伦茨镇江E82ZWKN4 207金牌代理
伦茨镇江E82ZWKN4 207金牌代理
上架日期:2014-05-23 00:00:19





    – 用于高动态应用的伺服电机
    – 标准异步电机及常规用途电机,有许多选件
    – 在低速时还有非常平稳的运行特性的直流电机

    Frequency inverter
    Basic unit E82MV251_2B001 3780 E82MV371_2B001 4079
    standard I/O E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575
    application I/O E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287
    BUS I/O (*) E82ZMFBC001 1149 E82ZMFBC001 1149
    CAN (systembus) E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529
    CAN-I/O E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758
    CANopen E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758
    DeviceNet E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758
    Interbus E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057
    Profibus E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735
    Profibus-I/O E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700
    Lecom-B E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977
    AS-Interface E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471
    internal accessories
    Brake rectifier (*) E82ZMBR1 345 E82ZMBR1 345
    Mains bus connector E82ZWKN2 172 E82ZWKN2 172
    external accessories
    Mains choke (**) ELN1-0900H005 356 ELN1-0900H005 356
    ext. brake resistor (IP65) ERBS470R150W 2183 ERBS470R150W 2183
    Current limitation E82ZJ004 391 E82ZJ004 391
    Flat cable connection
    AS-I M16x1,5 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109
    Adapter plate 120*120*15 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368
    Handhelt with operation terminal E82ZBB 770
    Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC 1,586
    RS 232 Interface with manual terminal E82ZBL-C 1,367
    Handhelt with operation terminal E82ZBB 770
    Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC 1,586
    RS 232 Interface with manual terminal E82ZBL-C 1,367
    2.5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL025 241
    5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL050 276
    10m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL100 333
    Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB 7,354
    Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB 8,618
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 0,5 m EWL0048 414
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 5,0 m EWL0020 586
    Effective as
    Circuit-breaker / Potentiometer unit (IP65) E82ZBU 908
    Circuit-breaker unit E82ZBS020 448
    Potentiometer unit E82ZBR020 448
    2.5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL025 241
    5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL050 276
    10m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL100 333
    Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB 7,354
    Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB 8,618
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 0,5 m EWL0048 414
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 5,0 m EWL0020 586
    Frequency inverter
    Basic unit E82MV551_4B001 5355 E82MV751_4B001 6021 E82MV152_4B001 7205 E82MV222_4B001 7676
    standard I/O E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575
    application I/O E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287
    BUS I/O E82ZAFBC001 908 E82ZAFBC001 908 E82ZAFBC001 908 E82ZAFBC001 908
    CAN (systembus) E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529
    CAN-I/O E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758
    CANopen E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758
    DeviceNet E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758
    Interbus E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057
    Profibus E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735
    Profibus-I/O E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700
    Lecom-B E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977
    AS-Interface E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471
    internal accessories
    Brake switch (Half wave) E82ZWBRE 460 E82ZWBRE 460 E82ZWBRE 460 E82ZWBRE 460
    Brake switch (Full wave) E82ZWBRB 460 E82ZWBRB 460 E82ZWBRB 460 E82ZWBRB 460
    wiring terminals
    Mains bus connector E82ZWKN4 207 E82ZWKN4 207 E82ZWKN4 207 E82ZWKN4 207
    System terminal E82ZWKS 61 E82ZWKS 61 E82ZWKS 61 E82ZWKS 61
    external accessories
    Mains choke (**) EZN3A1500H003 483 EZN3A1500H003 483
    ext. brake resistor (IP65) ERBS470R150W 2183 ERBS470R150W 2183 ERBS240R300W 2298 ERBS240R300W 2298
    Current limitation EZN3A0150H024 1689 EZN3A0150H024 1689 EZN3A0150H024 1689 EZN3A0150H024 1689
    Flat cable connection
    AS-I M16x1,5 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109
    Adapter plate 85*85*15 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299
    Adapter plate 120*120*15 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368
    ECSEM004C4B 6,664 ECSEM008C4B 7,584 ECSEM016C4B 10,456 ECSEM032C4B 14,593
    push through variant ECSDM004C4B 6,492 ECSDM008C4B 7,411 ECSDM016C4B 10,284 ECSDM032C4B 14,420
    ECSCM004C4B 6,492 ECSCM008C4B 7,411 ECSCM016C4B 10,284 ECSCM032C4B 14,420
    ECSEM048C4B 16,431 ECSEM064C4B 18,270
    push through variant ECSDM048C4B 16,259 ECSDM064C4B 18,097
    ECSCM048C4B 16,259 ECSCM064C4B 18,097

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