发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-27 09:02:46



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工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


Newport PM1A1848 Motorized Stage Linear Actuator

 Newport PM1A1846 Motorized Stage Linear Actuator

 Newport PM1A1844 Motorized Stage Linear Actuator

 Newport PM1A1767 Motorized Stage Linear Actuator

 Newport PM1A1766 Motorized Stage Linear Actuator

 Newport MPM40872 with Maxon DC motor 227958

 Newport M-460A XY-LH Linear Translation Stage 2-Axis with Micrometers

 Newport LP-05A Precision Lens Positioner with MEIJI 15393 SMPlan20X 0.40

 Newport CM-225 Pneumatic Isolator Set, Compact, Self-Leveling, Set of 4

 Newport 8000 Modular Controller with modules

 Newport 481-A Precision Rotation Stage with Micrometer

 Newport 460A XY-LH Linear Translation Stage 2-Axis with Micrometers

 Newport / NRC 850-1 Linear Actuator 1 Micron Travel 25mm Length 208mm

 National Instuments NI BNC-2121 Connector Block

 National Instruments PXI-8461 1-Port DeviceNet Interface for PXI

 National Instruments PXI-8330 / MXI-3 Multi-System Interface Module Card

 National Instruments PCI-GPIB 188513F-01L Card

 National Instruments PCI-GPIB 188513D-01L Card

 National Instruments PCI-GPIB 188513B-01 Card

 National Instruments PCI-GPIB 188513A-01 Card

 National Instruments NI SWB-2816B Matrix Module for SwitchBlock

 National Instruments NI SWB-2816A Matrix Module for SwitchBlock

 National Instruments NI SCXI-1325

 National Instruments NI SCXI-1162HV 32-ch Isolated High Voltage

 National Instruments NI PXIe-8388 PXI Remote Control Module

 National Instruments NI PXIe-5630 PXIe, 6 GHz PXI Vector Network Analyzer

 National Instruments NI PXIe-5622 150 MS/s, 16-Bit Oscilloscope/Digitizer

 National Instruments NI PXIe-5611

 National Instruments NI PXIe-5605 14 GHz RF Downconverter

 National Instruments NI PXIe-4610 Power Amplifier PXI Amplifier Module

 National Instruments NI PXI-8431/2, 2 Channel RS485 RS422 Module

 National Instruments NI PXI-8431 RS485/RS422 4-Port Board

 National Instruments NI PXI-8430/16 PXI Serial Interface Module

 National Instruments NI PXI-8421/4 4-Channel RS485 RS422

 National Instruments NI PXI-8420 Port RS-232 Serial

 National Instruments NI PXI-8361 1-Slot, PXI Remote Controller

 National Instruments NI PXI-8186 2.2 GHz Pentium 4 Embedded Controller

 National Instruments NI PXI-8183 850 MHz Celeron Embedded PXI Controller

 National Instruments NI PXI-6810 Serial Data Analyzer

 National Instruments NI PXI-6713 NI DAQ Card Analog Output

 National Instruments NI PXI-6608 High-Precision Counter/Timer with Digital

 National Instruments NI PXI-6534 Digital I/O Module

 National Instruments NI PXI-6254 NI DAQ Card, Analog Input, Multifunction

 National Instruments NI PXI-6221 NI DAQ Card, Analog Input, Multifunction

 National Instruments NI PXI-6025E Multifunction I/O Card

 National Instruments NI PXI-5900 2-Channel PXI Differential Amplifier

 National Instruments NI PXI-5671 2.7 GHz RF Vector Signal Generator

 National Instruments NI PXI-5621 64 MS/s Digitizer Module 14-Bit 64MB

 National Instruments NI PXI-5610 2.7 GHz Downconverter

 National Instruments NI PXI-5600 2.7GHz Down Convertor PXI Module

 National Instruments NI PXI-5421 100 MS/s, 16-Bit Arbitrary Waveform Gener

 National Instruments NI PXI-5404 100 MHz Frequency Source

 National Instruments NI PXI-5401 Arbitrary Function Generator

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