品牌: Anritsu | 日本安立
联系人:姚小姐:电话13510169620 QQ:1946418560 廖先生13590256385 QQ:785298834
General | Frequency range |
100Hz to 8.5GHz | |
Maz.b level (continuous wave average power) |
+40dBm(10W) | ||
Reference oscillator | Frequency:10MHz Starting characteristics:≤5×0.00000001/day(option:≤2×0.00000001/day after30 min.warm-up) *After 10min.of warm-up,compared to the frequency after 24-hour warm-up Aging rate:≤2×0.00000001/day(option:≤5×0.000000001/year) *Compared to the frequency after 24-hour warm-up Temperature characteristics:5×0.00000001/day(option:3×0.00000001/day) *0to 50℃,relative to the frequency at 25℃ |
Spectrum anallyzer |
Frequency | Setting range:100Hz to 8.5GHz(resolution:1Hz),0to 2GHz(,1.7to7.5GHz(,6.5to 8.5GHz(
Preselector range:1.7to 8.5GHz (bands:1-/1+) Display accuracy:±(display freq.×reference freq.accuracy+span×span accuracy) Span Setting range:0Hz,100Hz to 8.5GHz Accuracy: ±2.5%(span≥1kHz),±5%(100Hz≤span<1kHz) RBW Setting range:10Hz to 3MHz(3dB),1-3serqence Accuracy:±20% Selectivity(60/3dB);≤15:1(100kHz to 3MHz),≤12:1(10Hz to 30kHz) VBW:1Hz to 3MHz,off,1-3 seqrence Signal purity(SSB,1MHz to 4GHz): ≤-100dBc/Hz(10kHz offset,≤-115dBc/Hz(50kHz offset),≤-120dBc/Hz(100kHzoffset) |
Spec- trum analyzer |
Ampl- itude |
Level | Level measuring range:Average:Average noiselevl to +40dBm Average noise level:≤-112dBm(10MHz to 8.5Ghz,RBW 10Hz,VBW 1Hz,b att.setting20dB) Residual reponse:≤-75dBm(1MHz to 8.5GHz,b att.setting 20dB) |
Reference level |
Setting range:-80to +40dBm Accuracy:±0.5dB(-30to +20dBm),±0.75dB(-40to -30dBm,+20to +40dBm),±1.5dB(-60to-40dBm) *After calibration and at freq.100Mhz,span≤2MHz,and in auto mode for batt ,RBW,VBW and sweep time settings RBW switching error(after calibration):±0.3dB(RBW:≤300kHz), |
Frequency reponse | ±0.5dB(100MHz to 2GHz,band:0),±1dB(1.7to8.5GHz,bands:1-/1+) | ||
Linearity( after calibration) |
LOG:±0.3dB(0to -20dB,RBW:≤100kHz),±1.5dB(0to-80dB,RBW≤10kHz) LIN:±5%(to reference level) |
Dynamic range |
2nd harmonics: ≤-70dBc(5to 800MHz,band:0,mixer b level:-30dBm) ≤-80dBc(800to 850MHz,band:0,mixer b level:-30dBm), ≤-90dBc(850MHz to 2.1GHz,bands:1-,mixer b level:-10dBm) Two-signal third-ouder intermodulation distortion:≤-70dBc(10to 50MHz),≤-85dBc(50MHzto 2.1GHz) *Frequency difference between two signals≥50kHz,mixer b level:-30dBm |
Sweep | Sweep time Setting range:20ms to 1000s(TRACE-FREQ,data points:NORMAL),50ms to 1000s at other conditions Accuracy:±10%(20ms to 200s),±15%(200 to 1000s) Sweep mode:CONTINUOUS,SINGLE Trigger:FREE RUN,TRIGGERED Trigger source:VIDEO,LINE,EXT(±10V),EXT(TTL) Gate mode(OFF,random sweep mode) GATE DELAY:0to 65.5ms(in 1μs steps,GATE END:INT) GATE END:INT/EXT |
Time domain waveb display |
