发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-26 08:55:48



国外直接采购,原装行货,价格优惠,售后保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎电话查询!工业设备 ABB、西门子、施耐德140/TSX、AB等系统卡件、伺服控制器、电源模块、CPU模块、PLC系统控制器

工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


Ward Leonard C.07689-21 Operating Coil 240 Volts 561

Ward Leonard C.07449-41 Operating Coil 480 Volts C-7449

Ward Leonard C.07449-21 Operating Coil 240 Volts C-7449

Ward Leonard C.04849-41 Operating Coil 480 Volts C-4849

Ward Leonard C.04849-21 Operating Coil 240 Volts C-4849

Ward Leonard C.04256-41 Operating Coil 480 Volts C-4256

Ward Leonard C.04256-21 Operating Coil 240 Volts C-4256

Ward Leonard Bake-O-Lite Kit for #5DP5-20100

Ward Leonard Agui WCK-07.A-11 Magnetic Contactor Rated 60HP 460V W/120V Coil

Ward Leonard Agui #WRIK2-73 Overload Relay 56-90 Amps 600V or Less

Ward Leonard Agui #WRIK2-55 Overload Relay 43-65 Amps 600V or Less

Ward Leonard Agui #WRIK2-39 Overload Relay 30-48 Amps 600V or Less

Ward Leonard 640-1020-11 Time Relay .2 to 30 Seconds 120V

Ward Leonard 600-4111 Pneumatic Timing Module 10 to 150 Seconds

Ward Leonard 5ML-22 Operating Coil 240 Volts WL319-L2

Ward Leonard 5M57 Main Contact Kit 1-Pole for 5000 DP Contactors

Ward Leonard 5M45 Main Silver Contact Kit for Size 5 Series 5000 VGC!!!!!

Ward Leonard 5M45 Main Silver Contact Kit for Size 5 Series 5000

Ward Leonard 5M-064L Auxiliary Interlock N.C. 

Ward Leonard 5999-2371 Main Side Contact for 5000/5000DP 535 Amps

Ward Leonard 5011-3951-14 Starter Size 1 With 120V Coil

Ward Leonard 447-9910 Pneumatic Timing Module .2 to 30 Seconds

Ward Leonard47-0016 Mill Duty Relay

Walter Valenite P3400-6118262 3432 Carbide Inserts

Walker Wiremold V5785 Combination Connectors  in Bag

Walker Wiremold RFB-RB-SS Duplex Receptacle Shallow Bracket

Walker Wiremold 5051 Two sided receptacle outlets with Stainless Steel Box

Walker Wiremold 1124-1 Locking Nipple 1" I.P.S. by 1" Long

Walker RC3A20AGYCHI Assembly Unit 20 Amp Receptacle Gray Flange 

Walker RC3A20AGYCHI Assembly Unit 20 Amp Receptacle Gray Flange

Wachendorff WDG58A-500-ABN-I05-L3-040 Encoder  in original Factory Box

Vitector OPE-S1034 Commerical Photo Eye Set 3' Cables 

Vicor VI-J6L-IW Module Input 300VDC 135W Output 28VDC 100W or less

Vicor VI-J64-IW Module Input 300VDC 135W Output 48VDC 100W or less

Vicor VI-J63-IY Module Input 300VDC 75W Output 24VDC 50W or less

Vicor VI-J60-IZ Module Input 300VDC 35W Output 5VDC 25W

Vicor VI-BAMD-CM Module Input 135-354V 675W Output 250-400V 600W or less

Vicor VI-B61-IU Module Input 300VDC 250W Output 12VDC 200W or less

Vicor VI-B61-CU Module Input 300VDC 250W Output 12VDC 200W or less

Vicor V375C48T150AL Module Input 375VDC 171W Output 48VDC 150W or less

Vicor V375C28T150AL Module Input 375VDC 174W Output 28VDC 150W or less

Vicor V375A12T600AS2 Module Input 370V 700W Output 12V 300W

Vickers XG-067B-30 Reducing Valve 1,000 P.S.I.

Vickers PA5DG4S4LW 012A H60 S471 Directional Valve 24VDC VGC!!!

Vickers PA5DG4S4LW 012A H60 S471 Directional Valve 24VDC VGC!!

Versa Products M-430-ANN Subplate Assembly pimg

Versa #095052 Solenoid Valve P-1005-98-HC-3BC-120V6

Veris Industries PHX07S Pressure Transducer Alta Labs

Veeder-Root S628-11000 Digital Temperature Indicator

VaOpto VO-HB-50NW-Z High Bay 50 Watt LED Fixture 120-277V Neutral White

Valenite GNMM080308-ER 5515 Carbide Inserts EDP #22688

Uvex by Honeywell S2812 Skyper X2 Saftey Glasses Black Frame Espresso Lens!

Uvex by Honeywell S2812 Skyper X2 Saftey Glasses Black Frame Espresso Lens

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