发布者:zhuokai  发布时间:2022-09-29 16:01:28
联系人:张经理  联系电话:18859151762(微信同号)    QQ号:1994404299 

MKS Instruments Conical Reducer Nipple Adapter ISO100 to NW50 25.125" Used

MKS Instruments Conical Reducer Nipple HPS DN150CF to 7.25" Grooved 8-Hole Used

MKS Instruments CT27A13TDC910 Digital Baratron CommunicaTorr Used Tested Working

MKS Instruments Cv Isolation Valve Set of 2 CVNL-K1-NCZZ-F12 CV25-K2K2-MKVV

MKS Instruments CV16-B4B4-NCV-VT12 Valve Novellus 19-051812-00 Lot of 3 New

MKS Instruments D28B11TCEE0B0 Baratron Dual Range Manometer Working Surplus

MKS Instruments DA02A-33534 e-Baratron Digital Manometer Working Surplus

MKS Instruments DMA-24921 i-Baratron Digital Manometer New Surplus

MKS Instruments E27D12TBC1B Baratron Etch Manometer 02208-11689 New Surplus

MKS Instruments Flexible Bellows Vacuum Hose NW40 8 Foot 2438mm Stainless Used

MKS Instruments Flexible Bellows Vacuum Hose NW40 8.5 Foot 2590mm Stainless Used

MKS Instruments High Vacuum Bellows Hose NW25 SMC Vacuum Switch ZSM1-115 Used

MKS Instruments High Vacuum Flex Bellows NW50 to NW50 ISO63 ISO-K 6-Hole Used

MKS Instruments HPS Products Centering Ring 100760706 NEW Lot of 4

MKS Instruments ISO100 ISO-K 3.5" Nipple Weldment 316 Stainless HPS Lot of 2 New

MKS Instruments ISO80-300-AB ISO80 Blank Novellus 60-00044-00 Lot of 7 HPS New

MKS Instruments KF50 Stainless Steel Vacuum Flex Bellows Pipe 100 1/2HPS Used

MKS Instruments LDM-14937 Local Pressure Display Module TORR New Surplus

MKS Instruments LM69 Spectra Vacuum Controller Working Surplus

MKS Instruments LPJ-32789 Ultra High Vacuum Isolation Angle Valve NW50 Working

MKS Instruments NW40 4.5" Three Way Vacuum Tee Reseller Lot of 6 HPS Edwards New

MKS Instruments NW50 3" Vacuum Bellows Stainless Steel Lot of 15 HPS Edwards New

MKS Instruments P8A007203C6T0AA Mass Flow Controller πMFC 2000 SCCM H2 Working

MKS Instruments S2H10769 Vacuum Throttle Valve Used Working

MKS Instruments SA86527-R Power Distribution 208 3 Ph IN / 120V Out

MKS Instruments Straight Nipple Fitting LF200 ISO-K NW200 Flange 2.9" Balzers

MKS Instruments Straight Nipple UHV High Vacuum ISO250 ISO-F 3" HPS MeiVac Used

MKS Instruments T3BIA-27247 Exhaust Throttle Valve NW50 ASM 50-125108A01 New

MKS Instruments T3BIA-28040 Exhaust Throttle Valve Controller Working Surplus

MKS Instruments T3BIA-28938 Exhaust Throttle Valve Controller Working Surplus

MKS Instruments T3BIB-32484 High Speed Exhaust Throttle Valve T3BI Refurbished

MKS Instruments Throttle Valve Controller Power Supply 651D-23564 AMAT Working

MKS Instruments Type 127 Baratron Pressure Transducer Lot of 2 Used Working

MKS Instruments UHV-25-AKC-ENVN Ultra High Vacuum Isolation Angle Valve Working

MKS Instruments Vacuum Bellows Reducer Stainless Steel ISO100 ISO-F to NW50 Used

MKS Instruments πMFC P8A Mass Flow Controller Reseller Lot of 3 Working Surplus

MKS LDM-A13TA4DD1 Local Display Module

MKS Microvision Plus Spectra Control Unit LM76

MKS Model P4B001502RAT0 Gas: He Range 500 sccm Mass Flow Controller

MKS MW-5502 MW-5502-11054 Match Network Controller

MKS P5A869503H6T021 Digital Mass Flow Controller MFC 5000 SCCM 20% O3/O2 New

MKS P5A869503H6T021 Mass Flow Controller MFC 5000 SCCM 20% O3/O2 New

MKS P6A013103R6T022 N2 1000SCCM Mass Flow Controller

MKS P99A12TFH62TAA Pressure Controller 54-106931A69 100 Torr N2 Used Working

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