我公司主营西门子各系列PLC (S7-200 SMART S7-300 S7-400) 触摸屏 变频器 (MM系列 G120 G120C G110) 伺服 (V80 V60) 数控备件 (PCU50 NCU CCU 轴卡) 等 价格优势 产品为西门子原装正版产品 我公司售出的产品 按西门子官方标准质保 产品本身有质量问题 质保一年 公司秉承:以信待人 以诚待人 质量如生命 客户至上的经营理念 竭诚为您服务 您的肯定是我们最大的动力 我们将期待与您长期持久的合作
联系人 :张柏( 销售经理 )
24小时服务热线 :13817011145
邮箱( Email )::254598303@qq.com
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面对日益复杂的机器和系统过程,作为一站式供应商,西门子专门设计开发出了 SIMATIC HMI 人机界面技术。 SIMATIC HMI 采用开放式、标准化硬件和软件接口,可快速集成到用户的自动化系统中,从而满足用户的特定人机界面需求。
SIMATIC 面板系列可以为每个应用提供合适的解决方案,从简单的键盘面板、移动和固定操作界面,直到全能面板——坚固、小巧及多界面选项。 明亮的显示屏和无差错人机工程学操作,配备键盘或触摸屏操作界面,为系统提高了附加值。
SIMATIC HMI 按键面板和按钮面板可以根据“即插即用”原理用于创建传统小键盘操作员面板:可随时安装和预装配。通过这种方式,就无需进行传统操作员面板所需的耗时的单独装配和布线了。与传统布线相比,这样做可以将布线所需的时间减少多达 90%。整个操作过程只需相应的安装开孔和用于连接到控制器的总线电缆即可完成
使用符合 UL 标准的 PC + ABS 合金材料,耐高温、抗腐蚀,特别适用于工业现场的应用环境
微型面板 讲SIMATIC S7-200控制器的这种语言,这意味着可以读或设置所有接点和变量,无需插件。
本地操作和监测任务的理想选择: 在设计阶段我们格外小心,确保便携式面板便于携带。 结果,所以可以在一个很长时间期内容易地使用所有便携式面板。 可以在各种各样的移动式面板显示尺寸和性能类别中进行选择。 这个便携式无线面板为无线HMI提供最大移动性
使用系列标准工具(例如 WinCC flexible 和 STEP 7),现有程序一般都可重复使用
强度似硬件 CPU
通过标准 SD 卡、多媒体存储卡或 U 记忆棒上的按钮即可进行备份/恢复
可通过 PROFIBUS DP 灵活使用 ET 200 标准组件
PLC 和 HMI 之间可自由选择负载分配
支持 CFC/SCL 编程
整体路由,所有数据都可以通过 Profinet 进行安装和加载。
作为精彩系列面板的组态软件,WinCC fl exible 简单直观、功能强大、应用灵活且智能高效,非常适合机械
设备或生产线中人机界面的应用。WinCC flexible 软件包括一系列执行各种组态任务的编辑器和工具。可使用多种便捷的功能来组态显示画面,例如缩放、旋转和对齐等功能。在 WinCC flexible 中,您可根据需要设置自己的工作环境。在组态工程时,组态任务对应的工作窗口会出现在显示器上,包括:
3、 对象窗口:显示已创建对象,并可以通过拖放操作复制到画面中
4、 工作区:编辑、组态画面和对象
1、查阅、检索变量更方便,可使用变量名称来标识 PLC 变量
1、可以自定义报警类别? 支持模拟量及数字量报警
2、增强对象库—显示配方、趋势图等? 丰富的符号库
1、通过设置对象属性生成动画? 支持函数设定动画路径方式
1、支持 32 种语言,其中 5 种可以在线转换
6AV6 640-0BA11-0AX0 | OP 73 micro s7-200系列用 |
6AV6 640-0CA11-0AX0 | TP177 micro 触摸式 s7-200系列用 |
6AV6 640-0DA11-0AX0 | K-TP 178 micro s7-200系列用 |
6AV6 641-0AA11-0AX0 | OP 73 单色 3英寸 |
6AV6 641-0BA11-0AX0 | OP 77A 单色 4.5英寸 |
6AV6 641-0CA01-0AX0 | OP 77B 单色 4.5英寸 |
6AV6 642-0AA11-0AX0 | TP 177A 单色 5.7英寸 |
6AV6 642-0BC01-1AX1 | TP 177B DP 单色 5.7英寸 |
6AV6 642-0BA01-1AX0 | TP 177B PN/DP 彩色 5.7英寸 |
6AV6 642-0DC01-1AX0 | OP 177B DP 单色 5.7英寸 |
6AV6 642-0DA01-1AX0 | OP 177B PN/DP 彩色 5.7英寸 |
6AV6 643-0BA01-1AX0 | OP 277-6操作员面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 643-0AA01-1AX0 | TP277-6 触摸式面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 643-0CB01-1AX1 | MP277-8 触摸式面板,8寸64K色中文 |
6AV6 643-0DB01-1AX1 | MP277-8 按键式面板,8寸64K色中文显示 |
6AV6 643-0CD01-1AX1 | MP277-10 触摸式面板,10寸64K色中文 |
6AV6 643-0DD01-1AX1 | MP277-10 按键式面板,10寸64K色中文显示 |
6AV6671-1CB00-0AX0 | MMC 存储卡 128 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 |
6AV6671-1CB00-0AX1 | MMC 存储卡 64 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 |
6AV6644-0AA01-2AX0 | SIMATIC MP 377 12" TOUCH |
6AV6644-0AB01-2AX0 | SIMATIC MP 377 15" TOUCH |
6AV6644-0AC01-2AX0 | SIMATIC MP 377 19" TOUCH |
6AV6644-0BA01-2AX0 | SIMATIC MP 377 12" KEY |
旧屏 | |
6AV6 545-0BA15-2AX0 | TP170A触摸式面板 |
6AV6 545-0BB15-2AX0 | TP170B触摸式面板,5.7寸单色中文显示 |
6AV6 545-0BC15-2AX0 | TP170B触摸式面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 542-0BB15-2AX0 | OP170B操作员面板,5.7寸单色中文显示 |
