上架日期:2013-08-14 13:59:07

    互不相让的双脚 是不可能迈进一步的

     系列IC697 PLC


     今天的生产面临需要更广泛的控制解决方案使操作更加灵活的压力,因此,GE Fanuc提供系列IC697 PLC来提供从简单继电器替换到复杂中档自动化控制的多种功能。系列IC697有超过100个离散量和模拟量I/O模块以及一个创新结构和模块化设计,可以完全满足您的应用需求,并且随着您企业的增长而进行系统扩展。      Product Details     系列IC697 CPU 

        对于需要较少I/O数量的入门级应用,可以采用嵌入在背板上的IC697 CPU,使得所有槽用于I/O模块。高性能的CPU是基于 Inb 386EX处理器以得到快速计算和大量吞吐。它们最多能控制4096I/O,高性能CPU最小用户内存为32K,能用多种标准语言进行编程。 

        新型CPU374有一个运行在133 Mhz 主频的AMDSC520处理器。除了能高速处理以外,系列IC697 CPU374还提供带内置交换机的两个10/100M以太网端口(RJ-45)。CPU374两个内置以太网口共用一个IP地址。CPU374以太网端口能自适应波特率,可以采用以太网直连或级连电缆。     CPU374支持SRTP服务器和以太网全局数据广播(EGD)协议。CPU374EZ 程序存储设备兼容,它能使用户无需计算机就能下载程序和组态。 

        CPU374布尔量执行速度为0.15 milliseconds/K,它有240Kbyte的可组态内存,并且可以用梯形图、C语言或State Logic?语言编程。CPU374最多可支持4096个远程和本地I /O     电源模块 

        系列IC697电源模块依照CPU的性能分为单电源、故障安全电源和容错电源。高级诊断和内置智能开关熔丝也是它所拥有的性能。您可以选择我们新型的冗余系列IC697电源模块     分布式I/O通信模块 

        系列IC697有许多通信选项,包括以太网、GeniusSeries 90 协议(SNP)和Modbus RTU 




        特殊模块包括热电偶模块、RTD模块、毫伏/应变仪模块、顺序事件记录模块、隔离模拟量模块、带调制解调器的通讯模块和一个气动阀输出模块。     可编程软件 

        系统IC697可选编程软件可以是梯形图逻辑、SFC、“C”或者状态逻辑。C语言编程使用户能处理复杂的计算,而这些计算一度只能由大型昂贵的PLC来执行。     2 系列90-70 PLC 

        制造过程越复杂,对强大高级的控制器要求就更高。系列90-70专门为迎接这些挑战而设计,如高级批次处理、三重冗余和高速处理。这些高性能的控制器可以处理大量的I/O,其庞大的用户程序处理内存可以满足复杂生产的需要。      Product Details     系列 90-70 CPU 

        系列90-70 CPU基于Inb的处理器,能够提高生产技术性能。     电源模块和机架 



        GE Fanuc提供一系列能支持不同的电压范围和类型、最大允许电流、隔离与响应时间的模块,来满足用户应用的需要。现在可提供高密度64 I/O     模拟量I/O模块 


    IC697系列小倪推荐 CTRL(控制键)

