上架日期:2014-07-09 14:34:57


     现货 TRICONEX 3511 Foxboro 控制处理器 CP40B  卡件 劲爆价

    【来电咨询】:谢先生(销售工程师)++工作QQ :1323360927++ 电话:0592-6895323   18030245308++邮箱:1323360927@qq.com++传真:0592-56034581(请备注“谢先生”收)以便我及时联系您!


     HP/Agilent 85990A Multicarrier Signal Generator, 5 to 1100MHz, 75 ohm 

    Tektronix ADA400A, ADA-400A Tektronix ADA400A Differential Preamplifier 

    Boonton 952011 Kit Probe Kit 

    HP/Agilent 54001A Probe 1 GHz For 54100 Series 

    HP/Agilent 10430A 500MHz Probe 

    HP/Agilent 10434A 10:1, 1m Miniature Passive Probe 

    HP/Agilent 1144A 800MHZ Active Probe 

    HP/Agilent 1152A 2.5ghz,0.6pF Active Probe 

    HP/Agilent 11807A -100 HP 8920A/21A RF Communications System Support Test Software 

    HP/Agilent 11807B-044 HP 8921A/D RF Communications System Northern P Series Cell Site Test Software Option 044 Rev. B.01.20 

    HP/Agilent 11807B-H04 HP 8921A/D RF Communications System Northern Telecom DRU/TRU Test Software Option H04 Rev B.01.05 

    HP/Agilent 16089B Kelvin Clip Leads 

    HP/Agilent 41941A Impedance Probe Kit 

    HP/Agilent 44492A Reed Relay Multiplexer Assembly b Characteristics: 

    HP/Agilent 5060-3351 Option 760 PCA Relay for the 66100 series modules 

    HP/Agilent 54007A RF & Lightwave Accessory Kit 

    HP/Agilent 54701A 2.5-Ghz, 0.6-pF Active Probe 

    HP/Agilent 66001A Modular Power System Keyboard 

    HP/Agilent 81000VA Optical Interface ST Connector 

    HP/Agilent 85036B 75ohm type N Calibration Kit 

    HP/Agilent 85131D Semi-Rigid Cable Set, 3.5 mm to 3.5 mm 

    HP/Agilent 85620A Mass Memory Module 

    HP/Agilent 85702A 128K BYTE RAM Card 

    HP/Agilent 85902A Burst Carrier Trigger 

    HP/Agilent E4444A Benchb Spectrum Analyzer software version A.01.06 for Windows 95, 98, & NT 

    Tektronix 012-1221-00 2 Meter Cable For Sampling Heads 

    Tektronix 1101 Probe Power Supply 

    Tektronix 1101A Probe Power Supply 

    Tektronix 1102 Probe Power Supply 

    Tektronix K420 Tektronix K420 Oscilloscope Cart 

    Tektronix P6139A Tektronix P6139A 501 MHz, 10X Probe Accessories/Probes 

    Tektronix P6243 Tektronix P6243 Probe 

    Tektronix P6245 Tektronix P6245 1.5Ghz FET Probe 

    Wavetek 15271 Power Detector, 1MHz-26.5GHz 

    Wiltron 34RKNF50 Precision Ruggedized K (m) to N (f) Adapter, 20 GHz 

    WILTRON 560-97N50 VSWR AutoTester 

    Racal Instruments 11-1572 SENSING HEAD 

    HP/Agilent 85723A DECT Measurement personality card 

    General Microwave N436A 18GHz Peak Power Sensor sold only with GM 478A Meter 

    Anritsu MA2481A Universal Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm, -60 to +20dBm 

    HP/Agilent 11612A Bias Network, 45 MHz to 26.5 GHz 

    HP/Agilent 16442A Test Fixture for use and sold only with the 4155 or 4156. 

    HP/Agilent 16014A Series Loss Test Adapter for the 4342A Q Meter 

    HP/Agilent 16048C Test Fixture with Alligator Clips 

    HP/Agilent 41800A Active Probe, 5Hz to 500MHz 

    HP/Agilent 11590A Bias Network, 1 to 12.4 GHz 

    HP/Agilent 16475A Inductor 

    HP/Agilent 346A 18GHz Noise Source with Type N 

    Rohde & Schwarz NRT-Z3, NRTZ3 RS232 Interface Adapter 

    HP/Agilent 54650A HP-IB Interface Module
    HP/Agilent E1779A Snap On Battery Pack 