6AV6 545-0CA10-0AX0 | TP270-6触摸式面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 545-0CC10-0AX0 | TP270-10触摸式面板,10.4寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 542-0CA10-0AX0 | OP270-6操作员面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 542-0CC10-0AX0 | OP270-10操作员面板,10.4寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 542-0AG10-0AX0 | MP270B按键式面板,10.4寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 545-0AH10-0AX0 | MP270B-6 触摸式面板,5.7寸彩色中文 |
6AV6 545-0AG10-0AX0 | MP270B-10 触摸式面板,10.4寸彩色中文显示 |
6AV6 542-0DA10-0AX0 | MP370按键式面板,12寸256色中文显示 |
6AV6 545-0DA10-0AX0 | MP370触摸式面板,12寸256色中文显示 |
6AV6 545-0DB10-0AX0 | MP370触摸式面板,15寸256色中文显示 |
6AV6 574-2AC00-2AA1 | CF 存储卡 512 MB |
6AV6647-0AC11-3AX0 | |
6AV2124-0GC01-0AX0 | TP700 |
6AV2124-0JC01-0AX0 | TP900 |
6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0 | TP1200 |
6AV2124-0QC02-0AX0 | TP1500 |
6AV2124-0UC02-0AX0 | TP1900 |
6AV2124-0XC02-0AX0 | TP2200 |
6AV2124-1DC01-0AX0 | KP400 |
6AV2124-1GC01-0AX0 | KP700 |
6AV2124-1JC01-0AX0 | KP900 |
6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0 | KP1200 |
6AV2124-1QC02-0AX0 | KP1500 |
6AV2124-2DC01-0AX0 | KTP400 |
6AV6645-0CB01-0AX0 | 14100 |
6AV6647-0AG11-3AX0 | TP1500 |
6AV6645-0CA01-0AX0 | 277移动面板 |
上海,天津,北京,深圳,哈尔滨,河北、 山西、 辽宁、 吉林、 黑龙江、 江苏、 浙江、安徽、 福建、 江西、 山东、 河南、 湖北、湖南、 广东、 海南、 四川、 贵州、 云南、 陕西、 甘肃、 青海、 台湾、
直辖市: 北京> 重庆> 上海> 天津
内蒙古: 阿拉善盟> 巴彦淖尔> 包头> 赤峰> 鄂尔多斯> 呼和浩特> 呼伦贝尔> 通辽> 乌海> 乌兰察布> 锡林郭勒盟> 兴安盟
黑龙江: 大庆> 大兴安岭> 哈尔滨> 鹤岗> 黑河> 鸡西> 佳木斯> 牡丹江> 七台河> 齐齐哈尔> 双鸭山> 绥化> 伊春
云南: 保山> 昆明> 丽江> 临沧> 普洱> 曲靖> 玉溪> 昭通
吉林: 白城> 白山> 长春> 吉林> 辽源> 四平> 松原> 通化
四川: 巴中> 成都> 达州> 德阳> 广安> 广元> 乐山> 泸州> 眉山> 绵阳> 南充> 内江> 攀枝花> 遂宁> 雅安> 宜宾> 资阳> 自贡
宁夏: 固原> 石嘴山> 吴忠> 银川> 中卫
安徽: 安庆> 蚌埠> 巢湖> 池州> 滁州> 阜阳> 合肥> 淮北> 淮南> 黄山> 亳州> 六安> 马鞍山> 宿州> 铜陵> 芜湖> 宣城
山东: 滨州> 德州> 东营> 菏泽> 济南> 济宁> 莱*芜> 聊城> 临沂> 青岛> 日照> 泰安> 威海> 潍坊> 烟台> 枣庄> 淄博
山西: 长治> 大同> 晋城> 晋中> 临汾> 吕梁> 朔州> 太原> 忻州> 阳泉> 运城
广东: 潮州> 东莞> 佛山> 广州> 河源> 惠州> 江门> 揭阳> 茂名> 梅州> 清远> 汕头> 汕尾> 韶关> 深圳> 阳江> 云浮> 湛江> 肇庆> 中山> 珠海
广西: 百色> 北海> 崇左> 防城港> 桂林> 贵港> 河池> 贺州> 来宾> 柳州> 南宁> 钦州> 梧州> 玉林
新疆: 阿克苏> 阿拉尔> 哈密> 和田> 喀什> 克拉玛依> 石河子> 图木舒克> 吐鲁番> 乌鲁木齐> 五家渠
江苏: 常州> 淮安> 连云港> 南京> 南通> 苏州> 宿迁> 泰州> 无锡> 徐州> 盐城> 扬州> 镇江
江西: 抚州> 赣州> 吉安> 景德镇> 九江> 南昌> 萍乡> 上饶> 新余> 宜春> 鹰潭
河北: 保定> 沧州> 承德> 邯郸> 衡水> 廊坊> 秦皇岛> 石家庄> 唐山> 邢台> 张家口
河南: 安阳> 鹤壁> 焦作> 开封> 洛阳> 漯河> 南阳> 平顶山> 濮阳> 三门峡> 商丘> 新乡> 信阳> 许昌> 郑州> 周口> 驻马店
浙江: 杭州> 湖州> 嘉兴> 金华> 丽水> 宁波> 衢州> 绍兴> 台州> 温州> 舟山
海南: 东方> 海口> 南沙群岛> 琼海> 三亚> 万宁> 文昌> 五指山> 西沙群岛> 中沙群岛的岛礁及其海域> 儋州
湖北: 鄂州> 黄冈> 黄石> 荆门> 荆州> 潜江> 十堰> 随州> 天门> 武汉> 仙桃> 咸宁> 襄樊> 孝感> 宜昌
湖南: 常德> 长沙> 郴州> 衡阳> 怀化> 娄底> 邵阳> 湘潭> 益阳> 永州> 岳阳> 张家界> 株洲
甘肃: 白银> 定西> 嘉峪关> 金昌> 酒泉> 兰州> 陇南> 平凉> 庆阳> 天水> 武威> 张掖
福建: 福州> 龙岩> 南平> 宁德> 莆田> 泉州> 三明> 厦门> 漳州贵州: 安顺> 毕节> 贵阳> 六盘水> 铜仁> 遵义
辽宁: 鞍山> 本溪> 朝阳> 大连> 丹东> 抚顺> 阜新> 葫芦岛> 锦州> 辽阳> 盘锦> 沈阳> 铁岭> 营口
陕西: 安康> 宝鸡> 汉中> 商洛> 铜川> 渭南> 西安> 咸阳> 延安> 榆林
青海: 海东> 西宁
经过西门子测试与认证的存储设备、存储卡和 U 盘可确保最佳功能与兼容性。
SIMATIC HMI 存储介质可用于工业环境,并为满足工业环境的要求进行了优化。特殊的格式化方式与写入算法可确保存储单元读/写快速,延长使用寿命。
MMC 卡也可在配有 SD 插槽的操作面板中使用。关于详细的可用性信息,请参见存储介质和面板的“技术数据”。
根据具体生产要素,存储卡或 U 盘的实际存储容量可能有所不同。这意味着指定存储器容量可能并非 100% 可供用户使用。在使用 SIMATIC 选型指南选择或搜索核心产品时,总会自动选择或提供与核心产品相应的附件。
请勿在操作面板中针对 S7 控制器使用任何 SIMATIC S7 存储卡。若以这种方式使用,存储卡会失去其功能,随后不再能够与 S7 配合使用。包括不能进行任何更换。
Order number |
6AV6671-1CB00-0AX2 |
6AV6671-8XB10-0AX1 |
6AV2181-8XP00-0AX0 |
6AV6574-2AC00-2AA1 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
SIMATIC HMI MM memory card, 128 MB |
SIMATIC HMI SD memory card, 512 MB |
SIMATIC HMI SD memory card, 2 GB |
SIMATIC HMI CF memory card, 512 MB |
