Agilent E4433B
250kHz to 4GHz ESG-D Series RF signal generator with digital (I/Q)Modulation
Useful for testing cellular and mobile bephones, pagers, and radios with
modern modulation technologies.
See also
For rack mount kit option 1CM see AT-5063-9214
For rack mount kit option 1CP see
See below for complete option debions and dependencies.
Option H99 is an attenuator and output board combination optimized for
ACP and out-of-channel measurements in CDMA, W-CDMA and
TETRA applications. (No longer available for upgrade).
Option UN5 provides cdmaOne (IS-95 CDMA) with preconfigured wavebs,
flexible channel editor, data rates and filtering. Requires option UND.
Option UN7 Bit Error Rate (BER) generator supports PN9, PN15 bit sequences
or PDC, PHS, & DECT handsets. Requires option UN8
Option UN8 I/Q baseband generator provides TDMA, NADC, GSM, TETRA, PHS,
PDC DECT, and custom modulation.
Options UN8 and H98 are not compatible.
Option UN9 adds 7M bits of RAM to option UN8.
Option UNA provides alternate timeslot power control requires UN8 and is not
compatible with UND.
Option UND provides CDMA capability (adds internal dual arbitrary waveb
Options 200,201,202 require option UN8 revision C
Option 300 requires option UN8 revision C or greater and option 202.
Option 300 includes the BER generator from option UN7.
Option 300B provides base station BER testing on GSM/EDGE cell sites.
It requires options 202 and UN8 revision C, and
Option 300B includes option UN7 and is incompatible with options 100,
101, H98, H99, UN5, UNB, and UND.
Options 404, 405, 406, and 410 require option UND.
ER defined bundles:
BSBER includes options
202 EDGE personality for Real-Time BB generator
300B Provides base station BER testing on GSM/EDGE cell sites.
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
P1 "CDMA Test Set" includes options:
100 Adds multi-channel W-CDMA personality
101 Adds multi-channel cdma2000 personality
H99 Improved adjacent channel power perbance
UN5 Adds multi-channel cdmaOne (IS-95 CDMA) personality
UN7 Adds internal bit-error-rate analyzer
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UND Adds internal dual arbitrary waveb generator
P2 is a bundle of options:
100 WCDMA personality for dual arbitrary generator
101 cdma2000 personality for dual arbitrary generator
1CM Rack mount w/o handles
1EM Moves all front panel connectors to rear panel
200 3GPP W-CDMA for Real-Time BB generator
201 cdma2000 personality for Real-Time BB generator
202 EDGE personality for Real-Time BB generator
UN5 cdmaOne personality for dual arbitrary generator
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UND Internal dual arbitrary waveb generator
P3 "GSM/EDGE Test Set" includes options:
1E5 Adds high-stability timebase
202 EDGE personality for Real-Time BB generator
300B Provides base station BER testing on GSM/EDGE cell sites.
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UN9 Adds 7Mbits of RAM to Option UN8
UNA Alternate timeslot power level control
P4 "3GPP W-CDMA Rear mount" includes options:
1CM Adds rack mount kit
1EM Moves all front panel connectors to rear panel
200 Adds real-time 3GPP W-CDMA personality
201 Adds real-time cdma2000 personality
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UN9 Adds 7Mbits of RAM to Option UN8
P5 "CDMA/EDGE" bundle includes:
1E5 Adds high-stability timebase
200 Adds real-time 3GPP W-CDMA personality
201 Adds real-time cdma2000 personality
202 EDGE personality for Real-Time BB generator
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UN9 Adds 7Mbits of RAM to Option UN8
UNA Alternate timeslot power level control
UND Adds internal dual arbitrary waveb generator
P6 is a bundle of:
1E5 Adds high-stability timebase
UN7 Internal Bit Error Rate analyzer
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UN9 Adds 7Mbits of RAM to Option UN8
UNA Alternate timeslot power level control
UND Adds internal dual arbitrary waveb generator
P7 is a bundle of:
1E5 Adds high-stability timebase
1EM Moves all front panel connectors to rear panel
UN5 cdmaOne personality for dual arbitrary generator
UN8 Internal real-time I/Q baseband generator(1 Msamples memory)
UND Adds internal dual arbitrary waveb generator
TEL1 is a bundle of:
1E5 High Stability Time Base
202 EDGE Personality for UN8
300 Base Station BER
UN7 Internal BER Generator
UN8 IQ Baseband Generator
UN9 Add 7MB RAM to UN8
UNA Alternate Timeslot Power
TEL2 is a bundle of:
1E5 High Stability Time Base
UN5 CDMA Personality
UN7 Internal BER Generator
UN8 IQ Baseband Generator
UNA Alternate Timeslot Power
UND Arbitrary Waveb Generator
TEL3 is a bundle of:
1E5 High Stability Time Base
200 3GPP W-CDMA for UN8
UN5 CDMA Personality
UN7 Internal BER Generator
UN8 IQ Baseband Generator
UNA Alternate Timeslot Power
UND Arbitrary Waveb Generator