上架日期:2016-05-12 10:17:31
                                    生物识别终结数字密码 芯片厂商紧随其后
    据Investors网站报导,高通副总TimMc Donough指出,其SenseID超音波3D指纹判读技术,可钜细靡遗确认指纹细节与皮肤毛细孔,并将指纹加密储存在Snapdragon处理器内,该技术也可让智能型手机透过保护玻璃、蓝宝石玻璃或其他材料扫描指纹,提高厂商设计时的弹性。
      分析师指出,目前业界正积极改善辨识指纹、脸部、眼睛及打字与书写等行为特征技术,科学家Nikhil Behari便利用感测器与微处理器侦测按键压力及辨识用户独特打字习惯,富士通则推出可辨识手指血管的Palm SecureI DMatch。
      另外,芯片厂商也开始与其他厂商合作,结合彼此技术推出差异化产品。据Cypress Semiconductor执行长T.J.Rodgers表示,指纹辨识市场进入门槛相当高,其中原因与须拥有相当高技术智能财产权及能提供完整解决方案有关。因此,Cypress便与挪威IdexASA合作推出True Touch Fingerprint Reader。除此之外,恩智浦则与Next Biometrics合作,针对智能型手机推出可随时处理感测的App,并改善智能卡片生物识别技术。
      Smart Metric则将无线射频技术应用于身分证,推出全功能指纹生物识别器。另外,Synaptics也推出只须单点触控便可进行辨识的NaturalID,目前已获三星电子GalaxyS5采用,Synaptics也打算将眼球扫描技术与指纹感测技术引进汽车及游戏市场。
      Synaptics、Cypress、高通、微软、恩智浦、Google与PayPal都是FastIdentity Online(FIDO)联盟,旗下会员NokNokLabs辨识技术也被MedImpact Healthcare Systems医疗体系采用。


    4" SS Aperture High Vacuum Flexible Coupler Bellows Pip


    SS High Vacuum Flexible Coupler Bellows Pipeline 10" Lo


    4" SS High Vacuum Flexible Coupler Bellows Pipeline 10"


    2 Each SMC Dual Rod Pneumatic Cylinder CXSL20-Z2853-30.




    5 each Statham Accelerometer +/- 5G, 5V Max. A69TC-5-


    5 ea. Bendix Amphenol MIL SPEC GOLD Pin Connector 10-2


    Statham 12G and 5G A5A-12-18 模块


    2 Each Edwards Datametrics Pressure Transducers 590A &


    Stainless Steel Turbine Flowmeter 6.25" Long 2" Apertur


    3 Each SMC Stopper Cylinders RSDQB32-15DK


    Rubicon Instruments Honeywell 200 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Honeywell Rubicon Instruments 20 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Honeywell Rubicon Instruments 1 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Honeywell Rubicon Instruments 10 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Rubicon Instruments Honeywell 50 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Honeywell Rubicon Instruments 100 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Rubicon Instruments Honeywell 20 Ohm Resistor Standard


    Genuine Signode ST Strapping & Banding Tensioner 3/8 to


    4" High Vacuum Flexible Coupler Pipeline 7" Long ISO


    4" High Vacuum Flexible Coupler Bellows Pipeline 7" Lon


    Numatics 226-749B Solenoid Valve 24 VDC & Manifold


    HP 98630A Bread Board Interface Card 200 / 300 Series


    EF Johnson RS-5300 Radio Control Head w/ Cable and Mic


    GE Ericsson TQ3310 Programing Interface Box 19D43867G1


    18 Each Grayhill 70-0DC5 60VDC 3.5A Relay Modules


    2 Each ITT Aerospace Controls Neo-Dyn Pressure Assembly


    4 - Cylinders VWR Scientific Micropipets -


    Lot 4, Cylinders VWR Scientific Micropipets


    2 -DRC M21AAF0DB2E Encoder w/ Roller Assembly


    Parker 4602 Metric Ball Bearing Positioner


    Parker Metric Ball Bearing Positioner 4602


    Stainless Steel High Vacumm Flexible Thick Wall Bellows


    Dynaquip Controls 145750.01电磁阀


    TSI 9155 Photodiode Power Supply


    AEMC Megohmmeter Model 1000


    Viatran Pressure Transducer 0-10 PSIG 15 PSIG Max 3185A


    2 each PMI Motion GM15009062-1 Disk Motors w/ Encoders


    霍尼韦尔Honeywel l P455A-1006 模块


    Honeywell Pressuretrol   EN60947-5-1  P455A-1006 UNUSED


    Festo DSRL-25-180-P-FW Semi-Rotary Drive 30656 - NICE


    Festo DSRL-25-180-P-FW 模块


    Starrett Machinist Stainless Steel Radius Gauge Set S16


    Starrett S167C Machinist Stainless Steel Radius Gauge S


    Allied Controls WJSW-6D-2.8MADC Hermetically Sealed Lon


    Fenwal Detect-A-Fire 27020-0 模块!!