Connection type |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Frame size/design |
Yes; Typically 10 000 insertion cycles |
Yes |
Yes; Typically 10 000 insertion cycles |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting in portrait bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting in landscape bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting b |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
DC |
DC |
DC |
DC |
Rated value (DC) |
3.3 V |
3.3 V |
3.3 V |
3.3 V |
Input current |
Current consumption (rated value) |
60 mA |
60 mA |
60 mA |
75 mA |
Memory |
Type of memory |
MultiMediaCard |
Secure Digital memory card |
Secure Digital memory card |
CompactFlash memory CF type I |
Memory size |
128 Mbyte |
512 Mbyte |
2 048 Mbyte; Larger internal memory |
512 Mbyte |
Wear leveling (distributed writing) |
Yes; > 100 000 write/read cycles per cell and > 3 000 000 write/read cycles per card |
Yes; > 100 000 write/read cycles per cell and > 3 000 000 write/read cycles per card |
Write protection switch |
No |
Yes; Effectiveness depends on the device |
Yes; Effectiveness depends on the device |
No |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
0 °C |
0 °C |
0 °C |
0 °C; Any mounting angle |
50 °C |
50 °C |
50 °C |
50 °C; Any mounting angle |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-20 °C |
-20 °C |
-20 °C |
-20 °C |
60 °C |
60 °C |
60 °C |
60 °C |
Relative humidity |
90 % |
90 % |
90 % |
90 % |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Operating systems |
pre-installed operating system |
No; Preinstalled system files |
Runs under operating system |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Mechanics/material |
Enclosure material (front) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes; Gold contacts |
Yes |
Dimensions |
Width |
24 mm |
24 mm |
24 mm |
42.8 mm |
Height |
32 mm |
32 mm |
32 mm |
36.4 mm |
Thickness |
2.1 mm |
2.1 mm |
2.1 mm |
3.3 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
3 g |
3 g |
3 g |
10 g |
Weight incl. packaging |
6 g |
6 g |
6 g |
15 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
for OP 77B, TP177B, OP 177B, TP 277, OP 277, C7-635, MP 177, MP 277, MP 377, Mobile Panel 177, Mobile Panel 277, Comfort Panel |
for MP 177, MP 277, MP 377 and Mobile Panel 277, WinCC flexible 2008 SP1 and higher for OP 77, TP/OP 177, TP/OP 277, Mobile Panel 177, with SD/MMC slot |
Specifically for Comfort Panels, but also for all other panels and PCs with suitable slot |
for SIMATIC HMI devices with CF slot |
Order number |
6AV6574-2AC00-2AF1 |
6AV6574-2AF00-8AX0 |
6AV2181-8AS20-0AX0 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
PC memory card, 512 MB |
PC card adapter for CF memory card |
SIMATIC HMI USB memory stick, 8 GB |
Connection type |
No |
No |
Yes; USB 2.0 type A |
Frame size/design |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting in portrait bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting in landscape bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting b |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
DC |
none |
DC |
Rated value (DC) |
3.3 V |
5 V |
Input current |
Current consumption (rated value) |
