KNODLER 德国齿轮专* KNODLER 德国齿轮减速机生产厂家,自行设计生产,产品在各个工业领域广泛使用。
KNODLER标准齿轮,KNODLER轴安装齿轮,KNODLER锥形螺纹齿轮:KNODLER FZ-KS系列齿轮减速机 This range of ultra-modern gear types with torques ranging from 500 – 200,000 Nm and varied designs have stood the test very well in all industries. They meet the highest demands on bearing and gearing with housings machined all over and are used “with maximum driving efficiency” as a unit assembly system for standard applications with full and hollow shafts。
KNODLER塑料行业齿轮减速机,KNODLER用于挤出机的减速齿轮FZ-KS50,FZ-KS12000系列,KNODLER用于注塑机的减速齿轮 FZ121.3,FZ9001.3系列 The gear types with torques ranging from 500 – 200,000 Nm are used for plastification on extruders and injection moulding machines. The Knödler concept features variable connections and thrust bearings, a finely graduated gear reduction range and elegant solutions。
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