广州大姆石英老虎控台 Quartz Tiger Console
发布者:haitao0016  发布时间:2022-10-06 09:34:39

石英老虎控台 Quartz Tiger Console

Quartz 是Titan家族最新的成员,紧凑的体积加上14.1寸高亮电
理想的选择。继承所有 Titan系统的优秀功能,Quartz能让你做
到真正的随时随地,随意编程。全面支持Titan V10多用户编程功
为备份。英特尔3855CPU 金士顿64GSSD 金士顿4G运行内存内
络可扩展至12个Universe DMX输出;支持Titan-net协议,可扩展到
64个Universe DMX输出,10个机械翻页重放推杆;20个自定义宏
功能按键,可扩展一个 Titan wing(重放辅台,20个重放推杆,30个自
接口,支持Art-net、Titan-net、Streaming CAN协议与其他TITAN
Quartz is the newest member of the Titan family, and with its compact
size and 14.1-inch highlighter capacitive touch screen, it is the smallest
full-featured console in the Titan family. The whole machine is 42.5cm
wide, and Quartz is an ideal choice for lighting programming, touring,
festival celebrations, bars and nightclubs. With all the great features of
Titan systems, Quartz allows you to really program anywhere, anytime, 
at will.Of course, Quartz is also an ideal backup console,which can backup
with Titan system console.Intel 3855CPU Kingston 64GSSD Kingston
4G running memory,Built-in 4 DMX outlets, 2048 channels;
Support art-net network output, which can be extended to 12 Universe
DMX output through the network;Titan-net support, can be extended to
64 Universe DMX output 10 mechanical page-turning replay putts;
20 custom macro function buttons,Extensible one Titan wing (replay
auxiliary, 20 replay putts,30 custom macros, usb-powered)
Headphone output support1 gigabit network interface, support art-net,
Titan-net, Streaming CAN protocol
Compatible with other TITAN system console performance files

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