75 mA |
0 mA; No additional power consumption |
100 mA; Typical |
Memory |
Type of memory |
Personal computer memory card type II |
Personal computer memory card type II |
Memory size |
512 Mbyte |
8 Gbyte |
Speed class |
Up to: read: 25 MB/s, write: 19 MB/s |
File bat |
FAT32 |
Write protection switch |
No |
No |
No |
Type of output |
LED colors |
Yes; Shows read/write access |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
0 °C |
0 °C |
0 °C |
50 °C |
50 °C |
50 °C |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-20 °C |
-20 °C |
-40 °C |
60 °C |
60 °C |
70 °C |
Relative humidity |
90 % |
90 % |
85 % |
No |
No |
No |
Runs under operating system |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Mechanics/material |
Material of housing |
Yes |
Enclosure material (front) |
Yes |
Yes |
Dimensions |
Width |
54 mm |
54 mm |
16.7 mm |
Height |
85.6 mm |
85.6 mm |
59.1 mm |
Thickness |
5 mm |
5 mm |
7 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
34 g |
24 g |
12 g |
Weight incl. packaging |
16 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1; Content: CF memory card, 512 MB, and PC card adapter |
1 |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
for SIMATIC HMI devices with PC card slot |
for SIMATIC HMI devices with PC card slot |
For all HMI Panels with suitable USB interface |
Order number |
6ES7648-0DC60-0AA0 |
6AV7675-0FX00-0AA0 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
SIMATIC USB flash drive, 16 GB |
SIMATIC USB flash drive, 16 GB, Ex |
Connection type |
Yes; USB 3.0 type A |
Yes |
Frame size/design |
Yes |
No; Special enclosure for screw mounting |
Yes |
No |
Yes; Suitable for hazardous zones with locking screw |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting in portrait bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting in landscape bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting b |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
DC |
DC |
Rated value (DC) |
5 V |
5.9 V |
Input current |
Current consumption (rated value) |
100 mA; Typical |
3 A |
Power |
Power consumption, typ. |
6 W |
Memory |
Type of memory |
Multi-level cell (MLC) |
USB drive |
Memory size |
16 Gbyte |
16 Gbyte |
Speed class |
Up to: read: 75 MB/s, write: 21 MB/s |
Write cycles MLC flash consumer |
3 000; PROGAM/ERASE cycle |
File bat |
FAT32 |
Write protection switch |
No |
No |
Type of output |
LED colors |
Yes; LED indicator: Busy, Waiting, Off |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Yes |
Use in hazardous areas |
Yes; Up to Zone 1, TüV (German Technical Inspectorate) 06 ATEX 7342, IECEx TUR 13.0005 |
Yes; Up to Zone 1, TüV (German Technical Inspectorate) 06 ATEX 7342, IECEx TUR 13.0005 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
0 °C |
-20 °C |
50 °C |
70 °C |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-40 °C |
-20 °C |
70 °C |
70 °C |
Relative humidity |
85 % |
No |
No |
Runs under operating system |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mechanics/material |
Material of housing |
Yes |
Dimensions |
Width |
16.7 mm |
25 mm |
Height |
59.1 mm |
110 mm |
Thickness |
7 mm |
15 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
