上架日期:2012-02-16 14:18:20

    Agilent E4438C-506

    250kHz-6GHz ESG Vector Signal Generator

    Wide RF modulation bandb, fast sample rate, with digital I/Q modulation
    and deep memory for buation of 2.5G, 3G,
    and broadband wireless communications systems and components.

    Code compatible with AT-E443xB series generators.

    Output power up to +17dBm;
    RF modulation bandb up to 160MHz;
    Flexible FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM, custom I/Q, AM, FM, PM, and pulse;
    Step & list sweep frequency and power;
    Internal baseband generator (80MHz RF BW) with option 1,2, 601 or 602:
    Arbitrary I/Q waveb playback (up to 100MSa/s);
    Up to 64MSa playback memory and 1GSa storage;
    Real-time I/Q symbol generation (up to 50Msym/s);
    Digital I/O, fading, and PC HDD waveb streaming with Baseband Studio;

    Option UNB is standard on the 506 model only.
    Option UNJ price is included in the  AT-E4438C-506 base model list price.
    Option UNJ is a mandatory option on E4438C-506.
    Option UNJ includes high stability time base (option 1E5)

    Option 417 WLAN will test 802.11a/b/g only.

    For rack mount options:
    1CM see part number AT-5063-9214
    1CP see part number  AT-5063-9221
    1CN see part number AT-5063-9227

    Discontinued options:

    Options 1 and 2 have been replaced by options 601 and 602 respectively.
    Options 405, 410, 415, 417, N7617A have been replaced by option N7617B.
    Options 401,404,410, and N7601A1 have been replaced by AT-N7601B.
    Option 408 has been replaced by AT-N7621B with options 1TP and ETP.
    Options 411, N7612A have been replaced by AT-N7612B.
    Option 421 has been replaced by AT-N7621B with options 1TP and FTP.
    Option N7615A has been replaced by AT-N7615B.

    Option debion and requirements:

    Options 1, 2, 601, and 602 include dual arbitrary waveb generators
    This was option UND on the E443xB series generators

    Options 400-421 requires option either 1, 2, 601 or 602
    Option 409 requires baseband and option 5.
    Option 422 requires option 409.

    Signal studio options N76xxA require either 1, 2, 601 or 602.

    Option N7600A (N7600A-101/203) signal studio for 3GPP W-CDMA with HSxPA
    Option N7601A1 (N7601A-SW1) is Signal studion for 1xEVDO rev A.
    Option N7612A (N7612A-101) Enables signal studio for TD-SCDMA (LCR)
    wavebs by seamlessly integrating N7612A with N5110B
    Baseband Studio for waveb capture and playback.
    Requires AT-N5101A-Baseband Studio PCI card
    Requires AT-N5110B-193 Baseband Studio for waveb capture and
    Option H13 (N7613A-101) Enables signal studio for fixed WiMAX personality
    Option N7615A (N7615A-101) Enables signal studio for mobile WiMAX personality
    802.16E OFDMA standard, requires option 403 for calibrated AWGN
    Option N7623A (N7623A-101) Enables Signal Studio for DVB personality

    Signal studio options N76xxB require either 1, 2, 601 or 602.

    Option N7600B 3GPP W-CDMA FDD requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part number AT-N7600B/1TP and AT-N7600B/ETP
    Option N7601B 3GPP2 CDMA requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part numbers AT-N7601B/1TP and AT-N7601B/EFP
    Option N7601B 1xEV-DO requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part numbers AT-N7601B/1TP and AT-N7601B/FTP
    Option N7601B 1xEV-DO advanced requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part numbers AT-N7601B/1TP, AT-N7601B/FTP, and AT-N7601B/RTP
    Option N7602B GSM/EDGE requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part numbers AT-N7602B/1TP and AT-N7602B/ETP
    Option N7612B TD-SCDMA requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part numbers AT-N7612B/1TP and AT-N7612B/ETP
    Option N7612B TD-SCDMA advanced requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part number AT-N7612B/1TP, AT-N7612B/ETP and AT-N7612B/QTP
    Option N7615B 802.16 WiMAX requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part number AT-N7615B/1TP and AT-N7615B/ETP
    Option N7615B 802.16 WiMAX advanced requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part number AT-N7615B/1TP, AT-N7615B/ETP and QTP
    Option N7617B 802.11 WLAN requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part number AT-N7617B/1TP and AT-N7617B/FTP
    Option N7617B 802.11 WLAN advanced requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part numbers AT-N7617B/1TP, AT-N7617B/FTP and AT-N7617B/RTP
    Option N7617B 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN requires connectivity and basic options:
    See part number AT-N7617B/1TP and AT-N7617B/ETP
    Option N7617B 802.11a/b/g/j/p advanced requires connectivity and basic
    See part numbers AT-N7617B/1TP, AT-N7617B/ETP and AT-N7617B/QTP

    ER defined bundles:

    Option C1 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP WCDMA (FDD) personalities
    401 cdma2000 and IS-95-A personalities
    402 TDMA/GSM/EDGE/NADC test personality

    Option C3 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP WCDMA (FDD) personalities
    404 1XEV-DO signal studio software
    414 Signal studio for 1xEV-DV and cdma 2000

    Option C4 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP WCDMA (FDD) personalities
    401 cdma2000 and IS-95-A personalities
    N7601A1 1xEVDO rev A signal studio software (N7601A-SW1)

    Option C5 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    418 Signal studio for HSDPA over W-CDMA

