发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-26 09:34:56



国外直接采购,原装行货,价格优惠,售后保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎电话查询!工业设备 ABB、西门子、施耐德140/TSX、AB等系统卡件、伺服控制器、电源模块、CPU模块、PLC系统控制器

工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


Advance V-140-TP Ballasts for F40T12 Lamp 277-Volts 

Advance Controls FR692-D1 Switch 

Advance 72C7884-NP Can Ballast for 50W S68 High Pressure Sodium 120-277V

ADDI-DATA APC1-1500 PLC PCI-32 Digital Input/Output Module

ADA Switch ADA10-6A015-2 Cam Operated Switch 

Action G108-0001 DC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm 

Acromag 150T-J-I-20-C Transmitter

Acopian B5G210M Regulated Power Supply VGC!!!

Acopian 5E25D-D15E05 Miniature AC to DC Power Module VGC!!!

Acme TB-81142 Control Transformer 75VA Pri 120/240V Sec 24V 

Acme T-1A-3500112-3S Transformer 112.5 KVA Pri 480V Sec 480Y/277 3-Phase GC!!!

ABB Style #293B254A26 Auxiliary Relay Type SG, 115V

ABB MS116-2.5 Overload Relay 1.6 to 2.5 Amps MS116 VGC!!!

ABB KC31E Contactor 10 Amp 24VDC Coil VGC!!!

ABB EHW550 Size W6 Welding Isolation Contactor 3P 600A 600V Coil 120V EXCELLENT

ABB ECS4HB Solid State Control Trip Point 5-50A Time Delay

ABB DP40C4P-1 Definite Purpose Contactor 4 Pole 40 Ampa 120V Coil 

ABB Asea Brown Boveri EG1601CK Size 4 Silver Contact Kit 3 Complete Poles

ABB ACS600 AC Variable Frequency Drive ACS60100065000C1200000 Mfg Refurbished!!!

ABB A260-30 Contactor 3P 400A 120V Coil 100HP at 240V 200HP at 480V

ABB A210W-30 Welding Isolation Contactor 3P 300A 600V Coil 120V 

ABB A145W-20 Welding Contactor 2 Pole 250A Size 4 Coil 120V

ABB 7526A04G05 Type PPW Voltage Transformer 150VA 600/600Y To 120V 5:1

ABB 7524A98G05 Current Transformer 0.6KV NSV 10KV Bill Ratio 300:05 Amp RF=2.0

ABB 2TLA010028R2400 Safety Relay RT7A 115VAC  

ABB #UXAB727131R101 Circuit Breaker 3 Pole 15 Amp 480 Volts Type ES RT-926 VGC!!

ABB #593C420G01 Current Transformer Style LRA1843-000002 Ratio 800:5/ RCT-5

ABBSVR430183R0300 Relay CT-APS

A.S.T. Type KAB K1 Force Transducer Load Cell Very Good Condition!!!

3M W100 Tape Dispenser Water Activated Takes 3" Wide Tape Cuts up to 36" VGC!!!

3M W100 Tape Dispenser Water Activated Takes 3" Wide Tape Cuts up to 36" VGC!!

3M 5810-A-2/0, 200 Amp Industrial Loadbreak Elbow 

3M #78-R3 Reenterable Signal & Control Cable Splicing Kit

3M #5810-CB-2/0, 200 Amp Industrial Loadbreak Elbow With Connector 

3 Pack of Toshiba #TK-05 Toner Kits

3 General Electric CR123C630A Overload Heater Elements

(9) Square D GTK03 Equipment Grounding Bar Kit

(9) Phoebus 9004 Halogen Headlamps HB112V-65/45W 

(9) Ferraz Shawmut TR10R Fuses 10 Amp 250V Bussmann FRN-R-10

(9) Cards Panduit PESW-C-8 Vinyl Laser Beam ISO Warning Symbol Labels

(9) Buss FNM-6/10 Fuses 6/10 Amps 250V or Less

(9) American Fittings CG75B750 3/4" Straight Strain Relief Connectors .650-.750

(8) Shawmut Amp-Trap A60X10 Fuses 10 Amp 600 Volts

(8) Mean Well PS-25-5 Power Supplies Input 100-240 VAC Output 5V 5A

(8) Bussmann NON-15 Fuses 15 Amp 250 Volts Grainger 4XF90 

(8) Best 523874 Fuses 40 Amp 250 Volts Bussmann FRN-R-40

(8) Amp 213174-1 Recpt Body SZ 37-7 Power IV 60A for 4-7 Cond 600V Rated

(7) Hubbell #CS115 Commerical Switch 15A 120-277V Brown

(7) Gould Shawmut TRM1/2 Fuse 1/2 Amp 250V Buss FNM1/2

(7) Bussmann NON-7 Fuses 7 Amp 250 Volts Grainger 6F271 

(7) Allen Bradley 1492-N23 Heavy Duty End Anchor Terminals

(6) Telemecanique ZBE-102 Contact Block N.C.

(6) ILsco C12 Brass Fuse Clips for 1 to 30 Amp 600V or 31 to 60 Amp 250V

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