12 g |
70 g |
Weight incl. packaging |
170 g |
90 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1 |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
TP177-4", TP/OP277-6", MP177-6, MP277-10"T, MP277-8", MP277-8"T, MP277-10"K, MP377 12"-19", TC 10", TC 15", KTP400 Basic mono, KTP600 Basic, KTP1000 Basic, TP1500 Basic, KP700 Comfort, TP700 Comfort, KP900 Comfort, TP900 Comfort, KP1200 Comfort, TP1200 Comfort and IPC277D 7", 9", 12" |
ATEX certified for operating on xx6 USB Ex-i and non-Ex interfaces, Zones 1, 2, 21<(>&<)>22 Gas Zones: II 2 G Ex is IIC T4 Dust Zones: II 2 D Ex ibD 21 T110 degrees C |
Order number |
6ES7648-2BF02-0XF0 |
6ES7648-2BF02-0XG0 |
6ES7648-2BF02-0XH0 |
6ES7648-2BF02-0XJ0 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
SIMATIC CF memory card, 2 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 4 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 8 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 16 GB |
Frame size/design |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting b |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±10% or 5.0 V ±10% |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±10% or 5.0 V ±10% |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±10% or 5.0 V ±10% |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±10% or 5.0 V ±10% |
Power |
Power consumption, typ. |
1 W |
1 W |
1 W |
1 W |
Memory |
Type of memory |
CompactFlash memory CF type I |
CompactFlash memory CF type I |
CompactFlash memory CF type I |
CompactFlash memory CF type I |
Design |
SLC flash |
SLC flash |
SLC flash |
SLC flash |
Memory size |
2 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
4 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
8 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
16 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
Speed class |
Write speed: up to 16 MB/s (UDMA4), read speed: up to 36 MB/s (UDMA4) |
Write speed: up to 16 MB/s (UDMA4), read speed: up to 36 MB/s (UDMA4) |
Write speed: up to 16 MB/s (UDMA4), read speed: up to 36 MB/s (UDMA4) |
Write speed: up to 16 MB/s (UDMA4), read speed: up to 36 MB/s (UDMA4) |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
Relative humidity |
85 % |
85 % |
85 % |
85 % |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Runs under operating system |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mechanics/material |
Enclosure material (front) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Dimensions |
Width |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
Height |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
Thickness |
3.3 mm |
3.3 mm |
3.3 mm |
3.3 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
10 g |
10 g |
10 g |
10 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
Order number |
6ES7648-2BF10-0XF0 |
6ES7648-2BF10-0XG0 |
6ES7648-2BF10-0XH0 |
6ES7648-2BF10-0XJ0 |
6ES7648-2BF10-0XK0 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 2 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 4 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 8 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 16 GB |
SIMATIC CFAST memory card, 32 GB |