    IC697ACC621    115VAC fan tray to be used with Series 90-70 or RX7i short racks.       Active          N     N     Controllers       Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC624       230VAC fan tray for the Series 90 70 or RX7i short racks. Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC644       24VDC fan tray for Series 90-70 or RX7i short racks. Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC700       Terminal Block, 40 Contacts (qty 6)     Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC701       Replacement Battery, CPU & PCM (qty 2)   Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC702       I/O Bus Terminator Plug       Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC715       Kit, VME Integrator, J2 Backplane Mounting      Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC720       Blank Slot Filler, full slot rack (qty. 6) Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC721       Rack Cooling Fan, 115 Volt   Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC722       VME Backplane Connector, Interrupt Jumper (qty 6)  Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC723       Clear Plastic Doors (qty 6)    Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC724       Rack Cooling Fan, 230 Volt   Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC726       Top PWA Cover, CPU-Style, (Quantity 6)    Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC727       Top and Bottom PWA Cover - GBC (Quantity 2) Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC728       Top and Bottom PWA Cover - BTM/BTR (Quantity 2)       Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC729       Top and Bottom PWA Cover - I/O Link       Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC730       Spare Slot Terminal Strip Retainer (Quantity 1)   Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC732       Top PWA Cover - CPU77x and CPU78x (Qty 2)  Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ACC735       Blank Slot Filler, half slot integrators rack (qty. 6)      Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC744       Rack Cooling Fan, 24 VDC   Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697ACC775       Gold plated analog terminal blocks for IC697ALG234, IC697ALG324, IC697ALG444 and IC697ALG445.  Qty 6 blocks in package.      Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM   N

    IC697ACC800       Fiber Optic Cable for Reflective Memory module (IC697VRM015).  Five fe et long.    Active            N     N       Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697ACC801       I/O Cable (96 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules.  Five feet long      Active     Used on models IC697VAL216, IC697VAL232, IC697VAL264, IC697VDD100, IC6 97VDR150 & IC697VDR151.  Compatible with transistion module IC697ACC82 2. N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697ACC802       I/O Cable (64 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules.  Five feet long      Active     Used on modules IC697VAL301 and IC697VDQ120.  Compatible iwth transiti on module IC697ACC821.      N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697ACC803       I/O Cable (32 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules.  Five feet long      Active     Used on models IC697VAL306 and IC697VAL348.  Compatible with transitio n module IC697ACC820.       N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697ACC804       I/O Cable (96 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules.  Ten feet long       Active     Used on models IC697VAL216, IC697VAL232, IC697VAL264, IC697VDD100, ICV DR150 & IC697VDR151.  Compatible with Transition module IC697ACC822.      N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697ACC805       I/O Cable (64 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules.  Ten feet long       Active     Used on modules IC697VAL301 & IC697VDQ120.  Compatible with transistio n module IC697ACC821.       N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70       Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697ACC820       DIN Rail Transition Module 32 Pin for IC697Vxxxxx modules  Active     The transition module connects to the cables coming from the IC697xxxm odules.  The transition module provides easy termination to field wiri ng.  Compatible with I/O cable IC697ACC803 & IC697ACC806.       N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM  N

    IC697ACC821       DIN Rail Transition Module 64 Pin for IC697Vxxxxx modules  Active     The transition module connects to the cables coming from the IC697xxx modules.  The transition module provides easy termination to field wir ing.  Compatible with I/O cable IC697ACC802 & IC697ACC805.       N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM  N

    IC697ACC822       DIN Rail Transition Module 96 Pin for IC697Vxxxxx modules  Active     The transition module connects to the cables coming from the IC697xxx modules.  The transition module provides easy termination to field wir ing.  Compatible with I/O cable IC697ACC801 & IC697ACC804.       N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM  N

