德国AB 4100氯专用垂直膜片压力表
德国AB 4100氯专用垂直膜片压力表
上架日期:2013-06-03 13:55:29
    类型: 4100 PsP 60-2 -1/0 bar for Cl2 氯专用垂直膜片压力表 联接型式: G1/4B
    型号: 4100 PsP 60-2 -1/0 bar for Cl2 氯专用垂直膜片压力表 精度等级: 1.6
    品牌: Armaturenbau 环境温度: -20-70(℃)
    加工定制: 公称直径: 60(mm)
    测量范围: 0-0.6 bar to 0-40 bar (0-10 psi to 0-600 psi)(MPa)

    德国AB 4100 PsP 60-2  -1/0 bar for Cl2


    Diaphragm Pressure Gauges
    with Vertical Diaphragm

    Accuracy 1.6 % f.s.  Model PsP 

    Case Ø 60 (2.36")

        Technical details of pressure gauges model PsP and inbation about applications can be found on general inbation leaflet 4000.

       Case Size
        60 (2.36")

       Accuracy Class (EN 837-3)
        1.6 (i.e. accuracy error less than +1.6% of full scale value);
        4 for gauges with protection foil covering the diaphragm

       Pressure Ranges (EN 837-3)
        0 ... 0.6 bar (10 psi) to 0 ... 40 bar (600 psi) also standard vacuum
        and compound ranges, see table overleaf;
        please compare limitations mentioned below ("material wetted parts")

       Pressure Limitations
        Steady pressure / maximum: full scale value
        Cyclic pressure: 90% of full scale value

       Temperature Limitations
        Ambient temperature : -20 / +50°C (-4 / +122 °F)
        Medium temperature: max. +50°C (122 °F)

       Temperature Caused Error
        The accuracy error caused by media or ambient temperatures differing
        from +20 °C (+68° F) is significant. In accordance with EN 837-3 it may
        be up to .8 % f.s. per each 10 °C (18°F).

       Protection Type (EN 60529 / IEC 529)
        IP 43


       Standard Configuration

        ¼" BSP bottom connection or center back connection (rm)

       Material Wetted Parts
        Ordering code -1: Bottom connection:
                          Connection brass, lower half gray cast iron,
                          diaphragm carbon steel
                          Center back connection:
                          Connection and lower half carbon steel zinc plated,
                          diaphragm carbon steel
        Ordering code -2: Connection and lower half carbon steel, partly
                          black painted, with 5 mm inlet port orifice,
                          diaphragm carbon steel with Ag-foil, vacuum tight,
                          suitable for use on chlorine metering systems 1),
                          pressure ranges: -1200/0 mbar,
                          -1/0 bar (30" vac.) or
                          0/16 bar (0/200 psi),
                          accuracy class 4
        Ordering code -3: Connection and lower half 316 stainless steel
                          (1.4571), diaphragm carbon steel with protection
                          foil 316 stainless steel (1.4571), pressure ranges
                          > 0/1 bar (>15 psi), accuracy class 4



        Brass/German silver

        Aluminum alloy, black figures, white background

        Aluminum alloy black

        Bezel ring, black painted, screwed-on to the vertical mounted lower half

        Single strength glass lens

        1) version Cl2 for chlorine-metering systems; please also notice our data sheet 4310, model PsPK 63-2!


       Optional Special Configurations
        • Connection thread ¼" NPT, M 12x1.5 (others upon request;
          version –1 rm with brass connection)
        • Movement stainless steel (wear- and corrosion-resistant)
        • Inlet port restrictor screw brass or stainless steel
        • Acrylic glass lens
        • Special scales, such as dual-ranges or retarded scales
        • Overrange protection available up to 3-times full scale
          pressure [max. 50 bar (730 psi)]
        • Version –3 for NH3, compleby free of nonferrous heavy bl
        • Diaphragm with protection foil 316 stainless steel (1.4571),
          PTFE, or others
        • Splash proofed version (sealed front and backside)
        • Other than vertical installation
        • Top or side connection
        • Backsided flush connection ¼" BSP (available for PsP 60-3
          with bottom process connection only)
        • Nominal sizes 80 (3") or 100 (4") upon request


       How to Order:
       Please specify:
       Model code:                PsP 60
       Wetted parts:             – 1, – 2 or – 3 (please compare left)
       Case configuration:       rm, rmFr
        (see reverse side)         (standard case = bottom connection
                                    = without code letter to add)
       Pressure range:           according to EN 837-3, e.g. 0/6 bar
        Process connection:      ¼" BSP (= standard) or ¼" NPT
       Special configurations:  (see above)
       Examples for Ordering Inbation:
        • PsP 60-1, rmFr, 6 bar, ¼" BSP
        • PsP 60-2, -1/0 bar, ¼" NPT (for Cl2)


       Case Configurations, Code Letters, Dimensional Data and Weight

       Pressure Ranges / Graduations of the Scale:

    The inbation in this leaflet is given in good faith, but we reserve the right to make changes without notice.


        北威州的ARMATURENBAUGmbH 是一家拥有长年生产压力测量仪器传统的中型企业,它的前身是1903年成立的位于德国Halle/Saale的 August Beer 公司。大约180员工为了公司的前途不断地努力工作。 

        MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH的前身是撒克逊州的“Meßgerätewerk Beierfeld”。自1957年以来,这里生产工业用压力和温度测量仪器以及气体压力温度计、保护管、接触压力表、真空计,1991年MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH 作为 ARMATURENBAU GmbH 的子公司私有化。

        MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH 客户主要分布在德国东部、东欧、前苏联国家和中国这些地区和国家之中。

    欢迎致电咨询订购德国AB 4100 PsP 60-2  -1/0 bar for Cl2 氯专用垂直膜片压力表

    电话:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293


    QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574


    公司官网:http://www.zoriver.cn    http://www.zoriver.com.cn

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