Sweep fime:50,100to 900μs(data point:NORMAL,Onemost significant digit can be set.) 1ms to 1000s(data point:NORMAL,Two most significant digits can be set) 100,200to800μs(data point:DOUBLE,One most significant digit can be set aseven number.) 1ms to 1000s(data point:DOUBLE,Two most significant digits can be set aseven number.) Delay time Pre-trigger.-time span to 0s(in 1point steps) Post trgger:0to 65.5ms(in 1μssteps) Amplitude display resolution:50μsto 49ms,10bits*0.1%of full scale) 50ms to 1000s,14bits(0.01%of full scale) |
Detection mode |
Number of points |
NOUMAL:501 points,DOUBLE:1002points | ||
AM/FM demodu- lation |
Demodulated waveb display and monitoringdemodulated audio signal with internal speaker | ||
Auxiliary bs/ outputs |
IF output21.4MHz:-10dBm±2dB(at top of screen,with output terminated by 50Ωteminator),BNC connector? /> Youtput:0to 0.5V±0.1V(at range between top and bottom of screen,LOG:10dB/div,LIN:10%/div,100MHz and with output terminated by 75Ω terminator),BNC connector External trgger b Input1:max.±10V(in 0.1V steps, rising/falling edges selectable and pulse b≥10μs),BNC connector Input2:TTL level(rising/falling edges selectable and pulse b≥10μs, )BNC connector |
Power meter | Frequency range | 100kHz to 5.5GHz | |
Level range | -20to +20dBm | ||
Instrumentation accuracy |
±0.5% | ||
Zero set | ±0.5% of full scale at most sensitive range(100μW range) |
Zero shift between ranges |
±0.2% of full scale zero setting at mostsensitive range | ||
Calibration oscillator | Freq:50MHz,Output:1.00mW,Accuracy:±1.2% | ||
Applicable power sensor |
MA4601A | ||
Others | Display | 640×400dot,9-inch EL | |
Inputs/outputs on rear panel | Reference b:10MHz±10Hz,2to 5Vp-p, ≥50Ω,BNC connector Reference buffer output:10MHz,2to 3Vp-p(with the output terminated by 200Ω terminator),BNC connector Separate video output:Compatible with 8-pin DIN connector |
External memory | One slot for can be connected | ||
Save/recall | Internal memory(4sets of spectrum and Tx test conditions),can save/recall setting conditions at extemal memory(PMC) |
Direct plotting | Can hard-copy screen via GPIB2 | ||
External control | GPIB1 (IEEE488.2) |
As device controlled by host,all functions except power swetch Controls other instruments as controller using PTA SH1,AH1,T6,L4,SR1,RL1,PP0,DC1,DT1, C0(C1,C2,C3,and C24with PTA) |
GPIB2 (IEEE488.1) |
Controls other instruments as controller SH1,AH1,T6,L4,SR1,RL1,PP0,DC1,DT1 ,C1,C2,C3,C4,C28 |
I/O port | Output port A/B:8-bit(TTL level), Input/Output port C/C:4-bit(TTL level), EXclusive port:3-bit(TTL level) Control signal:4(TTL level),+5V output:Max.50mA |
RS-232C (Option 02) |
Controls other instruments as controller |
PTA | Language | PTL:High level languaeg interpreter based on BASIC |
Programming | Using external keyboard | ||
Program memory |
On PMC or FD Upload/download from/to PC |
Programming capacity | 900KB | ||
Operating temperature | 0°to 50℃ | ||
Power | 85to 132/170 to 250Vac,47.5 to 63Hz ,≤500VA |
Dimensions and mass | 426(W)×221.5(H)×451(D)mm,≤27kg | ||
EMC*1 | EN55011:1991,Group1,ClassA EN50082-1:1992 |
Safety | EN61010-1:1993(Installation CategoryII ,Pollution DegreeII) |