    IC697ADC701       CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Coprocessor (Repeat Systems) Mature    Migrate Customers to the ViewStation or QuickPanel     N     Y     Controllers     Motion Products     Motion Controllers HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ADC701RR  Access 90 Display Coprocessor     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ADS701       CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Package (First System)    Mature    Migrate Customers to the ViewStation or QuickPanel       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG230       Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 8 Channels   Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG230RR   Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 8 Channels   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG234       Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 8 Channels gold plated terminal.  WARNING: The IC697ALG234 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY.  IC697ACC775 is included with the module.    Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG320       Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG320RR   Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG324       Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 Channel sgold plated terminal.  WARNING: The IC697ALG324 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY.  IC697ACC775 is included with the module.    Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG440       Analog Input Expander, Current, 16 Channels     Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG440RR   Analog Input Expander, Current, 16 Channels     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG441       Analog Input Expander, Voltage, 16 Channels     Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG441RR   Analog Input Expander, Voltage, 16 Channels     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG444       Analog Input Expander, Current, 16 Channels gold plated terminal.  WARNING: The IC697ALG444 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY.  IC697ACC775 is included with the module.   Discontinued          N       Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697ALG445       Analog Input Expander, Voltage, 16 Channels gold plated terminal.  WARNING: The IC697ALG445 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY.  IC697ACC775 is included with the module.   Discontinued          N       Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM711       Bus Receiver (Required for Each Local Expansion Rack)    Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM711RR  Bus Receiver (Required for Each Local Expansion Rack)    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM713       Bus Transmitter (Also Provides Parallel Programming Port)      Mature    Uses Series Six cables up to 50ft for expansion.      N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM713RR  Bus Transmitter (Also Provides Parallel Programming Port)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM715RR  VME Bus Transmitter    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM721       I/O Link Interface Module for the Series 90-70   Discontinued   Manual GFK-0644 is recommended for the Series 90-70 I/O Link module.      N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM   N

    IC697BEM721RR  I/O Link Interface Module     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM731       Series 90-70 Genius I/O Bus Controller       Mature    The following manuals are recommended for the 90-70 Bus Controller:  G FK-0398, GEK-90486-1, GEK-90486-2     N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM731RR  Series 90-70 Genius I/O Bus Controller       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM733       Series 90-70 Genius Remote I/O Scanner     Mature    The following manual is recommended for the Remote I/O Scanner:  GFK-0 579   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   I/O Interfaces  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM733RR  Series 90-70 Genius Remote I/O Scanner     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM741       Sell to Alstom only.  FIP Bus Controllerfor 9070      Mature    At the present time GE Fanuc will not be putting in place the normal l evels of support for the sale, application, or installation of World F IP systems.  The Hot Line has not been trained on World FIP and will n ot be able to respond to requests for support    N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM741RR  FIP Bus Controller 9070       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM761       Series 90-70 I/O Interface (Used with Series Six Plus PLC)       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM761RR  Series 90-70 I/O Interface (Used with Series Six Plus PLC)       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697BEM763RR  DLan Interface       Active            N     N     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        7/3/2010 05:56:13 PM   N

    IC697BEM764RR  DLAN Interface for VME     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CBL700 Cable Kit, Power Supply Exp. (Used for 2-Rack P/S Function)  Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Cables     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CBL709 Cable, MAP Controller to Broadband Modem      Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Cables       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CBL803 Cable, RCM Communication (3 feet)    Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Cables     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CBL811 Cable, RCM Communications (10 feet) Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Cables     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CBL826 Cable, RCM Communications (25 feet) Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Cables     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CGR772       Hot Standby Genius Dual Bus CPU, 486DX4, 2K Discrete I/O, 512K byte fi xed user memory, Floating Pt.       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CGR935       Hot Standby Genius Dual Bus CPU, 486DX4, 12K Discrete I/O, 1M fixed us er memory, Floating Pt.       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CGR935RR   Hot Standby Genius Dual Bus CPU, 486DX4, 12K Discrete I/O, I M fixed u ser memory, Floating pt.  Active              N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS750       Rack, 5 Slots, Rear Mount     Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Bases/Racks    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS750RR   Series 90-70, 5 Slot Rack, Rear Mount Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS770       Redundant Rack (Dual) Rear Mount     Mature    This rack has two power supply slots and 12 backplane slots divided in to two separate sections, each having a power supply slot and six back plane slots. Backplane connectors are spaced on 0.8 inch centers to ac commodate VME modules.  Blank slot interrupt   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS771       Redundant Rack (Dual) Front Mount    Mature    This rack has two power supply slots and 12 backplane slots divided in to two separate sections, each having a power supply slot and six back plane slots. Backplane connectors are spaced on 0.8 inch centers to ac commodate VME modules.  Blank slot interrupt   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS782       Integrators Rack, 17 Slots, Rear Mount Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Bases/Racks       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS782RR   Series 90-70, 17 Slot Rack, Front Mount     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS783       Integrators Rack, 17 Slots, Front Mount      Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Bases/Racks       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS783RR   Series 90-70, 17 Slot Rack, Rear Mount      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS790       Rack, 9 Slots, Rear Mount     Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Bases/Racks    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS790RR   Series 90-70, 9 Slot Rack, Rear Mount Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS791       Rack, 9 Slots, Front Mount   Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Bases/Racks    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CHS791RR   Series 90-70, 9 Slot Rack, Front Mount       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM711      Communications Coprocessor, CCM, RTU, SNP, and SNPx Protocols       Discontinued   The following manual is recommended for the 90-70 CMM711 Module:  GFK- 0582  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM711RR  Communications Coprocessor, CCM2 and CCM3 Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM712      Serial Communications Module for State Logic   Discontinued   Should migrate Eclipse customers to Machine Edition Logic Developer - State    N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM   N