    HP/Agilent 81000AF Optical Interface Connector 

    HP/Agilent A2636-6103 e1497/98A Video cable 

    HP/Agilent E1497-61601 e1497/98A SCSI cable 

    HP/Agilent 85901A AC Battery / Power Supply for HP Portable Spectrum Analyzers 

    Consultronics CSI12815-5 Attenuator control cable 11713A 

    HP/Agilent 346A-04 18GHz Noise Source with APC-7 

    Tektronix P6209 Tektronix P6209 Active Probe 4 GHz 

    Tektronix 012-1220-00 1 METER CABLE FOR SAMPLING HEADS 

    HP/Agilent 54006A 6GHz Passive Divider Probe 

    HP/Agilent E1454A Pattern I/O Pod 

    HP/Agilent 85727A GSM Multi-Band Measurement Personality 

    HP/Agilent 85718B NADC-TDMA Measurement Personality 

    HP/Agilent 85710A Digital Radio Personality Module 

    HP/Agilent E5901B Emulation Run Control Module 

    HP/Agilent E5900B/E3453B/E3497B Emulation Probe 

    Anritsu MA4601A Power Sensor, 100 kHz to 5.5GHz, -30 to 20dBm, N (m) 

    HP/Agilent 83440C 1300/1550 nM, DC-20GHz Lightwave Detector 

    Tektronix ORR24 Tektronix ORR24 Optical Test (General) 

    HP/Agilent 43961A RF Impedance Test Set 

    Agilent 85133F(85133-60016)(85133-60017) Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 mm(F) to (m), DC-50GHz 

    HP/Agilent 11693A Limiter 0.1-12.4 GHz 

    Wiltron-Anritsu 560-97NF50 SWR AutoTester, 10MHz to 18GHz 

    Wiltron Anritsu 34NFNF50 Type N Adapter, N Female to N Female, DC-18GHz, 50 Ohm 

    Wiltron Anritsu 34NN50A Precision Adapter, N(m)-N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ohm 

    Wiltron Anritsu 22N50 Open/Short, DC to 18 GHz, N(m), 50 Ohm 
    Wiltron Anritsu 26N50 50 Ohm Termination, N Female 

    Tektronix 015-0310-01 Comparator Head for Tektronix CG551AP and CG5001 series calibrators 

    Anritsu 3670N50-2 Semi-Rigid Cable, Type N(f) - N(m), 2 foot 

    Anritsu 3653 Type N Calibration 

    NoiseCom NC346B, HP 346B Noise Source, .01 to 18GHz 
    HP/Agilent 11807B -044-B.01.08 HP 8921A/D RF Communications System Northern P Series Cell Site Test Software Option 044 Rev. B.01.08 

    HP/Agilent 11807B -120 AMPS Call Analysis, Logging, and Monitoring software personality module (Rev.B.00.01) for HP 8921A/D RF Communications System 

    HP/Agilent 11807B -040 p-n 11807-10012 Motorola AMPS/NAMPS Cell Site Test Software personality module (Rev A.02.01) for HP 8921A/D RF Communications System 

    HP/Agilent 11807B -040 p-n 11807-10012 p/n 11807-10012 Motorola AMPS/NAMPS Cell Site Test Software personality module (Rev B.01.01) for HP 8921A/D RF Communications System 

    HP/Agilent 83205A TDMA Cellular Adapter 

    Tektronix P3420 (sold only with DG2020x) Variable-Level Pod with 12 Output Channels 
    HP/Agilent 85054B Type N Calibration Kit 

    HP/Agilent 11807E -14 PCMCIA Radio Test Software for 8920B, Option 14 - AMPS/NAMPS/DAMPS/DCCH Dual-Mode TDMA Cellular Phones 

    Anritsu 36582KKF Autocal Module, 40 MHz to 40 GHz, K Connector 

    Tektronix P6249 Active Probe, DC to 4 GHz 

    Tektronix P7240 Tektronix P7240 4.0GHZ Active FET Probe 

    HP/Agilent E1498-65501 E1498-65501 32MB Memory Kit for E1498A 

    HP/Agilent 8120-2703 equivalent Viking Cable for HP 11713A, attenuators, switches, etc. 

    Tektronix P5205 Hi Voltage Differential Probe 100Mz 

    HP/Agilent E5381A Differential Flying Leads with 90-pin Cable Connector 

    HP/Agilent E5405A Agilent E5405A - Logic Analyzer Probe Login Analyzer Probe for 90-pin Cable. 17 channels, differential or single-ended clock and data. 

