:58:45
联系人:张经理  联系电话:18859151762(微信同号)    QQ号:1994404299 

Millipore FC-2900MEP Mass Flow Controller MFC 10 SLM H2 Tylan 2900M Refurbished

Millipore FC-2900V Mass Flow Controller Lam 797-90865-602 500 SCCM He Used

Millipore FC-2900V Mass Flow Controller MFC 1 SLM N2 GaSonics A-2000LL Working

Millipore FC-2902M Mass Flow Controller MFC Tylan 2900 150 SCCM Cl2 Refurbished

Millipore FC-2950MOEP5-4V Mass Flow Controller 500 SCCM SiH2Cl2 Tylan 2900

Millipore FC-2952MEP5-T Mass Flow Controller 10 SLPM He New

Millipore FC-2960MEP5 Mass Flow Controller Tylan 2960 5%B2H6/95%N2 Refurbished

Millipore FC-2979MEP5 Mass Flow Controller MFC Tylan 2979M TEL 015-010349-1 New

Millipore FC-2979MEP5-WM Mass Flow Controller MFC 100 SCCM He Tylan 2979M Series

Millipore FC-2979MEP5-WM MFC Surface Mounts Ar Lot of 6 Untested As-Is

Millipore FC-2979MEP5-WM MFC Surface Mounts C4F8 Lot of 6 Untested As-Is

Millipore FC-2979MEP5-WM MFC Surface Mounts CHF3 Lot of 5 Untested As-Is

Millipore FC-2979MEP5-WM MFC Surface Mounts N2 Lot of 6 Untested As-Is

Millipore FSCGD1000S00 Mass Flow Controller MFC IntelliFlow 3030-00842 New Spare

Millipore FSDGD1001700 Mass Flow Controller MFC IntelliFlow 3030-00838 New Spare

Millipore FSEGD100AM00 Mass Flow Controller MFC IntelliFlow 3030-00817 New Spare

Millipore INGEN1PUO Photoresist Dispense Pump IntelliGen Needs Hoses Used Spare

Millipore INGEN2PU0 Single Resist Pump Cart SH5M055R9 RTS5000 Sigmameltec Used

Millipore RGEN-01 Photoresist Pump RDS TEL Tokyo Electron 2911-000003R14 Surplus

Millipore Span Pressure Gauge 30-30psi -100-200 kPa

Millipore Span Pressure Gauge S122-30-30-PSI/KPA-VSF NEW IN BOX

Millipore SPT 205 3000 PSIG 0-5 V Transducer

Millipore SureView DR Display Module AMAT 0940-00021 Lot of 10 Used Working

Millipore Tylan FC-2979MEP5 Mass Flow Controller Assembly Lot of 8 Used Working

Millipore W2501CC01 Photoresist Pump Controller PHOTO-COOL Used Tested Working

Millipore W2501KP01 Teach Pendant Photo-250 Used Working

Millipore W2501PH01 Photoresist Pump Used Working

Millipore W2501PH02 Photoresist Pump Missing Parts Untested As-Is

Millipore W2501PH02 Photoresist Pump SVG 90S Used Working

Millipore WCDP025L1 Wafergard Photoresist Chemical Dispense Pump Lot of 4 Spare

Millipore WCDP025L1 Wafergard Photoresist Chemical Dispense Pump Working Spare

Millipore WGFV40P01 Wafergard PF-40 Filter New

Millipore YY50 32P S1 Inline Filter Wafergard PAL Reseller Lot of 7 New Surplus

Millipore YY55P8000 SST Filter Housing Wafergard PF-80 Lot of 2 New Surplus

Minarik 32-999-4604-009 Gearmotor 507-01-235 KLA-Tencor 720-22700-000 Working

Minarik 507-01-106 DC Gearmotor Bison 220C PU Reseller Lot of 2 Used Working

Minarik Automation XL3025A-Q-0583 DC Motor Speed Controller Lot of 2 Used

Minarik Automation XL3025A-Q-0942 DC Motor Speed Controller Lot of 2 Used

Minarik Corporation MM23001C Speed Control Drive

Minarik VT7 Multi-Function Digital Indicator 115Vac 50/60Hz 55mA

Minato Electronics 140UFS-HK Touch Data Controller Hitachi M-308ATE Used

MIN-E-CON MEC50-13-1265 Probe Tip Head Cable Veeco Instruments 465-000-002 New

Minimotor SA 3556 K BL1 Servo Motor 950658 Gear Head 38/1-246:1 New Surplus

Mitchell Instrument PLMITLTDL2 Infrared Range T-Meter

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