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    3RW4443-6BC44  3RW4443-6BC44  3RW4443-6BC44



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    SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器具有与 3RW30 软起动器完全相同的优点。

    SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器最突出的特点在于占用空间小。集成式旁通触点意味着电机起动后,在交易时无需考虑功率半导体(晶闸管)的功耗。从而降低了热损失,使设计更加紧凑,且无需外部旁通电路。



    由于集成式状态监控和故障监控,该紧凑型软起动器具有许多不同的诊断功能。使用 4 个 LED 和继电器输出,来指示工作状态以及电源或相位故障、负载缺失、不允许的脱扣时间/等级设置、热过载或设备故障等,实现监控和诊断。

    起动器额定功率达 250 kW(400 V 时),可用于三相电网中的标准应用。 超小外形尺寸、低功率损耗和简单起动仅仅是 SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器的众多优点中的三个。

    “增安型”防护 EEx e,符合 ATEX 指令 94/9/EC

    S0 到 S12 规格的 3RW40 软起动器适合起动带“增安”型保护 EExe 的防爆电机。


    紧凑型 SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器所需的空间仅为用于比较额定值 wye-delta 起动的接触器所需空间的三分之一。这不仅节约了控制柜和标准安装导轨的空间,还完全省去了 wye-delta 起动器所需的布线工作。这对于高电机额定值尤为明显,这些高额定值极少用作高技术解决方案。


    这些软起动器的旁通触点在工作时由一个集成固态灭弧系统保护。 从而在故障时可防止对旁通触点的破坏,如线圈操作机构或主操作弹簧的短暂的控制电压故障、机械震动或与寿命相关的部件缺陷。

    特别强大的操作机构的起动电流会在本地供电系统上施加一个不可控制的负荷。软起动器通过其电压软起动降低了该起动电流。通过可调电流限值功能,SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器为供电系统缓解了不少压力。 一达到选择的电流限值,剩下的只需设置软起动期间的起动起点(软起动升降率由起动电压和软起动时间决定)。从此刻开始,可通过控制软起动器电压以使电机电流保持为常数。可通过电机软起动完成、本征设备保护脱扣或电机过载保护脱扣来结束该过程。该功能的结果就是电机的实际软起动时间要比软起动器上选择的软起动时间长。

    由于集成有 电机过载保护功能 ,并符合标准 IEC 60947-4-2,全新软起动器无需附加过载继电器。可简单、快速地调整电机额定电流、过载脱扣时间(操作次数)设置和电机过载保护功能复位。使用 4 档旋转电位器,可在软起动器上设置不同的过载脱扣时间。 除了 10、15 和 20 级,若一个不同的电机管理控制设备用于该功能(如连接到 PROFIBUS),还可切断电机过载保护。

    另外,还提供有带 晶闸管电机保护分析 功能的设备型号,额定功率 55 kW( 400 V 时)。 A 型 PTC 或 Thermoclick 测量探头都可直接连接。电机热过载以及传感器回路中的开路和短路都会造成直接断开软起动器。若软起动器曾经脱扣,与本征设备保护和电机负载保护一样,还提供有各种复位选件。通过复位按钮的手动复位,通过控制电压的短暂断开的自动或远程复位。


    控制功率半导体不仅导致不对称,在起动电压低于电机起动电压值的 50 % 时,还导致之前提到的直流部件产生严重的噪音。




    15KW/29A 3RW4422-3BC44
    18.5KW/36A 3RW4423-3BC44
    22KW/47A 3RW4424-3BC44
    30KW/57A 3RW4425-3BC44
    37KW/77A 3RW4426-3BC44
    45KW/93A 3RW4427-3BC44
    55KW/113A 3RW4434-6BC44
    75KW/134A 3RW4435-6BC44
    90KW/162A 3RW4436-6BC44
    110KW/203A 3RW4443-6BC44
    132KW/250A 3RW4444-6BC44
    160KW/313A 3RW4445-6BC44
    200KW/356A 3RW4446-6BC44
    250KW/432A 3RW4447-6BC44
    315KW/551A 3RW4453-6BC44
    355KW/590A 3RW4454-6BC44
    400KW/693A 3RW4455-6BC44
    450KW/780A 3RW4456-6BC44
    500KW/880A 3RW4457-6BC44
    560KW/970A 3RW4458-6BC44
    630KW/1076A 3RW4465-6BC44
    710KW/1214A 3RW4466-6BC44





