8487866 NUT Hex 1-14 8487866
179884 Bolt 1/2-13 179884
181435 BOLT Quadrant - 1/2-20 x 2 hex head 181435
5228013 ELEMENT Filter - Stainless steel mesh 5228013
40048963 GASKET Oil line mounting (Ex 8081594) 40048963
1936466 WASHER Spacer - Lever housing to armature 1936466
40039268 GASKET Elbow to accessory drive housing (Ex 8082965) 40039268
115X2559 Seal Ring / Pierścień uszczelniający 115X2559
271558 BOLT Hex head 5/8-11 x 1-1/2 271558
9415840 BOLT Hex head 3/8-16x 1-1/4 9415840
179887 BOLT Hex head 1/2-13 x 1-3/4 179887
272131 NUT Hex jam 7/16-20 272131
116436 CONNECTOR 1/4 tube x 1 4 MPT 116436
1894635 BUSHING Drive housing (Ex 1942257) 1894635
854005 SEAT Thumb screw 854005
1916272 SEAL Field frame - Lever housing 1916272
1945476 GASKET Stator housing to drive housing 1945476
8032721 NUT Hex lock 5/8-18 8032721
181433 BOLT Hex head 1/2-20 x 1-3/4 181433
103608 PIN Taper - No 4 x 2 in long 103608
8287827 BOLT Expansion joint and adapter mounting 8287827
181430 BOLT 1/2-20x 1-3/8 hex hd 181430
1851632 INSULATOR KIT Terminal end 1851632
1948536 SCREW Hex socket head 5/ 16-18 x 1-1/2 - Drive housing mounting 1948536
40039281 GASKET Fuel line to cover frame (Ex 8165276) 40039281
181361 BOLT Hex head 3/8-24 x 7/8 181361
9570732 GASKET Cover - Rubber (Ex 8029154) 9570732
40040022 GASKET Governor mounting 40040022
8289113 BOLT Ring mounting 8289113
271556 BOLT Hex head 5/8-11 x 1-1/4 271556
179824 BOLT Hex head 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 - Core to top tank 179824
8226964 BOLT ASM, Includes lockwasher - 3/8-16x 1-1/8 8226964
181436 BOLT Hex head 1/2-20 x 2-1/4 181436
181381 BOLT Hex head 3/8-24x 2-1/2 181381
120377 NUT Hex 3/8-16 120377
179890 BOLT Hex head 1/2-13 x2-1/4 179890
181407 BOLT Hex head 7/ 16-20x 2-1/4 181407
181374 BOLT Hex head 3/8-24 x 1-1/2 181374
181432 BOLT Hex head 1/2-20 x 1-5/8 181432
8140912 WASHER Hardened 3/4 8140912
181428 BOLT Hex head 1/2-20 x 1-1/8 181428
186309 BOLT , Tube to manifold 3/8-24x 3-1/4 186309
147115 SCREW Cap - No 10-24x 1-f /2 socket head 147115
9315446 SEAL O- ring - Drain valve rod 9315446
106750 KEY Woodruff 106750
115X2674 O-Ring 115X2674
181356 BOLT Hex head 3/8-24 x 5/8 181356
455014 BOLT Drilled hex head 1/2-20 x 1-1/2 455014
180128 BOLT Hex head 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 180128
180132 BOLT 3/8-16 x 2-1/4 hex head 180132
116104 WASHER Plain 7/16 - Copper 116104
116097 WASHER Flat 5/8 116097
1953237 WASHER Thrust - Commutator end 1953237
9418986 RING Snap - Terminal 9418986
N402AP45 Washer, Plain / Podkładka zwykła N402AP45
1978756 PLUG Oil reservoir 1978756
179885 BOLT Hex head 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 - Flange to aftercooler 179885
Module TFS1 TFS1
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