1 002 939 Y1023452 electronic fuse monitoring ESÜ size 00 for MULTIVERT® 160 A
with cabling of instrument leads ( 525VAC) 1 piece 0 66 kg
MZ00ESM D228761 Electronic System Monitor ESM size 00
for MULTIVERT® 160 A with cabling of instrument leads 1 piece 0 35 kg
1 000 852 Q1002285 indicator for switch door position
micro switch, 1 change-over contact 5 A, 250 V 1 piece 90 g
1 002 939
1 000 852
Adapter für installation on to bus bars with clamp terminal
Design Application
1 001 289 C1023295
single adapter 100/185 mm
with increased touch protection
to obtain uniform profile in height
for combined installation with
MULTIVERT 250 A, 400 A, 630 A
160 A/100 mm
1 piece 0 56 kg
1 001 298 Y1023291
double adapter 100/185 mm
with increased touch protection
to obtain uniform profile in height
for combined installation with
MULTIVERT 250 A, 400 A, 630 A
160 A/100 mm
1 piece 0 8 kg
1 001 289 1 001 298
Adapter für installation on to bus bars with screw terminal
Design Application
MZ00DSA C217145
double adapter 100/185 mm
with increased touch protection
to obtain uniform profile in height
for combined installation with
MULTIVERT®/BSL 250 A, 400 A, 630 A
160 A/100 mm
1 piece 0 71 kg
MZ00ESA Q216628
single adapter 100/185 mm
with increased touch protection
to obtain uniform profile in height
for combined installation with
MULTIVERT®/BSL 250 A, 400 A, 630 A
160 A/100 mm
1 piece 0 51 kg
MZ00ESAECO D1023296
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