本溪伦茨ECSDS064C4B 18,097白菜价
本溪伦茨ECSDS064C4B 18,097白菜价
上架日期:2014-06-03 22:44:17



    变频器用于机器驱动的电子速度控制。其市场需求广,种类多样,从简单的速度控制,到对驱动器性能有高要求的复杂应用,我们都能为您提供同类系列的标准产品。我们的驱动运行可靠,应用灵活,易于调试,符合高标准的质量要求。我们能提供功率范围在0.25 至 400 kW 之间的,满足任何需求的驱动解决方案。

    新一代Lenze变频器 - L-force变频驱动器上市!

    E82MV302_4B001 9468 E82MV402_4B001 10939 E82MV552_4B001 12410 E82MV752_4B001 14754
    standard I/O E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575 E82ZAFSC001 575
    application I/O E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287 E82ZAFAC001 1287
    BUS I/O E82ZAFBC201 908 E82ZAFBC201 908 E82ZAFBC201 908 E82ZAFBC201 908
    CAN (systembus) E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529
    CAN-I/O E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758 E82ZAFCC201 758
    CANopen E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758
    DeviceNet E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758
    Interbus E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057
    Profibus E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735
    Profibus-I/O E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700
    Lecom-B E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977
    AS-Interface E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471 E82ZAFFC001 1471
    internal accessories
    Brake switch (Half wave) E82ZWBRE 460 E82ZWBRE 460 E82ZWBRE 460 E82ZWBRE 460
    Brake switch (Full wave) E82ZWBRB 460 E82ZWBRB 460 E82ZWBRB 460 E82ZWBRB 460
    external accessories
    Fan module (IP54) E82ZMV 1436 E82ZMV 1436 E82ZMV 1436 E82ZMV 1436
    ext. brake resistor (IP65) ERBS180R350W 2356 ERBS100R625W 2758 ERBS100R625W 2758 ERBS082R780W 2873
    Flat cable connection
    AS-I M16x1,5 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109
    Adapter plate 140*125*15 EJ0050 747 EJ0050 747 EJ0050 747 EJ0050 747
    Handhelt with operation terminal E82ZBB 770
    Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC 1,586
    RS 232 Interface with manual terminal E82ZBL-C 1,367
    Circuit-breaker / Potentiometer unit (IP65) E82ZBU 908
    Circuit-breaker unit E82ZBS020 448
    Potentiometer unit E82ZBR020 448
    2.5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL025 241
    5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL050 276
    10m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL100 333
    Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB 7,354
    Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB 8,618
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 0,5 m EWL0048 414
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 5,0 m EWL0020 586
    CAN (systembus) * E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529 - - - -
    CANopen * E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758 - - - -
    DeviceNet * E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758 - - - -
    Interbus * E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057 - - - -
    Profibus * E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735 - - - -
    Profibus-I/O * E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700 - - - -
    Lecom-B * E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977 - - - -
    internal accessories
    Fixing function modules E71ZJ001 276 E71ZJ001 276 - - - -
    external accessories
    Circuit-breaker unit E82ZBS020 448 E82ZBS020 448 E82ZBS020 448 E82ZBS020 448
    Flat cable connection
    AS-I M16x1,5 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109
    Adapter plate 85*85*15 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299
    Adapter plate 120*120*15 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368
    Handhelt with operation terminal E82ZBB 770
    Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC 1,586
    RS 232 Interface with manual terminal E82ZBL-C 1,367
