广州定制复合管桥梁防撞护栏 不锈钢河岸边护栏 环保工程栏杆
静电喷涂的仿塘瓷工艺处理的表面,使护栏产品具有良好的自洁性能,雨水冲刷和水枪喷洗即可光洁如新。7、下埋式的安装方式和地脚板式安装,即节省了您的建筑基础费用,又节省了土地资源。8、良好的耐候性、耐盐雾性及耐湿热性能,适合不同地域的使用。在公园河道安全建设过程中,河道护栏起到了分隔、导向的作用,提醒行人注意水域安全。虽然河道护栏不是构成公园景观的主要载体,但具有装饰与保障行人安全的意义,在公园河道设计中有着重要的存在意义。The surface treated by the imitation Tang porcelain process of electrostatic spraying makes the guardrail products have good self-cleaning perbance, which can be as clean as new after rain washing and water gun spraying. 7. The buried installation b and anchor plate installation not only save your building foundation cost, but also save land resources. 8. Good weather resistance, salt spray resistance and moisture and heat resistance, suitable for use in different regions. In the process of river safety construction in the park, the river guardrail plays a role of separation and guidance to remind pedestrians to pay attention to water safety. Although the river guardrail is not the main carrier of the park landscape, it has the significance of decoration and ensuring pedestrian safety, and has important significance in the park river design.
广州定制复合管桥梁防撞护栏 不锈钢河岸边护栏 环保工程栏杆