    HP/Agilent E5380A Mictor Probe-Single-ended, with 90-pin Cable Connectors 

    HP/Agilent 54657A GPIB Measurement Storage Module 

    Fluke 5700A Cable Interconnect cable for Fluke 5700A, 5720A, 5725A. Fluke part number 859897
    Anritsu MA2481B -01 Universal Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm, -60 to +20dBm 

    ETS-Emco 7405 Probe set with amplifier 

    HP/Agilent 83440C-012 1300/1550 nM, DC-20GHz Lightwave Detector 

    HP/Agilent 54001A Probe 1 GHz FOR 54100 Series 

    HP/Agilent 1152A 2.5ghz,0.6pF Active Probe 

    HP/Agilent 85024A High-Frequency Probe 

    HP/Agilent 16093A Binding Post Test Fixture 

    HP/Agilent 16099A Test Fixture Adapter, for use w/ HP / 16092A and HP / 16093A/B 

    Anritsu MA2424B Thermal Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 40GHz 

    HP/Agilent N1020A Time Domain Probe Kit 

    Tektronix P6418 Logic Analyzer Probe 

    HP/Agilent 41941B Impedance Probe Kit 

    Lecroy HFP3500 3.5 GHz Active Voltage Probe Oscilloscopes 

    HP/Agilent 11940A Close-Field Probe, 30MHz to 1GHz 

    HP/Agilent 1142A Probe Control and Power Module 

    HP/Agilent 1141A 200 MHz Differential Probe 

    Tektronix P6247 Differential Probe, DC-1GHz 

    HP/Agilent 54121-68701 RF Accessories Kit 

    HP/Agilent E5385A 34-CH Single-ended samtec connector probe 

    HP/Agilent 1156A Active Probe, 1.5 GHz 

    FuturePlus Systems FS2009 PCI-X 266 2.0 Bus Analysis Probe 

    FuturePlus Systems FS4400 PCI Express Analysis Probe 
    Inter-Continental Microwave TRL-301B, TRL301B Calibration kit 

    HP/Agilent 1153A 200 MHz Differential Probe, 

    Spirent ACC-6002A MM-Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) Multi-mode 

    Spirent ACC-6003 SM-Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) single-mode 

    Tektronix P6150 Passive Probe, DC to 9 GHz, Low Impedance 

    Inter-Continental Microwave TRL-301B, TRL301B Calibration kit 

    HP/Agilent 85671A Phase Noise Measurements Utility RF Measurement 

    HP/Agilent 11570A 50 Ohm Accessory Kit 

    HP/Agilent 1159A 1GHz Differential Probe for the HP 54846A 

    HP/Agilent 16518-68701 Master Expansion Accessory Kit Kit consists of 16517-82104 16517-82105 16517-82106 16517-82107 16517-82108 16517-61601 16517-61604 16517-63201 16517-68701 

    Lecroy TF-USB USB Test Fixture for USB 2.0 testing 

    HP/Agilent 85132E 7 to 3.5 mm flexible test port cable 

    Fluke 2280B-3063 RTD/Ohms Scanner Assy 

    HP/Agilent 11730A 5Ft. Power Meter Cable 

    Keithley 7024-3 TRIAX CABLE, 2 LUG BNC BOTH ENDS 

    HP/Agilent 11854A 50-ohm BNC Accessory Kit 

    Tektronix P6022 AC Oscilloscope Current Probe 

    HP/Agilent 85027D Directional Bridge, 0.01 to 50 GHz 

    HP/Agilent 86200B RF Scalar Detector, 50 ohms, 10MHz to 1300MHz. Used with 8711x series network analyzers. 

    HP-Agient 16092A 16092A Spring Clip Fixture is designed for impedance buation of both lead and SMD. 

    HP/Agilent 04291-60144 (4291A-B Opt. 14) High Temperature, Low Impedance Test Head for 4291A/B 

    Agilent E9288A Power Meter Cable, 5 ft, (1.5m) 

    Anritsu 3671V50-1 Test Port Cable Set to 65 GHz Anritsu 3671V50-1 Test Port Cable Set (2 cables) to 65 GHz, V (f-m) Connectors, 25 inches 

    HP/Agilent 16095A Probe Test Fixture HP/Agilent 16095A Probe Test Fixture for 4192A, 4285A etc. 