    IC697CMM712RR Serial Communications Module for State Logic   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM721RR Series 90-70 Carrierband Lan Interface (MAP 30)       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM731RR Series 90-70 Broadband Lan Interface, All Channels (MAP 30)  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM741      Series 90-70 MMS or TCP/IP Ethernet Lan Interface  Discontinued   IC697CMM742 is the recommended Ethernet Interface for new installatio ns. IC697CMM741 is required for older CPUs (before version 6.0). IC651 ENS040 software required for MMS  operation..  IC651ENS042 software re quired for TCP/IP operation. IC697ENS042 is i       N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM741RR Series 90-70 MMS/Ethernet Lan Interface    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM742      Ethernet Inferface for Series 90-70, Type 2.  The CMM742 no longer supports the AAUI/AUI interface.  If the AAUI/AUI is required, please contact GE Global Customer Care.     Mature    TCP/IP, SRTP, EGD are preloaded. Does not requires GSM. Release 6.0 or  higher CPU required. LM90-70 (release 6.x or higher), or CIMPLICITY M achine Edition required. CIMPLICITY Machine Edition is required to use  EGD.   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO              12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM742RR Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface, Type 2       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM798RR Replacement Part, MAP 30 Controller, Broadband      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CMM799RR Replacement Part, MAP 30 Modem, Broadband, All Channels    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPM790       GMR Redundancy CPU, 486, 2K Triplex (voted) I/O  Mature    Requires GMR Configuration software, IC641SWP715.      N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPM790RR  GMR Redundancy CPU, 486, 2K Triplex (voted) I/O  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPM914RR  CPU, 32 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 512K RAM (Expandable), 80486DX    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPM915RR  CPU, 32 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 1024K RAM, 80486DX  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPM924RR  CPU, 64MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 512K RAM (Expandable), 80486DX2    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPM925RR  CPU, 64MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 1024K RAM, 80486DX2 Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU731       CPU, 12 MHz, 512 Discrete I/O, Fixed Memory (32K Bytes)    Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU731RR   CPU, 8 MHz, 512 Discrete I/O, Fixed Memory (32 KBytes)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU732RR   CPU, 12 MHz, 512 Discrete I/O, Fixed Mem (32K Bytes), Floating Pt     Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU771RR   CPU, 12 MHz, 2K Discrete I/O, Expandable Memory Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU772RR   CPU, 12 MHz, 2K Discrete I/O, Expandable Memory, Floating Pt    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU780       Hot Standby Redundancy CPU, 386, 12K Discrete I/O, Exp. Mem., Floating  Pt.   Discontinued   The following manuals are recommended for the 90-70 Hot Standby CPU: GFK-0262, GFK-0827       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70      Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU780RR   CPU, Hot Standby Redundancy, 12K Disc. I/O, Exp Mem, Floating Pt     Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU781RR   CPU, 16 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, Expandable Memory      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU782RR   CPU, 16 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, Expandable Memory, Floating Pt   Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Field Control  SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU788       GMR Redundancy CPU, 386, 100 Triplex (voted)  I/O,    Discontinued   CPU788 and CPU789 must have a 512K memory daughterboard to operate.  R equires GMR Configuration Software  IC641SWP714 for phase 2 or IC641SW P715 for phase 3.  See Software category.   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM   N