    10 Each Stainless Steel EN60947-5-1  Pulley Wheels - 2.55in Diameter


    34 Each Allen Tel ATRA8M Serial Adaptor DB-25 (M) to RJ


    Electro-Craft Reliance E586 Servo Motor w/ Gear Reducti


    Electro-Craft Reliance E586 Servo Motor w/ Gear Reducti


    Electro-Craft Reliance E286 Servo Motor w/ Gear Reducti


    SCP CFM Rotec VTemp PCB2 PCB3 Controller/Unused


    Watlow DC3C-3024-C300 模块


    Watlow DC3C-3024-C300 Din-a-mite Power Control


    Electroid 4 EPB 30 1108S 24V Magnetic Brake


    Bertan 605C-100P + 0-10KV,模块


    2 each PMI Motion EN60947-5-1  GM15009062-1 Disk Motors w/ Encoders


    5 Each Truck VB 80-5 Eurofast Receptacle 8 Port


    Huntington 3" High Vacuum Flexible Pipeline 10.5" Long


    Omega Model 49 Proportional Temperature Control With Th


    EF Johnson 023-5300-081 Radio Control Head RS-5300 w/ M


    10 each VM&C Vibration Isolator Damper 1.25" Dia 5/16"


    Lot of 3, Norman Equipment Stainless Steel Filter Eleme


    Lambda LUS-11-28 DC Power Supply Workbench Machinery -


    Reliance Electro-Craft E586 Servo Motor w/ Gear Reducti


    Ziatech ZT 8911 STD32  EN60947-5-1 33MHz 486DX zCPU - 486E1


    Klockner Moeller 6.3A DIN Rail Protective Motor Switch


    10 Sets of Western Enterprises CV-30R / CV-31L Welding


    4 Each Parker 6Z(A)-FT4-50-SSIAJP FT Series Tee Filters


    SMC MGCLB20-75-R-H7A1 模块


    15 Each General Electric 3 Pole Terminal Block CR2960SY


    Eberline IB2 Radiation Monitor Detector Power Supply ??


    NRC Nub Research Corporation Model XCD-B Line Drive


    7 each, SMC Pneumatic Cylinder  EN60947-5-1 Actuator NCDJ2B6-050SR-B


    4 Each Truck VB 80-5 Eurofast Receptacle 8 Port


    Hamamatsu R106UH Photomultiplier Tube PMT


    Quest 215 Sound Noise level Meter Dosimeter


    5 Each Wika 0 - 30 in.Hg Vacuum / 0-30 PSI Pressure Gau


    2 -DRC M21AAF0DB2E Encoder w/ Roller Assembly


    Lot of 3 Panalarm 30S13-NC relays


    Lambda LUS-11-5 DC Power EN60947-5-1  Supply Workbench Machinery - 5


    Hastings Mass Flow Transducer ALL-500P H-500


    Hastings ALL-500P H-500传感器


    2 each, Burkert Solenoid Valve 230PSI Max 452241G 290-a


    2 Each Burkert Solenoid Valve 452241G 290-a-7/16-F-SS-1


    2 Each Burkert Solenoid  EN60947-5-1 Valve 454286Y 0331-E-18-F-SS 24


    3 each, Ashcroft 35W1005PH 02L XUL Fire Protection Wate


    HNU 11.7 EV Photo Ionizer Probe for 101 Series


    HNU 11.7 Ev Photo Ionizer Probe for 101 Series


    NEW Inblaspace Adjustable Computer Monitor Stand NICE
    Great CPU platb stereo speaker stands!


    NEW Inblaspace Adjustable Computer Monitor Stand NICE
    Heavy Duty - Great  EN60947-5-1 CPU platb or even speaker stands!


    Opto 22 G4PB24 Interface Board with 20 Relay Modules G4


    6 each Avocent PS2 KVM Cable 6 Foot


    5 Each Truck VB 80-5 Eurofast Receptacle 8 Port


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