上架日期:2016-05-12 13:56:44
    低功耗智能 传感器 的设计介绍
    在工业控制过程中,经常需要对一些参数进行测量,而一般 传感器 的输出信号较弱,不适合作远距离传输。为了减小干扰,通常采用4~20mA电流输出的双绞线变送器。信号模拟处理的变送器,由于电路的复杂性的限制,非线性补偿效果不理想,很难在全温度范围内实现温度补偿,因此达不到较高的精度要求。随着低功耗高精度单片机、Σ-Δ ADC和Σ-ΔDAC的日益普及,为高精度的智能变送器的设计提供了技术途径。   
    本文介绍的单片传感信号接口设计采用了德州仪器公司新近推出的一款多功能的微控制器MSP430F2013,它内部集成了16位的Σ-ΔADC。2kb的程序空间和128b的数据存储空间,可以完成数据的智能采集,并采用差分传输方式进行数据的传输。  数据按帧进行传输,传输过程中采用CRC检验进行差错控制。
    MSP430F2013是TI公司MSP430系列的一款微控制器, 它具有以下结构特点:16位的RISC CPU、16位的寄存器和常数发生器,可以获得很高的代码效率;五种低功耗模式,在便携式的测量应用中可以延长电池的使用寿命;数控振荡器(DCO)使得从低功耗模式切换到正常模式只要不到1μs;一个16位的定时器;10个I/O口;具备同步通信协议(SPI或者I2C);一个16位的Σ-Δ ADC。   MSP430F2013的典型应用是传感系统捕获模拟信号,将模拟信号转换为数字信号,然后利用数字信号作屏幕显示或者将数字信号传输到一个主机系统中用作其他处理。
    系统介绍   常见的模数转换电路对模拟信号要进行信号放大,而且一般都要设计一个与单片机的接口电路,本系统具有很高的集成度,单片即可完成信号的放大、模数转换,软件滤波,同时实现了一个单线协议,直接可以和高档计算机进行通讯,无须设计与单片机的接口电路。  