    HP/Agilent 16047B Test Fixture Test Fixture, High Voltage, Remote Cabled, (Like 16065A) 

    HP/Agilent 16023B Bias Controller Bias Controller 

    Boonton 95600005A Power Sensor Cable 5ft. 
    Tektronix P6015A Tektronix P6015A High voltage probe
    HP/Agilent 85131-60012 3.5mm Flexible Test Port Cable 
    HP/Agilent 85032-60011 Type N 50 Ohm Male Combination Open/Short 

    Anritsu SM-PL-1 Precision Load, DC to 6 GHz, 42 dB, N(m), 50 Ohm 
    Anritsu SM-PLNF Precision Load, DC to 4 GHz, 42 dB, N(m), 50 Ohm 

    HP/Agilent 85131-60013 3.5mm Flexible Test Port Cable 
    Tektronix TCP202 Current Probe, DC Coupled 

    Agilent 1169A 12GHz Infinimax Probe System 

    HP/Agilent N1022A Probe Adapter 

    HP/Agilent 16093B RF Binding Post Test Fixture for HP 419X series. 

    Tektronix P6248 Differential Probe, DC-1.5 GHz 

    Anritsu MA2444A High Accuracy Power Sensor for ML2430 Series. 10 MHz to 40 GHz, -67 to +20 dBm, 

    HP/Agilent 85131-60026 - 85131FC04 Flexible Test Port Cable, 3.5mm F-F, 38 inches (Longer version of 85131-60013) 
    HP/Agilent 16034B Test Fixture w/ Tweezers 

    HP/Agilent 1155A Low Mass Active Probe 2-Channel, 750 MHz 

    HP/Agilent 16197A Bottom Electrode SMD Test Fixture 

    HP/Agilent 16081A BNC Test Lead adapter for 4277A, 4278A, 4279A, 4280A 
    HP/Agilent 1158A Active Probe, 4GHz 

    HP/Agilent 10483A 3-State 3.3V Data Pod 

    Tektronix P7260 Tektronix P7260 6 GHZ Active FET Probe 

    HP/Agilent 85712D (For Rent Only) EMC Auto Measurement Personality 
    Tektronix P6860 34 Channel High-Density Probe 

    HP/Agilent 16453A Dielectric Material Test Fixture 

    HP/Agilent 83440D 1300/1550 nM, DC-32GHz Lightwave Detector 

    Tektronnix 178 Linear IC Test Fixture for the 577 Curve Tracer 

    HP/Agilent 85062B 3.5mm Electronic Calibration Kit 

    HP/Agilent 85070E Upgrade Dielectric Probe Kit 

    Fluke 80T-150U Universal Temperature Probe 

    Tektronix P7313 12.5 GHz, Z-Active Differential Probe 

    HP/Agilent U2000A-100 USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz - 18 GHz 

    HP/Agilent 11970V Waveguide Harmonic Mixer, 50 GHz to 75 GHz 

    HP/Agilent V281A Coaxial Waveguide Adapter, 1.85 mm (f), 50 to 67 GHz 

    Tektronix P6980 Differential Data Logic Analyzer Probe, 34-Channel 

    HP/Agilent U2002A-100 USB Power Sensor, 50 MHz - 24GHz with N1918A-100  Power Analyzer w/PC License ($2,583) 

    HP/Agilent U2004A-100 USB Power Sensor, 9kHz to 6 GHz with option 100 (N1918A-100  Power Analyzer w/PC License, +$2,583) 

    HP/Agilent U2001A-100 USB Power Sensor, 10MHz to 6 GHz with option 100 (N1918A-100  Power Analyzer w/PC License, +$2,583) 

    Tektronix P6864 17 Channel High-Density Probe 

    Agilent E9288C Power Meter Cable, 10M (31 Ft) 

    HP/Agilent 85132-60004 Connector Assembly - 3.5mm (F) to 7mm 

    Anritsu 3671V50-3 Anritsu 3671V50-1 Test Port Cable Set (2 cables) to 65 GHz, V (f-m) Connectors, 25 inches 

    HP/Agilent E5900B/E3452B Emulation Probe 

    HP/Agilent E5900B/E3454B Emulation Probe 

    HP/Agilent E5900B/E3463B Emulation Probe 

    Tektronix P7513 Trimode differential probe to 13 GHz 

    HP/Agilent 70800B MSIB Interface Cable Set for 70004A, 70001A, 70843A/B/C, 71612A/B/C 

    HP/Agilent 85054B Type N Calibration Kit

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