Frame size/design |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting b |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±5 % |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±5 % |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±5 % |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±5 % |
Selectable power supply: 3.3 V ±5 % |
Power |
Power consumption, typ. |
0.7 W |
0.7 W |
0.7 W |
0.7 W |
0.7 W |
Memory |
Type of memory |
CFast Type I |
CFast Type I |
CFast Type I |
CFast Type I |
CFast Type I |
Design |
SLC NAND flash |
SLC NAND flash |
SLC NAND flash |
SLC NAND flash |
SLC NAND flash |
Memory size |
2 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
4 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
8 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
16 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
32 Gbyte; 1 year (data retention) |
Speed class |
Write speed: up to 60 MB/s (UDMA6), read speed: up to 100 MB/s (UDMA6) |
Write speed: up to 60 MB/s (UDMA6), read speed: up to 100 MB/s (UDMA6) |
Write speed: up to 60 MB/s (UDMA6), read speed: up to 100 MB/s (UDMA6) |
Write speed: up to 60 MB/s (UDMA6), read speed: up to 100 MB/s (UDMA6) |
Write speed: up to 60 MB/s (UDMA6), read speed: up to 100 MB/s (UDMA6) |
Write cycles SLC flash industry |
4; Terabytes |
4.5; Terabytes |
8; Terabytes |
17; Terabytes |
17; Terabytes |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
-40 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
85 °C; Any mounting angle |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
-50 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
100 °C |
Relative humidity |
85 % |
85 % |
85 % |
85 % |
85 % |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Runs under operating system |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mechanics/material |
Enclosure material (front) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Dimensions |
Width |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
42.8 mm |
Height |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
36.4 mm |
Thickness |
3.6 mm |
3.6 mm |
3.6 mm |
3.6 mm |
3.6 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
10 g |
10 g |
10 g |
10 g |
10 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
For SIMATIC HMI devices and IPCs with the appropriate slot |
Order number |
6ED1056-1BA00-0AA0 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
Memory module for Push Button Panel |
Connection type |
No |
Frame size/design |
No; Only suitable for Push Button Panels |
No |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting in portrait bat possible |
Yes |
Mounting in landscape bat possible |
Yes |
Mounting b |
Any, dependent on target device |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
DC |
Memory |
Type of memory |
Retentive memory module |
Write protection switch |
No |
Type of output |
LED colors |
No |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
0 °C |
55 °C |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-20 °C |
70 °C |
Relative humidity |
95 % |
No |
Runs under operating system |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Mechanics/material |
Material of housing |