    (2) 支持UHS 104,一种新的超高速SD接口规格,新SD存储卡标准Ver.3.00种的最高标准,其在SD接口上实现每秒104MB的总线传输速度,从而可实现每秒 35MB 的最大写入速度和每秒 60MB 的最大读取速度。XD图像卡XD图像卡MS PRO DuoCF卡是市场上历史悠久的存储卡之一,存储容量大,成本低,兼容性好,这些西门子3RW4026-2BB05西门子3RW4026-2BB05

    6ES7 963-1AA00-0AA0

    SIRIUS 软起动器-电压为690V、温度40度时的标准接线值为:1,076A、1100KW;内三角电路值高达600V,交流400-460 V、交流230V,弹簧接线端子
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    ntent="" style="margin-top: 12px; float: left; b: 600px;">
    商品编号(市售编号) 3RW4465-2BC46
    产品说明 SIRIUS 软起动器-电压为690V、温度40度时的标准接线值为:1,076A、1100KW;内三角电路值高达600V,交流400-460 V、交流230V,弹簧接线端子
    产品家族 3RW44 软启动器
    产品生命周期 (PLM) PM300:有效产品
    价格组 / 总部价格组 XJ / 42H
    列表价格 显示价格
    客户价格 显示价格
    金属系数 LAO----
    出口管制规定 AL : N / ECCN : N
    工厂生产时间 25 天
    净重 (Kg) 96.85 Kg
    产品尺寸 (W x L X H) 未提供
    包装尺寸 645.00 x 835.00 x 480.00
    包装尺寸单位的测量 MM
    数量单位 1 件
    包装数量 1
    EAN 4011209681101
    UPC 未提供
    商品代码 85371099
    LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID CC-IC10
    产品组 3728
    原产国 德国
    Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive RoHS 合规开始日期: 2012.05.01
    产品类别 C: 产品制造/生产到订单,无法重复使用或再利用,也不能通过信用退货。
    电气和电子设备使用后的收回义务类别 没有电气和电子设备使用后回收的义务
      版本 分类
    eClass 5.1 27-02-41-01
    eClass 6 27-37-09-07
    eClass 7.1 27-37-09-07
    eClass 8 27-37-09-07
    eClass 9 27-37-09-07
    eClass 9.1 27-37-09-07
    ETIM 4 EC000640
    ETIM 5 EC000640
    ETIM 6 EC000640
    IDEA 4 4740



    1.AI 模拟量输入模块






    AI 模拟量输入模块

    A. 普通模拟量输入模块:


    4AI EM231模块:



    8AI EM231模块:



    B. 测温模拟量输入模块(热电偶TC;热电阻RTD):



    EM231 TC支持J、K、E、N、S、T和R型热电偶,不支持B型热电偶。通过拨码设置,模块可以实现冷端补偿,但仍然需要补偿导线进行热电偶的自由端补偿。另外,该模块具有断线检测功能,未用通道应当短接,或者并联到旁边的实际接线通道上。


    热电阻的阻值能够随着温度的变化而变化,且阻值与温度具有一定的数学关系,这种关系是电阻变化率α。RTD模块的拨码开关设置与α有关,如下图所示,就算同是 Pt100,α值不同时拨码开关的设置也不同。在选择热电阻时,请尽量弄清楚α参数,按 照对应的拨码去设置。具体请参看《S7-200可编程控制器系统手册》的附录A-热电偶和热电阻扩展模块介绍。


    EM231 RTD模块具有断线检测功能,未用通道不能悬空,接法方式如下:





    (1). 在STEP7 Micor/WIN软件中(S7-200的编程软件),对于模拟量输入通道设有软件滤波功能,如图所示,具体请参见《S7-200 • LOGO• SITOP 参考》->系统块-模拟量滤波。




    Legal framework

    Machine manufacturers and manufacturing plants must ensure that their machines or plants cannot cause danger due to malfunctions in addition to the general risks of electric shock, heat or radiation.

    In Europe, for example, compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC is legally stipulated by the EU work safety directive. In order to ensure compliance with this directive, it is recommended that the corresponding harmonized European standards are applied. This triggers the "assumption of conbity" and gives manufacturers and operators the legal security in terms of compliance with both national regulations and EU directives. The machine manufacturer uses the CE marking to document the compliance with all relevant directives and regulations in the free movement of goods.

