AS-B824-016 AS-B824-016 好价格货期短
AS-B824-016 AS-B824-016 好价格货期短
上架日期:2012-12-03 11:29:32

    厦门兴锐嘉进出口有限公司 以停产控制系统零部件、为领先优势、我们有大量库存和盈余操纵系统零件、停产的控制系统部分硬件、我们也发布了许多新的硬件和产品来支持你现有的控制系统或运用最新的控制技术、停产的“DCS系统备品 备件 PLC模块 备件”整机及配件系列、有着强大的优势只要您需要的PLC产品、我们就能帮您找到、公司极具价格优势,充足库存,交期快,欢迎详询!!!
    一、英维思福克斯波罗 Invensys Foxboro I/A Series系统:FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
    二、英维思ESD系统 Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的最现代化的容错控制器。
    三、ABB:Bailey INFI 90,工业机器人备件DSQC系列等。   
    四、西屋Westinghouse: OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。 
    五、霍尼韦尔Honeywell:DCS系统备件模件、HONEYWELL TDC系列, QCS,S9000等备件。
    七、罗克韦尔Allen Bradley Rockwell: 1745/1756/ 1771/ 1785、Reliance瑞恩 等产品。  
    十一、摩托罗拉Motorola:MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177、VME系列。 
    十三、西门子Siemens:Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
    十四、博士力士乐Bosch Rexroth:Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
    十五、HP:工作站、服务器、HP 9000 工作站、HP 75000 系列备件、HP VXI 测试设备等。
    十七、MELEC: 驱动器、驱动板、伺服驱动器、伺服控制器、马达驱动卡等。  
    十八、网域Network Appliance:数据储存模块。
    联系人  朱功鑫
    电话  15359298207   0592-5361139
    E-MAIL :1836842509@qq.com


    Walker Exhaust Flexible Tubing 40005 2" x 25'



    Autolite Spark Plug 3136 (Lot of 5)



    Burndy Wire Pod GC2929 (2)



    Goyen Diaphragm Kit M1204B



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    Maska Bushing N/SHX7/8



    Maska Bushing SDX1-5/8



    Maska Bushing SKX2-3/16



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    TB Wood's Split Bushing SDSX1-7/16



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    Omega Thermocouple Type K 50" L. x 1/4" Dia.



    USG Ametek Gauge 4-1/2" Liquid Filled



    Wika Gauge 4-1/2" Liquid Filled



    Black Steel External retaining Ring 3" (Lot of 20)



    Carbone of America O-Ring CH99-02-001-5/8" (Lot of 70+)



    Signode Restraint Pin 424246 (Lot of 3)



    Cole-Parmer Temperature Probe 08517-55



    ASB Bearing Bronze Sleeves FL102-6 1" ID (Lot of 4)



    FAG Bearing Adaptor Sleeve H310



    Parker Rod Cylinder Repair Kit N/RG0MP00125



    General Electric Auxiliary Relay RL4RD022TK



    Telemecanique Safety Limit Switch XCS-B723



    Canablast Glass Protective Sheild 12-7/8" x 20-3/4" (lo



    Ham-Let Back Ferrule 760LB SS 12mm (!7)



    Ham-Let Straights Let-Lok Bulkhead Union 774L SS 18mm



    Hoke / Gyrolok Union Tees 8TTT316 (2)



    Techmo Car Rubber Disc J9VZ009 / 741434-M



    Nalge Nunc Narrow-Mouth Bottle 500ml 2002-0016 (12)



    Pressure Gauge Adapter 3/8" MNPT - 3/8" FNPT (Lot of 2)



    Icom HM-54 Microphone Cable



    Maska QD Sheave 3-5V 9.0 SF



    SKF Adapter Sleeve HE 310 / HE310 (Lot of 2)



    SKF PIllow Block Seal for 1-7/16" Shaft TSN 509 GA



    SKF Pillow Block Seal for Shaft 45mm/1-3/4" TSN 510 G



    Kalrez O-Ring AS-568A K# 029 (7)



    Milton Roy LMI Liquifram 30916



    Goodyear HY-T Plus V-Belt B60 (Lot of 3)



    Cummins Gear Cover 6BT Engine 3903794



     Asco Asco Red Hat Solenoid Coil 238610-132D



     Tridon Stainless Steel Hose Clamps HAS104 (Lot of 20)



    Thomas & Betts Teck Cable Fitting 1-1/4" ST125-470



    Thomas & Betts Teck Cable Fitting 1-1/4" ST125-471S



    Allen-Bradley Green Pilot Lamp 120 Series 800T-P16G



    Thomas & Betts Teck Cable Fitting 1-1/4" ST125-550



    Parker Rod Gland Cartridge Kit 5/8" RG2AHL0065



    Allenair Air Cylinder Packing Kit AV-2 & 1/2-P



    Norgren Pressure Regulator R06-273-NNKA



    Parker Hydraulic Cylinder 2" DIA X 5" CBB2HLTV14AC



    Crane Class 800 Gate Valve 2" NPT 3604XU-W



    Numatics Valve Speed Control & Manifold (Base) 239-1597



    Maska QD Sheave (SK) 3 Groove 3B86 8.6"



    Yokogawa PH Electrode SM29-PT9



    Pneumatic Products Filter Cartridge PCC1001HT



    Parker Pneumatic Cylinder 1.5 DIA X 2" CBC2ATV13AC



    AquaMatic Diaphragm & Seal Kit 531-RAV (Lot of 2)



    Parker 3/8 RT Flow Control 032510375 (Lot of 2)



    Tel-Tru Thermometer 5" dia, 4" long AA575R, -10-110 C



    Goodyear HY-T Plus V-Belt C195



    Goodyear HY-T Plus V-Belt B88 (Lot of 2)



    Type K Thermocouple TC164-F-K-L-000-18C



    IFM Electronic Inductive Proximity Sensor IG0337



    Crompton Instruments Voltmeter 213-02VA-PZPZ



    Foxboro PDU / Modem Assembly Cable P0904AT



     Leslie Controls Diaphragm 37810



    Becton Dickinson Latex Free Syringe 309650 30 ML



    Goodyear Torque Flex V-Belt BX66 (Lot of 2)



    ITT Dia-Flo Model 2523 Valve Diaphragm 2" EPDM



    Trueline Seal Kit RKT08002A



    Miller Kit Drive Roll 151052



    Parker 5" Piston Cylinder Kit PK5002A005



    Goodyear Torque Flex V-Belt BX77 (Lot of 2)



    Goodyear HY-T Plus V-Belt C72 (Lot of 2)



    VWR Amber Bottle 1000ml 15900-142 (12)



    Allen-Bradley Name Plate 800H (Lot of 8)



    Assembled Jumper Bar BJM 8 10 Poles (Lot of 8)



    Galigher Indicator Light 04886 (Lot of 2)



    Honeywell Transber Modutrol IV 198162JA



    Parker 1-1/2" Piston Cylinder Kit PK1502A005 (Lot of 2)



    Parker 3-1/4" Piston Cylinder Kit PK3202A005



    Samson Coupling Nut 0250-0614 (Lot of 2)



    Parker Coalescing Filter 11F15HCN



    Omron Power Supply S82K-03024


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