    IC697CPU788RR   CPU, 100 Triplex (voted)  I/O, GMR Redundancy    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPU789       GMR Redundancy,CPU, 386, 2K Triplex (voted) I/O  Discontinued   CPU788 and CPU789 must have a 512K memory daughterboard to operate.  R equires GMR Configuration Software  IC641SWP714 for phase 2 or IC641SW P715 for phase 3.  See Software category.  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM  N

    IC697CPU789RR   CPU, 2K Triplex (voted) I/O, GMR Redundancy Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX772       CPU, 96 MHz, 2K Discrete I/O, 512K byte fixed user memory  Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX772RR   CPU, 96MHZ, 2K discrete I/O, 512K byte fixed user memory   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX782       CPU, 96 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 1M byte fixed user memory   Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX782RR   CPU, 96MHz, 12K discrete I/O, 1M byte fixed user memory     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX928       CPU, 96 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 6M byte fixed user memory   Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX935       CPU, 96 MHz, 12K Discrete I/O, 1M byte fixed user memory   Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CPX935RR   CPU, 96MHz, 12K discrete I/O, 1M byte fixed user memory     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CSE784 State Logic CPU, 16MHz, 80386 with Floating Point  Discontinued   Should migrate Eclipse customers to Machine Edition Logic Developer - State    N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CSE784RR   State Logic CPU, 16MHz, 80386 with Floating Point  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Field Control  SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CSE924RR   State Logic CPU, 64MHz, 80486DX2  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CSE925 State Logic CPU, 64MHz, 80486DX2  Discontinued   Should migrate Eclipse customers to Machine Edition Logic Developer - State   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   CPUs      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697CSE925RR   State Logic CPU, 64MHz, 80486DX2  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697GDC701RR  Graphics Display Coprocessor, CIMPLICITY 70  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697GDH701       CIMPLICITY 70 Graphic Display Hardware Package (Repeat Systems)    Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   I/O Interfaces  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697GDS701       CIMPLICITY 70 Graphic Display System Package (First System)     Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697HSC700       High Speed Counter      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO              12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697HSC700RR   High Speed Counter      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697LBR701 90-70 Documentation Library (paper manuals covering most options)       Mature           N     Y     Controllers       PLC Parts and Repair     Series 90-30   HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MCS704       This part is obsolete       Active     This product is in Mature status and is not actively being sold into n ew opportunity.    N     N     Controllers     Motion Controllers MCS700 Series      HWO             1/1/2012 04:54:47 PM   N