    Safety-related standards

    Functional safety is specified in various standards. For example, EN ISO 12100 specifies standards pertaining to machine safety (risk assessment and risk reduction). IEC 61508 specifies basic requirements for electronic and programmable safety-related systems. EN 62061 (only applicable for electrical and electronic control systems) and EN ISO 13849‑1, which has replaced EN 954‑1, define the functional and safety-related requirements of safety-oriented control systems.

    The above-mentioned standards define different safety requirements that the machine has to satisfy in accordance with the risk, frequency of a dangerous situation, probability of occurrence and the opportunities for recognizing impending danger.

    • EN ISO 13849‑1: Perbance Level PL a ... e; Category B, 1 ... 4
    • EN 62061: Safety Integrity Level SIL 1 ... 3
    Trend toward integrated safety systems

    The trend toward greater complexity and higher modularity of machines has seen a shift in safety functions away from the classical central safety functions (for example, shutdown of the complete machine using a main disconnecting means) and into the machine control system and the drives. This is often accompanied by a significant increase in productivity because the equipping times are shortened. Depending on the type of machine, it may even be possible to continue manufacturing other parts while equipping is in progress.

    Integrated safety functions act much faster than those of a conventional design. The safety of a machine is increased further with Safety Integrated. Furthermore, thanks to the faster b of operation, safety measures controlled by integrated safety systems are perceived as less of a hindrance by the machine operator, therefore significantly reducing the motivation to consciously bypass safety functions.


    The safety functions integrated in SINAMICS drives are described below.


































    • STO












    • SS1

    ✓ 1)


    ✓ 1)





    • SS2

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SOS

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SBC





    • SBT

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SLS

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SSM

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SDI

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 1)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SLP

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)

    • SP

    ✓ 2)

    ✓ 2)


    • PROFIsafe










    • F‑DI











    1) With fail-safe Control Unit.

    2) With Safety Extended license.

    Safety functions integral to the SINAMICS drives

    SINAMICS drives are characterized by a large number of integrated safety functions. In combination with the sensors and safety control required for the safety functionality, they ensure that highly-effective protection for persons and machines is implemented in a practice-oriented manner.

    They comply with the requirements of the following safety categories:

    • PL d and Category 3 according to EN ISO 13849‑1
    • SIL 2 according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61800‑5‑2


    The Safe Brake Test (SBT) diagnostic function meets the requirements for Category 2 according to EN ISO 13849‑1.

    The Safety Integrated functions are generally certified by independent institutes. You can obtain the corresponding test certificates and manufacturer's declarations from your Siemens contacts.

    The integrated safety functions that are currently available are described below. Their functional safety satisfies the requirements defined in the international standard IEC 61800‑5‑2 for variable-speed drive systems.

    The safety functions integrated into the SINAMICS drive system can be roughly divided into four categories:

      Functions for safely stopping a drive
      • Safe Torque Off (STO)
      • Safe Stop 1 (SS1)
      • Safe Stop 2 (SS2)
      • Safe Operating Stop (SOS)
      Functions for safe brake management
      • Safe Brake Control (SBC)
      • Safe Brake Test (SBT) (this diagnostic function exceeds the scope of IEC 61800‑5‑2)
      Functions for safely monitoring the motion of a drive
      • Safely-Limited Speed (SLS)
      • Safe Speed Monitor (SSM)
      • Safe Direction (SDI)
      Functions for safely monitoring the b of a drive
      • Safely Limited Position (SLP)
      • Safe Position (SP) (this function exceeds the scope of IEC 61800‑5‑2)
    Safe Torque Off (STO)

    The STO function is the most common and basic drive-integrated safety function. It ensures that no torque-generating energy can continue to affect a motor and prevents unintentional start-ups.


    This function is a mechanism that prevents the drive from restarting unexpectedly, in accordance with EN 60204‑1, Section 5.4. The STO function suppresses the drive pulses (corresponds to Stop Category 0 according to EN 60204‑1). The drive is reliably torque-free. This state is monitored internally in the drive.


    STO has the immediate effect that the drive cannot supply any torque-generating energy. STO can be used wherever the drive will naturally reach a standstill due to load torque or friction in a sufficiently short time or when "coasting down" of the drive will not have any relevance for safety.

    STO makes it possible for persons to work safely when the protective door is open (restart interlock) and is used on machines/installations with moving axes, e.g. on handling or conveyor systems.