    2.5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL025 241
    5m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL050 276
    10m cable of manual terminal or handhelt, assembly kit, Assemly kit for cabinet E82ZWL100 333
    Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB 7,354
    Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB 8,618
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 0,5 m EWL0048 414
    System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 5,0 m EWL0020 586
    Effective as
    CAN (systembus) * E82ZAFCC001 529 E82ZAFCC001 529 - - - -
    CANopen * E82ZAFUC001 1758 E82ZAFUC001 1758 - - - -
    DeviceNet * E82ZAFVC001 1758 E82ZAFVC001 1758 - - - -
    Interbus * E82ZAFIC001 2057 E82ZAFIC001 2057 - - - -
    Profibus * E82ZAFPC001 1735 E82ZAFPC001 1735 - - - -
    Profibus-I/O * E82ZAFPC201 2700 E82ZAFPC201 2700 - - - -
    Lecom-B * E82ZAFLC001 977 E82ZAFLC001 977 - - - -
    internal accessories
    Fixing function modules E71ZJ001 276 E71ZJ001 276 - - - -
    external accessories
    Circuit-breaker unit E82ZBS020 448 E82ZBS020 448 E82ZBS020 448 E82ZBS020 448
    Flat cable connection
    AS-I M16x1,5 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109 E82ZMFF 109
    Adapter plate 85*85*15 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299 EJ0047 299
    Adapter plate 120*120*15 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368 EJ0048 368
    EMB9351-E 1,930 EMB9352-E 1,781
    cold plate EMB9351-C 1,930 EMB9352-C 1,781
    Assembly kit for
    Push-through-technique EJ0040 195 EJ0040 195
    ELN3-0088H035 1873 ELN3-0038H085 3665
    ELN3-0075H045 2160 ELN3-0027H105 4297
    ELN3-0055H055 3321 ELN3-0022H130 6159
    ELN3-0038H085 3665 ELN3-0017H170 6458
    Mains filter B
    EZN3B0110H030U 6940 EZN3B0037H090 13524
    EZN3B0080H042 7549 EZN3B0030H110 16971
    EZN3B0055H060 11870 EZN3B0022H150 18603
    EZN3B0037H090 13524
    Effective as
    ECSEA004C4B 8,491 ECSEA008C4B 9,411 ECSEA016C4B 12,283 ECSEA032C4B 16,420
    push through variant ECSDA004C4B 8,319 ECSDA008C4B 9,238 ECSDA016C4B 12,111 ECSDA032C4B 16,247
    ECSCA004C4B 8,319 ECSCA008C4B 9,238 ECSCA016C4B 12,111 ECSCA032C4B 16,247
    ECS_A048C4B ECS_A064C4B
    48,0 A 64,0 A
    Type Price Type Price
    CN¥ CN¥
    Assemly kit for cabinet ECSEA048C4B 18,258 ECSEA064C4B 20,097
    push through variant ECSDA048C4B 18,086 ECSDA064C4B 19,924
    ECSCA048C4B 18,086 ECSCA064C4B 19,924
    ECS_x0xxC4I: IT- variante, 60 Euro surcharge
    ECS_S004C4B ECS_S008C4B ECS_S016C4B ECS_S032C4B
    4,0 A 8,0 A 16,0 A 32,0 A
    Type Price Type Price Type Price Type Price
    CN¥ CN¥ CN¥ CN¥
    ECS-Speed & Torque
    Assemly kit for cabinet ECSES004C4B 6,664 ECSES008C4B 7,584 ECSES016C4B 10,456 ECSES032C4B 14,593
    ECS-Speed & Torque
    push through variant ECSDS004C4B 6,492 ECSDS008C4B 7,411 ECSDS016C4B 10,284 ECSDS032C4B 14,420
    ECS-Speed & Torque
    ECSCS004C4B 6,492 ECSCS008C4B 7,411 ECSCS016C4B 10,284 ECSCS032C4B 14,420
    ECS_S048C4B ECS_S064C4B
    48,0 A 64,0 A
    Type Price Type Price
    CN¥ CN¥
    ECS-Speed & Torque
    Assemly kit for cabinet ECSES048C4B 16,431 ECSES064C4B 18,270
    ECS-Speed & Torque
    push through variant ECSDS048C4B 16,259 ECSDS064C4B 18,097
    ECS-Speed & Torque
    ECSCS048C4B 16,259 ECSCS064C4B 18,097

    ECSEP004C4B 6,664 ECSEP008C4B 7,584 ECSEP016C4B 10,456 ECSEP032C4B 14,593
    ECS-Posi & Shaft
    push through variant ECSDP004C4B 6,492 ECSDP008C4B 7,411 ECSDP016C4B 10,284 ECSDP032C4B 14,420
    ECS-Posi & Shaft
    ECSCP004C4B 6,492 ECSCP008C4B 7,411 ECSCP016C4B 10,284 ECSCP032C4B 14,420
    ECSEP048C4B 16,431 ECSEP064C4B 18,270
    ECS-Posi & Shaft
    push through variant ECSDP048C4B 16,259 ECSDP064C4B 18,097
    ECS-Posi & Shaft
    ECSCP048C4B 16,259 ECSCP064C4B 18,097


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