    IC697MDL240       120 Vac Isolated Input (16 Points) Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL240RR  120 Vac Isolated Input (16 Points) Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL241       240 Vac Isolated Input (16 Points) Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL241RR  240 Vac Isolated Input (16 Points) Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL250       120 Vac Input (32 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL250RR  120 Vac Input (32 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL251       120 Vac Input (16 Points) Non-isolated Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL251RR  120 Vac Input (16 Points) Non-isolated Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL252       12 Vac Input (32 Points)       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL252RR  12 Vac Input (32 Points)       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL253       24 Vac Input (32 Points)       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL253RR  24 Vac Input (32 Points)       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL254       48 Vac Input (32 Points)       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL254RR  48 Vac Input (32 Points)       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL340       120 Vac Output, 2 Amp (16 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL340RR  120 Vac Output, 2 Amp (16 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL341       120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (12 Points)  Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL341RR  120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (12 Points)  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL350       120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (32 Points)   Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL350RR  120 Vac Output, 05 Amp (32 Points)    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL640       125 Vdc Input (16 Points)     Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL640RR  125 Vdc Input (16 Points)     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL650RR  24 Vdc Input, Positive Logic (32 Points)     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Field Control   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL651       5 Vdc (TTL) Input (32 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL651RR  5 Vdc (TTL) Input (32 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL652       12 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Discrete Input I/O  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL652CA  12 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points) Conbal coated.       Active            N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL652RR  12 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL653       24 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Discrete Input I/O  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL653RR  24 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL654       48 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Discrete Input I/O  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL654RR  48 Vdc Input, Positive/Negative Logic (32 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL671       Interrupt Input Module, 14 points Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL671RR  Interrupt Input Module, 14 points Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL740       24/48 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points) Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL740RR  24/48 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points) Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL750       24/48 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (32 Points)     Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70      Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL750RR  24/48 Vdc Output, 05 Amp, Positive Logic (32 Points)      Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL752       12 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (32 Points)   Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL752CA  12 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (32 Points) Conbal Coated    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL752RR  12 Vdc Output, 05 Amp, Positive Logic (32 Points)    Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL753       5/48 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (32 Points)      Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70      Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL753RR  5/48 Vdc Output, 05 Amp, Negative Logic (32 Points)       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL940       Relay Output, Signal, 2 Amp (16 Points)     Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MDL940RR  Relay Output, Signal, 2 Amp (16 Points)     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70      SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM713      Expansion RAM, 64K Bytes, CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs and PCM)  Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM713RR Expansion RAM, 64 KBytes, CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs & PCM)    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM715      Expansion RAM, 128K Bytes, CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs and PCM)       Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM715RR Expansion RAM, 128 KBytes,CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs & PCM)   Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM717      Expansion RAM, 256K Bytes, CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs and PCM)       Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM717RR Expansion RAM, 256 KBytes,CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs & PCM)   Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM719      Expansion RAM, 512K Bytes, CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs and PCM)       Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM719RR Expansion RAM, 512 KBytes,CMOS (Used w/77X CPUs & PCM)   Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM731      Expansion RAM, 128K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)    Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM731RR Expansion RAM, 128K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM732      Exp. RAM, 256K Bytes, Non-volatile Flash, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)  Discontinued          N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM732RR Exp RAM, 256K Bytes, Non-volatile Flash, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)   Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM733      Expansion RAM, 256K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)    Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM733RR Expansion RAM, 256K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM735      Expansion RAM, 512K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)    Mature           N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MEM735RR Expansion RAM, 512K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs)    Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MLX000       Series 90-70 Labels Kit  Active            N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MSC701RR  Series 90-70 Demonstration Case  Active            N     N     Controllers     Series 90-70   Accessories     SRV        1/18/2008 08:34:25 PM N