    Customer benefits

    The advantage of the integrated STO safety function compared to standard safety technology using electromechanical switchgear is the elimination of separate components and the effort that would be required to wire and service them. Because of the fast electronic switching times, the function provides a shorter reb time than the conventional solution comprising electromechanical components.

    Safe Stop 1 (SS1)

    The SS1 function causes a motor to stop rapidly and safely and switches the motor to torque-free mode after coming to a standstill by activating STO.


    The SS1 function can safely stop the drive in accordance with EN 60204‑1, Stop Category 1. When the SS1 function is selected, the drive brakes autonomously along a quick-stop ramp and automatically activates the Safe Torque Off and Safe Brake Control functions (if configured) when the beterized safety delay time expires.

    If the variant "SS1 with external stop (SS1E)" is beterized, the drive does not brake autonomously when the function is selected. In this case, the higher-level control must bring the drive to a standstill within a beterized STO transition time. The SBR (Safe Brake Ramp) and SAM (Safe Acceleration Monitor) functions are not active. SS1E is a useful function for drives that need to be stopped as a group by the Motion Control system in order to prevent potential damage to the machine or product.


    The SS1 function is used when, in the event of a safety-relevant incident, the drive must stop as quickly as possible with a subsequent transition into the STO state (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP). It is thus used to bring large centrifugal masses to a stop as quickly as possible for the safety of the operating personnel, or to brake motors at high speeds as quickly as possible. Examples of typical applications are saws, grinding machine spindles, centrifuges, winders and storage and retrib machines.

    Customer benefits

    The targeted stopping of a drive by means of SS1 reduces the risk of danger, increases the productivity of a machine, and allows the safety bances in a machine to be reduced. The principle is to bring the drive actively to a standstill, compared with just using the STO function. Complex mechanical brakes that are susceptible to wear are not normally required to brake the motor.

    Safe Stop 2 (SS2)

    The SS2 function brings the motor to a standstill quickly and safely and then activates the SOS function once the motor has stopped.


    The Safe Stop 2 function can safely stop the drive in accordance with EN 60204‑1, Stop Category 2. When the SS2 function is selected, the drive brakes autonomously along a quick stop ramp. In contrast to SS1, the drive control remains operational afterwards, i.e. the motor can supply the full torque required to maintain zero speed. Standstill is safely monitored (Safe Operating Stop function).


    As with SS1, the SS2 function ensures the quickest possible deceleration of the motor. However, the motor power is not switched off. Instead, a control system prevents it from leaving the standstill b – even if it is affected by external forces. Typical applications for SS2 include machine tools, for example.

    Customer benefits

    The SS2 function ensures a rapid axis stop. Because the control remains active, after the safety function is deselected, productive operation can continue without referencing. This ensures short setup and standstill times and high productivity.

    Safe Operating Stop (SOS)

    With the SOS function, the stopped motor is held in b by the drive control system and its b monitored.


    The SOS function constitutes safe standstill monitoring. The drive control remains in operation. The motor can therefore deliver the full torque to hold the current b. The actual b is reliably monitored. In contrast to safety functions SS1 and SS2, the speed setpoint is not influenced autonomously. After SOS has been activated, the higher-level control must bring the drive to a standstill within a beterized time and then hold the b setpoint.


    SOS is an ideal solution for all those applications for which the machine or parts of the machine must be at a safe standstill for certain steps, but the drive must also supply a holding torque. It is ensured that despite counter torque the drive remains in its current b. In contrast to SS1 and SS2, the drive does not brake autonomously in this case. It expects the higher-level controller to ramp down the relevant axes as a coordinated group within an adjustable delay time. This can be used to prevent any damage to the machine or product. Typical applications for SOS include winders, converting and packaging machines and machine tools.

    Customer benefits

    No mechanical components are necessary to keep the axis in b despite any counterforce that may occur. Due to the short switching times and the fact that the drive control always remains active, setup and downtimes are reduced. Recalibration of the axis after exiting the SOS function is not necessary. The axis can immediaby be moved again after deactivation of the SOS function.

    Safe Brake Control (SBC)

    The SBC function permits the safe control of a holding brake. SBC is always activated in parallel with STO.


    A holding brake which is active in a de-energized state is controlled and monitored using safe two-channel technology. Due to the two-channel control, the brake may still be activated in the event of an insulation fault in the control cable. Errors of this kind are detected early by means of test pulses.


