发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-26 09:03:59



国外直接采购,原装行货,价格优惠,售后保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎电话查询!工业设备 ABB、西门子、施耐德140/TSX、AB等系统卡件、伺服控制器、电源模块、CPU模块、PLC系统控制器

工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


Siemens A1-106-100-505 Circuit Board PCB, Regulated Field, Supply, SIMO

Siemens A1-106-007-804 Simoreg Technology Option Board with Manual

Siemens A1-103-100-516 Circuit Board Assembly Mfg. Refurbished!!!

Siemens 8WA1011-0DG21, 10 Pole Terminal Block for 18-10 Awg Wire

Siemens 6SL3252-0BB00-0AA0 Sinamics Relay Brake Module 

Siemens 6SE6420-2UD21-1AA1 Speed Controller Drive Micromaster 420 VGC

Siemens 6SE6400-3CC00-6AD3 Micromaster 4 Sinamics AC Commutation Choke

Siemens 6SE2100-1CA00 Control Panel G85139-C2747-A005-B

Siemens 6GT2002-0JD00 Communication Module RF180C 6GT2002-OFD00 

Siemens 6GK1415-2AA01 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E 

Siemens 6ES7972-0BA20-0XA0 Busconnector

Siemens 6ES7221-1BH30-0XB0 Digital Input Module  in Factory Sealed Box

Siemens 6ES7193-4CF50-0AA0 Simatic Terminal Module

Siemens 6ES7-134-4FB01-0AB0 Analog Input Module  Sealed Box

Siemens 6ES7132-4BD00-0AA0 Digital Output Module

Siemens 6ES7 134-4FB01-0AA0 Analog Input Module  Sealed Box

Siemens 6ES7 132-4BB31-0AA0 Digital Putput Module  Factory Sealed Box

Siemens 6ES6440-2UD31-5DA1 Micromaster 440 Used Once in Very Good Condition!!!

Siemens 6ES5951-7LB14 Modular Power Supply

Siemens 6ES5605-0UB11 Simatic S5 605U Programming Unit VGC!!!

Siemens 6ES5460-4UA12 Input Module 

Siemens 6ES5 951-7LB14 Power Supply Module 115/230VAC / 24VDC VGC!

Siemens 6ES5 931-8MD11 Voltage Selector Module 115/230VAC/DC24V VGC!!

Siemens 6ES5 788-8MA11 Simulator Input/Output Module VGC!!!

Siemens 6ES5 705-0AF00 Interconnect Cable  in Sealed Box

Siemens 6ES5 521-8MA11 Printer Interface Module VGC!!!

Siemens 6ES5 490-7LB21 Connector with Screw Type Terminal

Siemens 6ES5 434-7LA11 Digital Input Module 8 X 24 VDC VGC!!!

Siemens 6ES5 431-8MA11 Digital Input Module 8X24VDC VGC!!!

Siemens 6ES5 420-8MA11 Digital Input Module 4X24VDC VGC!!!

Siemens 6ES5 102-8MA01 Module Simatic S5-100U CPU102 VGC!!!

Siemens 6AV6671-5AE11-0AX0 Simatic HMI Connectivity Box  In Sealed Box

Siemens 5SX23-C16 Circuit Breaker 3 Pole 16 Amp 480 Volts

Siemens 5SX23-C10 Circuit Breaker 3 Pole 10 Amp 440 Volts

Siemens 52PX8A1 Oil Tight Push Button Flush Black Cap 

Siemens 52PA8A2 Oil Tight Push Button Flush Red Cap 

Siemens 505-4908 Relay Output Module S/N 86NB0309240874 

Siemens 505-4516 Output Module S/N 86MQ9208110580 

Siemens 505-4516 Output Module S/N 86MQ9206180940 

Siemens 505-4216A Digital Input Module 110 Volts S# 86MH9510090602

Siemens 505-2590 Control Technology 901C-2590, 24-120 VAC  Sealed Box

Siemens 500-5606 Network Tap Housing Assy. 2702766-0001

Siemens 3VF1231-1DH11-0AB4 Motor Starter 3-Phase 600V Range 35-50A VGC!!!

Siemens 3UA7021-1F Overload Relay 3.2 to 5 Amps VGC!!!

Siemens 3UA5500-1G Overload Relay 5 - 6.3 Amps VGC!!!

Siemens 3UA5500-1E Overload Relay 2.5 - 5 Amps VGC!!!

Siemens 3UA5200-1K Overload Relay 8 - 12.5 Amps VGC!!!

Siemens 3UA5000-1C Overload Relay 1.6 - 2.5 Amps VGC!!!

Siemens 3TY7483-0AK6 Operating Coil 120V

Siemens 3TY7480-0A Three Original Main Contact Poles Size 3 3TY7 480-0A

Siemens 3TY6480-0A Three Pole Silver Contact Kit for 3TB48 Contactor

Siemens 3TY6440-0A Three Pole Silver Contact Kit

Siemens 3TY6440-0A Main Contactor Kit 3 Poles for Size 0 & 1

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