    2 each, TM-29S Cherusal 1-Channel Load Cell Controller


    2 Each Air Cylinder CE1F20-H0434-200Z w/ JAL20-8-125 Ba


    2 Each Get Control Inc. E84 Optical Transceiver


    Swagelok SS-65XTF12-F16-55D 3 Way Ball Valve & Whitey 1


    Keba HT-501 Coherent / Lambda Hand Held Teach Pendant


    Glas-Col TM110 500W Mantle W/ NDS 2000ml Erlenmeyer


    Lambda LK350-FM 模块


    Widdle MOT6-20 Penumatic Reciprocating Air Saw


    Allen Bradley 1771-LC1/B Loop Controller


    Agilent/HP 6236B Workbench Prototyping Power Supply DC


    Mason Flow Controls PP-04-A Pneumatic Chemical Pump


    Sperry Univac Computer Magnetic Tape Controller 660118




    Liconix 4200PS Helium Cadmium Laser Power Supply


    3port INFS-000-DC1/E Strain Gage Meter Controllers


    Cavro XL3000 Syringe Pump, 724020


    BK Precision Dynascan 2520 20MHz Dual Channel Oscillosc


    Cutler Hammer Magnetic Starter/Disconnect ECN5512CAE


    Brown & Sharpe 599-1025 Electronic Measurement Gauge Am


    2 each Lambda LK 342A FM 36V Regulated Power Supply


    Server Technology CW-24VYM354A1 模块


    Radeco H-809B Portable Air Sampler High Volume Totalize


    DEC MicroVax 7624-CA CPU PTO6A-10-6S  BOARD KA640 Mayfair II


    MKS Baratron 120AA Capacitance Manometer 1Torr


    COY Model 50 TempCycler 35-Well Temperature Cycler PCR


    Sony XVM-6100 6" Mobile Car Video System 3 AV Input, RC


    Charles Supper X-Ray Diffrb Fixture


    Sony 3 AV Input, RCA & Headphone Output 6" Mobile Car


    MKS Ion Gauge Controller Model 290C-04 Type 290


    Balston ACV-0135-371H Stainless Steel Vacuum Exhaust F


    Stainless Steel High Vacuum Gas / Oil Exhaust Filter w/


    Systron Donner 100B Pulse Generator


    2 Each Graflex 8 x 10 Large Format Wooden Photographic


    2 Each Graflex Large Format Wooden Photographic Film Ho


    EG&G Ortec 550 SCA NIM BIN Module


    Colorado Video Inc. Video Micrometer 305


    EG&G Ortec AN-302/NL Quad Amplifier NIM Module


    Phoenix Controlls GS4 Tank Vent System


    ATB Motor AF80/2A-11H .75kW 3P 220V-240, 380-420V Hz


    Scientec Precision Motion Controller SS-PMC-6N with SS-


    Scientec SS-PMC-6N Precision Motion Controller with SS-


    Server Technology CW-24V 208VAC 模块


    EG&G Ortec 729A Liquid Nitrogen Level Monitor NIM BIN M


    Schneider-Kreuznach Super-Angulon MC f8 / 90 mm with Co


    BIDDLE 560060 Motor & Phase Rotation Tester 50/60 Hz


    EG&G Ortec Optobectronics  PTO6A-10-6S TC5 Judson Temperature Cont


    Sola Mini / Micro Computer Power Regulator LR44950


    MKS 252A MSO-3 Vacuum Throttle Valve, 260 PS-1 Power Su


    MKS Ion Gauge Controller Model 290C-04 Type 290


    2 Ea. 24" Slide Rail with 4 Thomson SPN16OPN Pillow Blk


    1/4HP Motor & Dodge TiGear 20:1 Gear Reducer & Brake


    Gast DOA-V128-FB Medical Grade Diaphragm Pump


    Camille Bauer Linax 7K2-307-2A14 Chart Recorder GMC - N


    Leeds & Northhrup Electromax V Plus Controller


    Navitron TV Zoom Lens 18-108mm ZOOM 7000!


    Canon EZ03 Zoom MicroFilm PTO6A-10-6S  Lens 30-55X 3677A004AB EX-03


    Fisher Scientific 4335CC Digital Sound Level Meter - 35


    Leeds & Northhrup 6017-3-08 Electromax V Controller


    惠普HP 59827A 控制器


    Spellman PTV Series PTV34P143x1997 HV Power Supply 34KV


    Keyence KV-300 CPU PLC, KV-U5, KV-C32X, KV-C32T


    KEY High Vacuum 2" GV-2-ISM Stainless Steel Inline Gate


    Epic HB Elma COS 051 Clamp-on Power Factor Meter COS051


    Epic HB Elma KW 400 Clamp-on  PTO6A-10-6S Watt Meter KW400


    Epic Clamp-on Volt Amp Meter Model ???


    Leeds & Northrup Speedomax Series 100 Chart Recorder


    GE 200 Amp Type TFK Interchangeable Circuit Breaker


    Norbo Flowserve 40R Pneumatic Actuator Valve High Vacuu


    Flowserve 40R Pneumatic Actuator by Norbo 10-RDA40 3-Wa


    Schweitzer SEL 2020 Communications Processor SEL2020


    Global Specialties Breadboard Proto-Board PB-503 *14 Da


    Leeds & Northhrup 6017-3-08 Electromax V Controller


    APC ACF202BLK Rack Side Air Distribution Fan


    Princeton.FG-100 发生器


    Bellco 4000ml Spinner Flask / Bioreactor with Rod and F


    UTI / MKS QMA-100 Detectorr PTO6A-10-6S  Console 05580


    Keba HT-501 Coherent / Lambda Hand Held Teach Pendant


    Kennedy Model 520 20" 7 Drawer Machinist Tool Box - Nic


    4 each, Swagelok SS-QC6-S-600 &l SS-CS6-B1-600 3/8" Key


    4 Each Swagelok SS-CS6-B1-600 3/8" Key 6 White Quick Co


    2 each Pulnix TM-7EX Monochrome CCD Camera Parts/Repair


    3 Each 4" x 3" Round aperture  PTO6A-10-6S Film Holders For Enlargin


    Eberline RIA-3 Vintage Remote Radiation Indicator Meter


    Protimeter Dewmaster DM 300 Meter & Dewpoint Sensor


    Heavy Duty Milwaukee 6170 14" Chop Saw with 8 extra Ab


    Encon Pressurized Emergency Eye Wash Station 9 Gal 130


    Panasonic GP-CD40 CCD W模块


    4 Each Swagelok SS-CS6-B1-600 PTO6A-10-6S  3/8" Key 2 Orange Quick C


    MKS Ion Gauge Controller Model 290, Type 290-03


    Kearney & Trecker 6" Milling Machine Vise


    Sensormedics VMAX 20C Respiratory Analyzer Assembly


    Acumen Camera Controller & 2006-0600-1407, 2006-0613-14


    Accu-Fab AFS3630 Rev C Motor Driver PCB


    2 each, Edwards Datametrics 1450 High Vacuum Pump Contr


    2 Each Valco VICI Multib PTO6A-10-6S  Actuators EQ-60 & E4


    4 Each Swagelok SS-CS6-B1-600 3/8" Key 3 Green Quick Co


    4 Each Swagelok SS-CS6-B1-600 3/8" Key 1 Black Quick Co


    4 Each Swagelok SS-CS6-B1-600 3/8" Key 4 Yellow Quick C


    Vintage National Ultrasonic G-140 Tube Generator


    Mennekes Delta-Box Power - 1 phase, 3P+N+E


    HP / Agilent Faceplate for 54720D Oscilloscope


    HP / Agilent Hewlett Packard 8012B Pulse Generator 801


    HP / Agilent 5327B Timer PTO6A-10-6S  Counter DVM Classic Vintage Ni


    Johnson /ASP-2A Probe 探测器


    Thermolyne Temp-Tronic DNA Thermo Cycler DB66925 NICE!


    EG&G Ortec 772 Counter NIM BIN Module


    Weathertronics Model 1018 Six Slot Chassis


    Hewlett Packard HP 3808A PTO6A-10-6S  Medium Range Distance Meter


    Power Conversion F-48-20WX 120VAC to 48VDC 20A


    Lot of Astd Dirak E-Line HID Server Monitoring System C

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