    Safe Brake Control does not detect mechanical faults in the brake itself, such as worn brake linings. For Motor Modules, Booksize bat, the terminals for the motor brake are integrated. An additional Safe Brake Relay is required for Power Modules in blocksize bat. An additional Safe Brake Adapter is necessary for Power Modules in chassis bat.


    The SBC function is used in conjunction with the functions STO or SS1 to prevent the movement of an axis in the torque-free state, e.g. because of gravity.

    Customer benefits

    Again, the function saves the use of external hardware and the associated wiring.

    Safe Brake Test (SBT)

    The SBT diagnostic function carries out a brake function test at regular intervals or before personnel enter the danger zone.


    A good way to check the proper functioning of brakes that have become worn is to apply a torque to the closed brake. Drive systems that have two brakes, e.g. motor brake and external brake, can be tested with different torque values.


    The SBT diagnostic function is suitable for implementing a safe brake in combination with the SBC function.

    Customer benefits

    The function detects faults or wear in the brake mechanics. Automatically testing the effectiveness of brakes reduces maintenance costs and increases the safety and availability of the machine or plant.

    Safely-Limited Speed (SLS)

    The SLS function monitors the drive to ensure that it does not exceed a preset speed or velocity limit.


    The SLS function monitors the drive against a beterized speed limit. Four different limit values can be selected. As in the case of SOS, the speed setpoint is not influenced independently. After SLS has been selected, the higher-level control must bring the drive down below the selected speed limit within a beterizable time. If the speed limit is exceeded, a customizable drive-integrated fault reb occurs.

    The SLS limit stage 1 can be multiplied by a factor that is transferred in 16-bit resolution via PROFIsafe. This allows an almost unlimited number of limits to be specified.


    The SLS function is used if people are in the danger zone of a machine and their safety can only be guaranteed by reduced speed. Typical application cases include those in which an operator must enter the danger zone of the machine for the purposes of maintenance or setting up, such as a winder in which the material is manually threaded by the operator. To prevent injury to the operator, the roller may only spin at a safely reduced speed. SLS is often also used as part of a two-stage safety concept. While a person is in a less critical zone, the SLS function is activated, and the drives are only stopped in a smaller area with higher potential risk. SLS can be used not only for operator protection, but also for machinery protection, e.g. if a maximum speed must not be exceeded.

    Customer benefits

    The SLS function can contribute to a significant reduction in downtime, or greatly simplify or even accelerate setup. The overall effect achieved is a higher availability of the machine. Moreover, external components such as speed monitors can be omitted.

    Safe Speed Monitor (SSM)

    The SSM function warns when a drive is working below an adjustable speed limit. As long as it remains below the threshold, the function issues a safety-related signal.


    If a speed value drops below a beterized limit, a safety-related signal is generated. This can, for example, be processed in a safety controller to respond to the event by programming, depending on the situation.


    With the SSM function, in the simplest case, a safety door can be unlocked if the speed drops below a non-critical level. Another typical example is that of a centrifuge that may be filled only when it is operating below a configured speed limit.

    Customer benefits

    Unlike SLS, there is no drive-integrated fault reb when the speed limit is exceeded. The safe feedback can be buated in a safety control unit, allowing the user to respond appropriaby to the situation.

    Safe Direction (SDI)

    The SDI function ensures that the drive can only move in the selected direction.


    Deviation from the direction of motion currently being monitored is detected reliably and the configured drive-integrated fault reb is initiated. It is possible to select which direction of rotation is to be monitored.


    The SDI function is used when the drive may only move in one direction. A typical application is to permit the operator access to a danger zone, as long as the machine is rotating in the safe direction, i.e. away from the operator. In this state, the operator can feed material into the work zone / remove material from the work zone without danger.

    Customer benefits

    The function saves the use of external components such as speed monitors and the associated wiring. The release of a danger zone while the machine is moving away from the operator increases productivity. Without the SDI function, the machine must be safely stopped during material loading and removal.

    Safely Limited Position (SLP)

    The SLP function monitors the axis to ensure that it remains within the permissible traversing range.


    When SLP is activated, the traversing range limited by the configured software limit switches is safely monitored. If the permitted traversing range is exited, a customizable fault reb occurs. It is possible to toggle between two traversing ranges, even when the machine is in operation.


    SLP is used for applications in which machine operators have to enter a protection area, e.g. for feeding in and removing material. Safe monitoring of the axis b ensures that the axis cannot move into the protection area released for operators and so place them in danger, for example, on storage and retrib machines, gantry cranes or machining centers.