    IC697MSC800       GMR Redundancy System, 386, 100 TMR  I/O, (Rack, P/S, CPU, RAM, 3-GBC)  Mature    MSC800, MSC801 and MSC802 require GMR Configuration software IC641SWP7 14 for phase 2 or IC641SWP715 for phase 3.  See Software category.  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MSC801       GMR Redundancy System, 386, 2K TMR  I/O, (Rack, P/S, CPU, RAM, 3-GBC)   Mature    MSC800, MSC801 and MSC802 require GMR Configuration software IC641SWP7 14 for phase 2 or IC641SWP715 for phase 3.  See Software category.  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697MSC802       GMR Redundancy System, 486, 2K TMR  I/O, (Rack, P/S, CPU, RAM, 3-GBC)   Mature    MSC800, MSC801 and MSC802 require GMR Configuration software IC641SWP7 14 for phase 2 or IC641SWP715 for phase 3.  See Software category.  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PCM711       Programmable Coprocessor   Discontinued   PCM memory expansion is recommended for MegaBasic applications.  Memor y modules/program size is as follows:   MEM713/47 KB, MEM715/61 KB, ME M717/104 KB, and MEM719/190 KB.  The following manuals are recommended  for the 90-70 PCM:  GFK-0255, GFK-0487     N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PCM711MP  Modified Series 90-70 PCM for OEMs Active            N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PCM711RR   Programmable Coprocessor   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PCM711WMP      Programmable Coprocessor Modified for use by OEMs      Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70      Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PCM712RR  VME Programmable Coprocessor Active            N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR710       Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125VDC, 50 Watts  Mature    Replaces IC697PWR731/732 in Rev. D and later versions   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR710RR  Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 55 Watts   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR711       Power Supply, 120/240 Vac,125VDC, 100 Watts Mature    Replaces IC697PWR731/732 in Rev. D and later versions   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Power Supplies      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR711FFM       Power Supply, 120/240 VAC, 100 Watts, FM Approved     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70      Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR711RR  Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 100 Watts Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR720       Replacement Power Supply Adaptor     Mature    Plugs into power supply slot in 90-70 rack.  Allows an external power supply to power rack.  Example of application would be using 1 externa l power supply to power multiple racks.    N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Power Supplies      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR720RR  Replacement Power Supply Adaptor     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR721RR  Power Supply, 24 Vdc, 90 Watts, w/Power Supply Adaptor       Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR722RR  Replacement Power Supply, 24 Vdc, 90 Watts     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR724       Power Supply, 24 Vdc, 90 Watts   Mature    Replaces IC697PWR721/722 Power Supply N     Y     Controllers       Series 90-70   Power Supplies      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR724RR  Power Supply, 24 Vdc, 90 Watts   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR731RR  Power Supply, 125 Vdc, 60 Watts, w/Power Supply Adaptor     Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR732RR  Replacement Power Supply, 125 Vdc, 60 Watts   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR748       Power Supply, 48 Vdc, 90 Watts   Mature           N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Power Supplies       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697PWR748RR  Power Supply, 48 Vdc, 90 Watts   Active            N     Y     Controllers     Return & Repair     Series 90-70       SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697RCM711       Hot Standby Redundancy Communications Module     Discontinued   The following manuals are recommended for the 90-70 Hot Standby RCM: GFK-0262, GFK-0827    N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Critical Control      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697RCM711RR  Redundancy Communications Module (Hot Standby Redundancy)     Active            N     Y     Controllers       Return & Repair     Series 90-70   SRV        12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL132 Discontinued.  Replaced VME-3125A-200000 different front panel connector. Contact GE Embedded for more details.    Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Upd ate rate of 40KHz aggregate conversion rate.      N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL134 Module discontinued.  Replacement is VME-3125A-100000 different front panel connector.  Contact GE IP Embedded for details.    Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VMW (Config Mode:  None) module.  Upd ate rate of 40KHz aggregate conversion rate.  Factory configured for + /-10VDC.   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL216 Remplacement is Embedded VME-3122A-420000.Contact GE IP Embedded for details. Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires two (96 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC801 for 5 foot or IC697A CC804 for 10 foot) & two IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Modules N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Input I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL232 Replacement is Embedded VME-3122A-410000. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.   Discontinued   Module configured as Third Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires two (96 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC801 for 5 foot or IC697A CC804 for 10 foot) & two IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Modules.       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL264 Relplacement is Embedded VME-3122A-400000. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.  Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires two (96 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC801 for 5 foot or IC697A CC804 for 10 foot) and two IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Modules.     N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL301 Replacement is Embedded VME-4132-010000 Contact GE IP Embedded for details.      Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires one (64 pin) I/O cable (IC697ACC802 for 5 foot and IC697ACC805 f or 10 foot) & one DIN Rail Transition Module IC697ACC921.      N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O      HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL304 Discontinued future replacement with Embedded VME-6550. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.      Discontinued       Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.                                         l block, no cable required N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL306 Discontinued, future replacement is Embedded VME-6500. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.  Discontinued       Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires one (32 pin) I/O cable (IC697ACC803 for 5 foot and IC697ACC806 f or 10 foot) and one IC697ACC820  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO              12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL308 Discontinued, future replacement is Embedded VME-6550. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.  Discontinued       Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.                                         l block, no cable required N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL314 Discontinued, no replacement.  Analog Output, Isolated, 4 channel, 12 bit, Current - 4 to 20mA.  Remo vable temrinal block, no cable required  Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL318 Discontinued, replacement is Embedded VME-6550. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.     Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL324 Discontinued, replacement is Embedded VME-6550. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.     Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.                                         ble required  N       Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL328 Discontinued, replacement is Embedded VME-6550. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.     Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.                                         le required    N       Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VAL348 Discontinued, future replacement is Embedded VME-6500. Contact GE IP Embedded for details.  Active     Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires one (32 pin) I/O cable (IC697ACC803 for 5 foot and IC697ACC806 f or 10 foot) and one IC697ACC820.  N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Analog Output I/O HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VDD100       Discontinued.  Replacement is Embedded VME-1182A-020000. Contact GE Embedded for more details.       Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires two (96 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC801 for 5 foot & and IC6 97ACC804 for 10 foot) & two IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Modules.   N     Y       Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VDD125       Discontinued.  Replacement is Embedded VME-1182-060000 . Contact GE Embedded for more details.       Discontinued          N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Input I/O  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VDQ120       Discontinued.  Replacement is Embedded VMIVME-2131-110 Not UL Approved. Contact GE Embedded for more details.   Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires one  (64 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC802 for 5 foot & and IC 697ACC805 for 10 foot) & one IC697ACC821 DIN Rail Transition Modules.       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VDR150       Discontinued.  Replacement is Embedded VMIVME-2210-110 Not UL Approved. Contact GE Embedded for more details.   Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires two (96 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC801 for 5 foot & and IC6 97ACC804 for 10 foot) & two IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Modules.       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VDR151       Discontinued.  Replacement is Embedded VMIVME-2210-100 Not UL Approved. Contact GE Embedded for more details.   Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Req uires two (96 pin) I/O ribbon cables (IC697ACC801 for 5 foot & and IC6 97ACC804 for 10 foot) & two IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Modules.       N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Discrete Output I/O       HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VHD001       10Gig Hard Drive for Single Board Computer (IC697VSC096) Active     Compatible with IC697VSC096 Single Board Computer.  No Operating Syste m loaded.    N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VPC462RR   Plug & Play PC Coprocessor, 486DX2/66, 8 Mbytes   Active            N     N     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        1/18/2008 08:34:25 PM N

