发布者:nemicon  发布时间:2021-12-24 16:51:53

Notice regarding the lead time and express fee

Dear Customers,


Due to global increasing demand of semiconductors, lead time of the parts for our products is getting longer. In order to allow enough time for our customers to place their orders in advance, we’d like to inform you that we will modify the standard lead time of Nemicon Online shop from current 2 months to 4 months.*

*For the products of Quick delivery types (7S, 38SG, 38HG series), the lead time would be from current 1 week to 2 weeks.

At the same time, considering there may be requests for very urgent delivery from customers, we will start an express delivery service with short lead time.

Because we need to get necessary parts with premium prices and arrange the manufacturing specially, we will charge an express fee to our customers and the amount depends on the requested lead time. Please refer to the details below.



(1) Possible delivery within 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks (1 week means 5 working day)

– Possible fast delivery depends on product family, parts inventory, order quantity, etc.

– We start to calculate lead time after Nemicon acknowledges an order to the customer.

– If we cannot realize fast delivery due to unexpected reasons, we will not ask for express fee to customers but no other compensation for it.


(2) Calculation method of express fees

– A basic charge of USD200 for each express order

– Additional unit price:

+50% for delivery within 1 week

+25% for delivery within 2 weeks

+15% for delivery within 4 weeks

+5% for delivery within 8 weeks

A calculation example of total order amount for 2ea 38S encoder (e.g. unit price = USD150) with fast delivery request of 1 week:

Normal lead time (4 months):  USD150 x 2ea = USD300

1 week lead time:  USD200 + USD150 x 150% x 2ea = USD650


(3) Steps for placing an order with request of express delivery

    1. Customers select “yes” for requesting the express delivery and the expected lead time when an order is placed.
    2. If the express delivery is possible, Nemicon will quote the express fee to the customer.
    3. After the customer confirmed, Nemicon will request the payment of the express fee to the customer by email.
    4. Customers pay the express fee within 5 days after receiving the email.


    Best regards,

    Nemicon Corporation




由于全球对半导体的需求不断增加,我们产品的零件交货时间越来越长。为了让我们的客户有足够的时间提前下订单,我们想通知您,我们将把 Nemicon 网上商店的标准交货时间从现在的 2 个月修改为4 个月。*

*对于快速交货类型(7S、38SG、38HG 系列)的产品,交货时间将从当前的 1 周到 2 周。





(1) 可能在 1 周、2 周、4 周和 8 周内交货(1 周是指 5 个工作日

– 可能的快速交货取决于产品系列、零件库存、订单数量等。

– 在 Nemicon 向客户确认订单后,我们开始计算交货时间。

– 如因不可预见的原因无法实现快速交货,我们不会向客户索要快递费,但不会对此进行其他补偿。



– 每个快递订单的基本费用为 200 美元

– 附加单价:

+50% 1 周内交货

2 周内交货 +25%

4 周内交货 +15%

+5% 8 周内交货

2ea 38S编码器总订单金额计算示例(例如单价= 150美元),要求1周快速交货:

正常交货期(4 个月):150 美元 x 2ea = 300 美元

1 周交货期:200 美元 + 150 美元 x 150% x 2ea = 650 美元


(3) 要求快递的下单步骤

    1. 客户在下订单时选择“是”请求快递和预计交货时间。
    2. 如果可以快递,Nemicon 将向客户报价快递费用。
    3. 客户确认后,Nemicon 将通过电子邮件向客户要求支付快递费用。
    4. 客户在收到邮件后5天内支付快递费。


    最 好的祝福,


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