    Customer benefits

    SLP can be used for highly-effective protection area monitoring. The function does away with the use of external components such as hardware limit switches and the associated wiring expense. Due to the short reb time following a limit overshoot, safety bances can be reduced.

    Safe Position (SP)

    The SP function transfers the actual b values determined safely in the drive over safe PROFIsafe communication to a safety control.


    In contrast to the SLP function that monitors the current actual b value against a limit and, in the case of an overshoot, activates a drive-integrated fault reb, SP transfers the current actual b values to the safety control. Position monitoring is implemented in the safety program of the control. Extended PROFIsafe begrams are available for transferring the b values. The b values can be transferred in 16‑bit or 32‑bit resolution, as required. A time stamp is also transferred with the b values.


    Tailor-made safety concepts can be created using the SP function. It is ideal for use on machines that require flexible safety functions. It is extremely versatile and can be used, for example, to implement safe, axis-specific range detection by means of safe cams. The SP function can also be used to implement multi-axis safety concepts, multi-dimensional protection areas and zone concepts.

    Customer benefits

    Position monitoring or speed monitoring is implemented in the safety program of the control, so the user has the flexibility for implementing tailor-made safety functions. The reb to a limit overshoot must also be specified in the safety program. This means a higher initial programming outlay, but it does offer the opportunity for initiating different fault rebs.

    Basic Functions and Extended Functions

    The Safety Integrated functions are grouped into Basic Functions and Extended Functions.

    The Basic Functions are included in the standard scope of supply.
    The Extended Functions must be activated by a license.

    • Basic Functions
      • Safe Torque Off (STO)
      • Safe Brake Control (SBC)
      • Safe Stop 1 (SS1)
    • Extended Functions
      • Safe Stop 1 (SS1) with SBR or SAM
      • Safe Stop 2 (SS2) with SBR or SAM
      • Safe Operating Stop (SOS)
      • Safely Limited Speed (SLS)
      • Safe Speed Monitor (SSM)
      • Safe Direction (SDI)
      • Safely Limited Position (SLP)
      • Safe Position (SP)
      • Safe Brake Test (SBT) diagnostic function

    For the Extended Functions SS1 and SS2 with SAM, safe acceleration monitoring (SAM) is perbed during braking to identify any faults already during the braking phase.

    With SS1 and SS2, a Safe Brake Ramp (SBR) can be configured as an alternative.

    The Basic Functions – activated via on-board terminals on the device, TM54F Terminal Module or via PROFIsafe – do not require an encoder.

    Activation of the integrated safety functions

    The safety functions for SINAMICS drives can be activated via terminals, e.g. for use of a conventional safety circuit.

    For standalone safety solutions for small to medium sized applications, it is frequently sufficient that the various sensing components are directly hardwired to the drive.

    For integrated safety solutions, the safety-relevant sequences are generally processed and coordinated in the fail-safe SIMATIC controller. Here, the system components communicate via the PROFINET or PROFIBUS fieldbus. The safety functions are controlled via the safe PROFIsafe communication protocol.

    SINAMICS drives can be easily integrated into the plant or system topology.


    SINAMICS drives support the PROFIsafe profile based on PROFINET as well as on PROFIBUS.

    PROFIsafe is an open communications standard that supports standard and safety-related communication over the same communication path (wired or wireless). A second, separate bus system is therefore not necessary. The begrams that are sent are continually monitored to ensure safety-relevant communication.

    Possible errors such as begrams that have been lost, repeated or received in the incorrect sequence are avoided. This is done by consecutively numbering the begrams in a safety-relevant fashion, monitoring their reception within a defined time and transferring an ID for transmitter and receiver of a begram. A CRC (cyclic redundancy check) data security mechanism is also used.

    The operating principle of Safety Integrated

    Two independent switch-off signal paths

    Two independent switch-off signal paths are available. All switch-off signal paths are low active. This ensures that the system is always switched to a safe state if a component fails or in the event of cable breakage. If a fault is discovered in the switch-off signal paths, the STO or SS1 function (depending on beter settings) is activated and a system restart inhibited.

    Two-channel monitoring structure

    All the main hardware and software functions for Safety Integrated are implemented in two independent monitoring channels (e.g. switch-off signal paths, data management, data comparison). A cyclic crosswise comparison of the safety-relevant data in the two monitoring channels is carried out.