No |
Enclosure material (front) |
Yes; Yellow |
Dimensions |
Width |
14 mm |
Height |
20 mm |
Thickness |
8 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
3 g |
Weight incl. packaging |
5 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
for Push Button Panel 7 /17, system memory with retentivity, suitable for duplication, can also be used for duplication of the LOGO! switching program for LOGO! order numbers ... 0BA1, ... 0BA2, ... 0BA3) |
Order number |
6AV7675-0FX00-0AA0 |
6AV7675-0FX10-0AA0 |
General inbation |
Product type designation |
SIMATIC USB flash drive, 16 GB, Ex |
SIMATIC USB flash drive, 16 GB, REx |
Connection type |
Yes |
No |
Frame size/design |
No; Special enclosure for screw mounting |
No; Special enclosure for screw mounting |
No |
No |
Yes; Suitable for hazardous zones with locking screw |
Yes; Suitable for hazardous zones with locking screw |
Installation type/mounting |
Mounting in portrait bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting in landscape bat possible |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting b |
Any, dependent on target device |
Any, dependent on target device |
Supply voltage |
Type of supply voltage |
DC |
DC |
Rated value (DC) |
5.9 V |
5.9 V |
Input current |
Current consumption (rated value) |
3 A |
3 A |
Power |
Power consumption, typ. |
6 W |
6 W |
Memory |
Type of memory |
USB drive |
USB drive 16 GB with recovery function |
Memory size |
16 Gbyte |
16 Gbyte |
Write protection switch |
No |
No |
Standards, approvals, certificates |
CE mark |
Yes |
Yes |
Use in hazardous areas |
Yes; Up to Zone 1, TüV (German Technical Inspectorate) 06 ATEX 7342, IECEx TUR 13.0005 |
Yes; Up to Zone 1, TüV (German Technical Inspectorate) 06 ATEX 7342, IECEx TUR 13.0005 |
Yes; Up to Zone 1, TüV (German Technical Inspectorate) 06 ATEX 7342, IECEx TUR 13.0005 |
Yes; Up to Zone 1, TüV (German Technical Inspectorate) 06 ATEX 7342, IECEx TUR 13.0005 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Yes; CSA Class II No. 2649448 |
Ambient conditions |
Ambient temperature during operation |
-20 °C |
-20 °C |
70 °C |
70 °C |
Ambient temperature during storage/transportation |
-20 °C |
-20 °C |
70 °C |
70 °C |
Relative humidity |
No |
No |
Runs under operating system |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mechanics/material |
Material of housing |
Yes |
Yes |
Dimensions |
Width |
25 mm |
25 mm |
Height |
110 mm |
110 mm |
Thickness |
15 mm |
15 mm |
Weights |
Weight without packaging |
70 g |
70 g |
Weight incl. packaging |
90 g |
90 g |
Scope of supply |
Delivery quantity in pieces |
1 |
1 |
Other |
Note: |
ATEX certified for operating on xx6 USB Ex-i and non-Ex interfaces, Zones 1, 2, 21<(>&<)>22 Gas Zones: II 2 G Ex is IIC T4 Dust Zones: II 2 D Ex ibD 21 T110 degrees C |
ATEX certified for operating on xx6 USB Ex-i and non-Ex interfaces, Zones 1, 2, 21<(>&<)>22 Gas Zones: II 2 G Ex is IIC T4 Dust Zones: II 2 D Ex ibD 21 T110 degrees C |
标准 |
EN 50295 / IEC 62026‑2 |
拓扑 |
总线形、星形或树形结构(与电气接线相同) |
传输介质 |
非屏蔽双绞线 (2 x 1.5 mm2),用于数据和辅助电源 |
连接方式 |
使用绝缘刺破方法连接 AS-Interface 电缆 |
最大电缆长度 |
最长周期时间 |
每条 AS-Interface 总线的站数 |
数字量传感器和执行器数目 |
最多 496 DI/496 DO |
访问控制 |
出错防护 |
识别和重复故障报文帧 |