    IC697VPC463RR   Plug & Play PC Coprocessor, 486DX2/66, 16 Mbytes Active            N     N     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        1/18/2008 08:34:25 PM N

    IC697VPC464RR   Plug & Play PC Coprocessor, 486DX2/66, 32 Mbytes Active            N     N     Controllers     Return & Repair       Series 90-70   SRV        1/18/2008 08:34:25 PM N

    IC697VRD008       Functionality on future product VME-6600.  Contact GE IP Embedded for more inbation.     Discontinued       Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.                                         12bits plus sign.  Module has a                                         red     N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70       Analog Input I/O    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VRM015      Discontinued, no replacement.  Reflective Memory with 256Kbyte memory <(>&<)> 512 transfer FIFO.  170MBaud fiber optic network.  Supports up to 256 nodes over 2,000 meters Discontinued   Module configured as a 3rd Party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  Fiv e foot fiber cable available for PLC to PLC communications (IC697ACC80 0).       N       Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Communication Cards    HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N

    IC697VSC096       Single Board Computer,  with 32Mbyte SDRAM & 96 Mbyte Flash. NO OPERAT ING SYSTEM PRE LOADED       Active     Module configured as a 3rd party VME (Config Mode:  None) module.  No Operating System loaded.  Due to power requirements a J2 connector is required on the Series 90-70 backplane.  Module will work in a standar d rack but if you are using a hard drive.   N     Y     Controllers     Series 90-70   Specialty Modules  HWO             12/29/2012 01:29:22 PM       N





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