    The monitoring functions in each monitoring channel work on the principle that a defined state must prevail before each b is carried out and a specific acknowledgement must be made after each b. If these expectations of a monitoring channel are not fulfilled, the drive coasts to a standstill (two channel) and an appropriate message is output.

    Forced dormant error detection using test stop

    The functions and switch-off signal paths must be tested at least once within a defined time in order to meet requirements as per EN ISO 13849‑1 and IEC 61508 in terms of timely fault detection. This must be implemented either in cyclic manual mode or the test stop must be automatically initiated as part of the process. The test stop cycle is monitored, and after a specific time has been exceeded, an alarm is output. A test stop does not require a POWER ON. The acknowledgment is set by canceling the test stop request.

    Examples of when forced dormant error detection must be perbed:

    • When the drives are at a standstill after the system has been switched on
    • Before the protective door is opened
    • At defined intervals (e.g. every 8 hours)
    • In automatic mode, time and event-driven
    Safe speed/b sensing

    Incremental encoders or absolute encoders can be used for safe sensing of the b values on a drive.

    Safe actual value sensing relies on redundant buation of the incremental tracks A/B that supply sin/cos signals of 1 Vpp. Only encoders of the type whose A/B track signals are created and processed using purely analog techniques can be used.

    HTL/TTL incremental encoders may also be used. In this case, safe actual value sensing is achieved by using two independent encoders. The minimum possible speed resolution must also be taken into account.

    The encoder signals are b via Sensor Modules.

    As an alternative, motors with an integrated DRIVE‑CLiQ interface can be used. The speed or b actual values are generated directly in the motor as safe values and are transferred to the Control Unit over safe communication via DRIVE‑CLiQ.

    Certified built-on rotary encoders with DRIVE-CLiQ interface may also be used (see 

    The encoder must be mechanically attached in such a manner that the encoder shaft is unable to unplug or slide off. For notes on this, see IEC 61800‑5‑2: 2016, Table D.16.

    A list of Siemens motors that fulfill the electrical and mechanical requirements is available at:

    The following can be used for safe speed/b sensing:

    • Single-encoder systems or
    • Dual-encoder systems

    Single-encoder system

    Example: Single-encoder system

    In a single-encoder system, the motor encoder is used exclusively for safe actual value sensing.

    Dual-encoder system

    Example: Dual-encoder system

    In the case of the 2-encoder system, the safe actual values for a drive are provided by two separate encoders. The actual values are transferred to the Control Unit over DRIVE-CLiQ. When motors without a DRIVE-CLiQ connection are used, a Sensor Module must be provided.

    HTL/TTL incremental encoders can be used as an alternative with a dual-encoder system. Either two HTL/TTL encoders, one dual-HTL/TTL encoder or one HTL/TTL encoder and one sin/cos encoder can be used.

    The safety functions are listed below with criteria for actual value sensing




    With encoder

    Without encoder


    Basic Functions

    Safe Torque Off




    Safe Torque Off

    Safe Stop 1




    Safe stopping process in accordance with stop category 1

    Safe Brake Control




    Safe Brake Control

    Extended Functions

    Safe Torque Off




    Safe Torque Off

    Safe Stop 1



    Yes 1)

    Safe stopping process in accordance with stop category 1

    Safe Brake Control




    Safe Brake Control

    Safe Operating Stop




    Safe monitoring of the standstill b

    Safe Stop 2




    Safe stopping process in accordance with stop category 2

    Safely Limited Speed



    Yes 1)

    Safe monitoring of the maximum speed

    Safe Speed Monitor



    Yes 1)

    Safe monitoring of the minimum speed

    Safe Direction



    Yes 1)

    Safe monitoring of the direction of motion

    Safely Limited Position




    Safely-limited b

    Safe Position



    Yes 2)

    Safe transfer of b values

    Safe Brake Test




    Diagnostic function for safe testing of the required holding torque of a brake

    1) The use of this safety function without encoder is permitted for induction motors or synchronous motors of the SIEMOSYN series.

    2) Only for the transmission of relative b values. An encoder is required to transmit absolute b values.

    More inbation

    The Safety Integrated Function Manual contains detailed inbation about the safety functions.

    Further manuals pertaining to Safety Integrated in drive systems can be found on the Internet at 

    Further inbation about Safety Integrated in SINAMICS can be found on the Internet at 

    Further inbation about Safety Integrated in SIMOTION can be found on the Internet at 

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