wmt2000 发布时间:2024-05-15 10:45:59
减速机\ZWED63-1505-0.37\i=1505\无逆止器\平行出轴\国产厂家,减速机\ZWED63-1505-0.37\i=1505\无逆止器\平行出轴\国产减速器价格,减速机\ZWED63-1505-0.37\i=1505\无逆止器\平行出轴\国产生产现货参数。 GRF77-Y0.37KW-4P-M1减速机摆线针齿高强度减速箱多级,GRF67-Y3KW-4P-M1减速机报价脱水机减速箱型号,GRX37-Y0.12KW-4P-M1减速机减速器含电机速比摆线针轮减速器价格,GK97-Y18.5KW-4P-M1减速机硬齿面重型托辊输送变速器低间隙
刘丽173一1751乛0794 上海唯玛特机械科技有限公司
减速机\ZWED63-1505-0.37\i=1505\无逆止器\平行出轴\国产XWD2/ XWD3/XWD4/XWD5/XWD6/XWD7 /XWD8 gearbox with ac motor
Cycloidal reducer adopts meshing cycloid pin gear, planetary transmission principle, so usually also called planetary cycloid reducer. Planetary cycloidal reducer can be widely used in petroleum, environmental protection, chemical, cement, transport, textile, pharmaceutical, food


, printing, lifting, mining, metallurgy, construction, power generation and other industries.
As a drive or reduction gear, the machine is divided into horizontal, vertical, biaxial and straight league assembly way,etc. Its unique stable structure can replace ordinary cylindrical gear reducer and worm gear reducer in many cases. Therefore, planetary cycloid gear reducer is widely used in various industries and fields, and is generally welcomed by the majority of users.
XWD/BWY cycloid reducer motor details:
B series:
BW basedoard horizontal installed double axes type
BL flange vertical installed double axes type
BWY basedoard horizontal installed motor direct-connection type
BLY flange vertical installed motor direct-connection type
X series:
XW basedoard horizontal installed double axes type
XL flange vertical installed double axes type
XWD basedoard horizontal installed motor direct-connection type
XLD flange vertical installed motor direct-connection type


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