    Option C6 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP WCDMA (FDD) personalities
    401 cdma2000 and IS-95-A personalities
    402 TDMA personalities (GSM, EDGE, NADC, PDC, PHS, DECT, TETRA)
    404 cdma2000 1xEV-DO signal studio software
    418 Signal studio for HSDPA over W-CDMA
    H13 Signal Studio for 802.16-2004 WiMAX

    Option C7 is a bundle of:
    401 cdma2000/IS-95A Personality
    403 Calibrated Noise Personality

    Option CD2K is a bundle of:
    401 IS-95A/CDMA2000 test personality
    404 cdma2000 1xEV-DO signal studio software

    Option HW1 is a bundle of:
    3 Enables ESG digital output connectivity with N5102A
    5 6GB Hard drive
    602 Baseband generator 64MSamples

    Option P1 is a bundle of:
    1 Internal baseband generator 8Msamples memory
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA test personality
    401 IS-95A/CDMA2000 test personality
    402 TDMA/GSM/EDGE/NADC test personality
    417 802.11x WLAN test personality

    Option P2 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP W-CDMA test personality
    401 IS-95A/CDMA2000 test personality
    402 TDMA/GSM/EDGE/NADC test personality
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    404 1xEV-DO signal studio software
    406 Bluetooth signal studio software
    417 802.11x WLAN test personality

    Option P3 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA test personality
    401 IS-95A/CDMA2000 test personality
    402 TDMA/GSM/EDGE/NADC test personality
    417 802.11x WLAN test personality
    602 Baseband generator 64MSamples

    Option P4 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP W-CDMA test personality
    402 TDMA/GSM/EDGE/NADC test personality
    417 802.11x WLAN test personality
    418 Signal studio for HSDPA over W-CDMA

    Option P5 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA test personality
    602 Baseband generator 64MSamples
    SP1 Provides jitter injection for signal studio software
    UN7 Internal Bit Error Rate analyzer

    Option P6 is a bundle of:
    2 Baseband generator 32MB
    5 6GB Hard drive
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    406 Bluetooth signal studio software
    417 802.11 WLAN
    420 Signal studio for pulse building

    Option P7 is a bundle of:
    2 Baseband generator 32MB
    5 6GB Hard drive
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    414 1xEV-DV software
    417 802.11 WLAN
    UN7 Internal BER analyzer

    Option P8 is a bunlde of:
    5 6GB Hard drive
    402 TDMA personalities (GSM, EDGE, NADC, PDC, PHS, DEC)
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    417 802.11 WLAN
    602 Internal baseband generator, 64Msa memory

    Option P9 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    402 TDMA personalities (GSM, EDGE, NADC, PDC, PHS, DEC)
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    602 Internal baseband generator, 64Msa memory

    Option P10 is a bundle of:
    3 Enables ESG digital output connectivity with N5102A
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    417 Signal studio for 802.11 WLAN

    Option SW1 is a bundle of:
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    417 802.11 WLAN signal studio
    H13 (N7613A-101) signal studio for fixed WiMAX personality

    Option SW2 is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    401 cdma2000 and IS-95-A personalities
    403 Calibrated noise personality
    408 Signal studio for enhanced multitone

    Option WCDMA is a bundle of:
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    418 Signal studio for HSDPA over W-CDMA

    Option WiMax is a bundle of:
    417 802.11 WLAN signal studio
    H13 (N7613A-101) signal studio for fixed WiMAX personality
    N7615A (N7615A-101) signal studio for mobile WiMAX personality

    Option WLAN is a bundle of:
    3 Digital output connectivity with N5102A
    4 Digital b connectivity with N5102A
    400 3GPP WCDMA (FDD) personalities
    417 Signal studio for 802.11 WLAN

    Option TEL1 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    602 Baseband Generator 64MSam
    N7600A Signal studio WCDMA w hsdpa
    N7600A2 N7600A-203 W-CDMA FDD

    Option TEL2 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    602 Baseband Generator 64MSam
    N7623B1 N7623B-1TP Connect to E4438C
    N7623BR N7623B-RTP Digital Video

    Option TEL4 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    602 Baseband Generator 64MSam
    N7615B1 N7615B-1TP Connect to E4438C
    N7615BE N7615B-ETP WiMAX
    N7615BQ N7615B-QTP WiMAX

    Option TEL5 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    401 cdma2000/IS-95A
    404 cdma2000 1xEV Software
    601 Baseband Generator 8MSample
    UN7 Internal BER Analyzer
    N7601B1 N7601B-1TP Connect to E4438C
    N7601BE N7601B-ETP C2K/EVDO
    N7601BF N7601B-FTP C2K/EVDO
    N7601BR N7601B-RTP C2K/EVDO

    Option TEL7 is a bundle of:
    3 N5102A Digital Output Con
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    602 Baseband Generator 64MSample
    N7600A Signal studio WCDMA w hsdpa
    N7600A2 N7600A-203 W-CDMA FDD

    Option TEL8 is a bundle of:
    5 6GB Hard Drive
    400 3GPP W-CDMA
    602 Baseband Generator 64MSample
    N7600A Signal studio WCDMA w hsdpa
    N7600A2 N7600A-203 W-CDMA FDD
    N7600B N7600B-FFP Basic W-CDMA/Hspa

    Option WMX2 is a bundle of:
    403 Calibrated Noise Personality
    409 GPS Personality
    N7615A WiMAX 802.16E standard signal studio
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