上架日期:2013-09-26 20:09:34

    QQ:  2711491936                                    手机:15001784890

    北美部、AB1746、1747、1756系列、施耐德140系列、Honeywell霍尼韦尔,OMEGA欧米茄,GEIC200、IC693、IC694、IC697系列,N-TRON恩畅交换机,SST、红狮,邦纳,巴士德,ACOPIAN  ,ACME、S+S,SOLA
    欧洲部:ABB、伦茨  赫斯曼  E+H  西门子PLC




    美国WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 总线接口卡控制器
    美国WOODHEAD公司是一家提供工业通讯产品和连接方案的美国公司,面对工业领域底层多种PLC及现场总线的现状,从1992年以来,WOODHEAD公司开发了一系列接口板卡、模块和软件,已能做到对40多种通信协议开放,包括Ethernet、Device Net、Profibus、ControlNet、CANopen、InterBus、WorldFIP、DH、AS-Interface、Modbus、Modican Remote I/O、AB Remote I/O、及各种远程I/O、各种串口和网关,适用于十多种操作系统,如各种Windows、Linux、DOS、VxWorks、VenturCom RTX、QNX、OS Toolkit、KuKaCE-Win、PharLap ETS等。
    WOODHEAD通讯产品分applicom、SST、Direct-Link及Brad Harrison、RJ-LnXX等10多个系列。
    Woodhead的工业第一个以太网/IP? PCI总线网络接口卡(NIC),正式推向市场。
    美国WOODHEAD所设计的以太网/IP? NIC,通过结合在几个实时操作系统,如VenturCom? RTX,QNX?,VxWorks?,Linux,以及其他运行下的软可编程逻辑控制器,可提供实时访问I/O和其他自动控制设备。美国WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 总线接口卡控制器
    这种基于applicom?智能网络接口卡范围方案,使用户能够连接并获得几个软可编程逻辑控制器和相关的工业软件方案的数据。DRL-PCU-ETHIO的推出,可与Wonderware?软可编程逻辑控制器InControl?,ICS Triplex ISaGRAF?,GE Fanuc的Paradym-31,以及Axeda?s Wiz可编程逻辑控制器相连接。
    列举型号:通讯模板:5136-PFB-PCI;PB3-PCI VI3.0;电器件:884030K03M010;88403K03M120;通讯卡:PCI2000ETH;接口板:SST5136-PFB-PC;网卡:SST-PFB3-VME-2;线性传感器电缆:704001D02F120……,该产品种类齐全,品质优良,如您有意购买,欢迎来电咨询!美国WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 WOODHEAD总线接口卡控制器 总线接口卡控制器 SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
    SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
    SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library 
    SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
    SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
    SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library
    SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
    SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
    SST-PFB-SLC-ADP Profibus Adapter Module for A-B SLC
    SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70
    SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote Link Library
    SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC
    SST-ASI-CLX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B ControlLogix, v 2.1
    SST-ASI-CMX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B CompactLogix, v 2.1
    SST-ASI-SLC Two channel ASi Master module for A-B SLC, supprts v 3.0
    5136-CN-104 PC/104 ControlNet Card
    5136-CN-PCI PCI bat for ControlNet
    5136-CN-VME VME bat for ControlNet
    5136-CN-ISA ISA bat for ControlNet
    SST-DN3-104-1 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
    SST-DN3-104-2 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
    SST-DN3-PCU-1 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, single channel, universal voltage
    SST-DN3-PCU-2 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, two channel, universal voltage
    5136-DNP-CPCI 3U CPCI 1 Channel Card
    5136-DNP-ISA ISA Pro DeviceNet Card
    5136-DNP-PCM-SM PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Sealed Micro Connector Dongle & Cable
    5136-DNP-PCM-ST PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Screw Terminal Connector Dongle & Cable
    SST-DN3-VME-1 VME DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
    SST-DN3-VME-2 VME DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
    SST-DN3-VME-4 VME DeviceNet Interface card, four channel
    SST-DN3-CNF-X Configuration Console for DN3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel) refer to note1
    SST-DN3-OPC Data server for DN3 cards
    SST-PFB-USB-DTM USB Adapter for Profibus CommDTM (FDT/DTM compatible, No SST console required)
    SST-PB3-PCU PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage
    SST-PB3-PCU-B25 PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage, carton of 25 (cd on request)
    SST-PB3-OPC Data server for PB3 cards
    SST-PB3-CNF-X Configuration Console for PB3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel)
    SST-PB3-VME-1 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 1 channel
    SST-PB3-VME-2 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 2 channel
    SST-PB3-ISA ISA Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
    SST-PB3-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
    SST-PB3-104-B25 PC/104 Profibus DP interface card, Bulk carton of 25 (cd on request)
    SST-PBMS-PCI PCI Profibus DP multislave interface card
    5136-PFB-PCM PC Card (PCMCIA) Profibus Card
    SST-DPS-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Slave only
    5136-SD-104 PC/104 DH+/RIO PC/104 card
    SST-DHP-PCI PCI DH+/RIO Card, universal voltage
    5136-SD-ISA ISA DH+/RIO Card
    5136-SD-VME VME DH+/RIO card
    DC100KIT ENI Dvt Kit : Devt PCI Mother board+CD-Rom(buy DC100xxx-DVT separaby)
    DC100DPM-H-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, HE13. 2*5pins conn., Bulk of 10
    DC100DPM-H-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, HE13. 2*5pins conn., Devt. Purpose
    DC100DPM-S-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, Sub-D9 female conn., Bulk of 10
    DC100DPM-S-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, Sub-D9 female conn., Devt. Purpose
    DC100MPI-S-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus MPI Client, Sub-D9 female conn., Bulk of 10
    DC100MPI-S-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus MPI Client, Sub-D9 female conn., Devt. Purpose
    SST-CCS-USB-KIT DC100CCS Devt Kit (USB Adaptor+DC100CCS+CD-rom)
    DC100CCS-C-B10 DC100CCS Module, CC Link Slave, 5 pin connector, bulk of 10
    DC100CCS-H-B10 DC100CCS Module, CC Link Slave, HE13 connector, bulk of 10
    SST-CCS-PCU Universal voltage PCI, CC-Link slave adapter interface card 
    420-0007 replacement PCMCIA cable to connect to PCM dongles 

    SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
    SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
    SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library
    SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
    SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
    SST-PFB-SLC-ADP Profibus Adapter Module for A-B SLC
    SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70 
    APP-ETH-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Ethernet TCP/IP 10-100 card Universal PCI
    APP-EPB-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Pfb 1.5 MB card Univ. PCI
    APP-ESR-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Serial RS485/422 card Univ. PCI
    APP-ETH-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-EPB-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Pfb with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-ESR-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Serial RS485/422 with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-DRV-AB applicom driver upgrade for AB Ethernet PCCC on APP-Exx-PCU
    APP-WEB-SER-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unibway Serial with Modem
    APP-WEB-PFB-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unibway and Profibus with Modem
    APP-WEB-PFB-MTH applicom WebGate Profibus with Modem, with ThinHMI 
    APP-WEB-SER-MTH applicom WebGate Serial Modbus/Uni-Telway with Modem with ThinHMI \
    APP-WEB-TH BuildTime ThinHMI for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (1 licence, 1 
    APP-ESP-GTW Serial to Ethernet to Profibus Gateway based on applicom concept
    APP-ESR-GTW Serial to Ethernet Gateway based on appllicom concept
    APP-UPG--TH ThinHMI upgrade for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (req. Serial number)
    APP-PNT-GTW-P applicom PROFINET IO PROXY for Ethernet, Serial and PROFIBUS

    APP-WEB-SER-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unibway Serial with Modem
    APP-WEB-PFB-M applicom WEB Gateway to Modbus/Unibway and Profibus with Modem
    APP-WEB-PFB-MTH applicom WebGate Profibus with Modem, with ThinHMI 
    APP-WEB-SER-MTH applicom WebGate Serial Modbus/Uni-Telway with Modem with ThinHMI \
    APP-WEB-TH BuildTime ThinHMI for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (1 licence, 1 
    APP-ESP-GTW Serial to Ethernet to Profibus Gateway based on applicom concept
    APP-ESR-GTW Serial to Ethernet Gateway based on appllicom concept
    APP-UPG--TH ThinHMI upgrade for applicom WebGate serial + Profibus (req. Serial number)
    APP-PNT-GTW-P applicom PROFINET IO PROXY for Ethernet, Serial and PROFIBUS 
    APP-PS7-PCI applicom PCI1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
    APP-PS7-PCU applicom PCU1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card Universal PCI
    APP-PFB-PCI applicom PCI1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
    APP-PFB-PCU applicom PCU1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card Univeral PCI
    APP-PFB-CPI applicom CPCI1000PFB Full Profibus 12Mb card Compact PCI
    APP-PF2-PCI applicom PCI2000PFB combo Full Pfb 12Mb + Pfb MPI 187.5 kb card PCI 5V
    APP-ETH-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Ethernet TCP/IP 10-100 card Universal PCI
    APP-EPB-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Pfb 1.5 MB card Univ. PCI
    APP-ESR-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Serial RS485/422 card Univ. PCI
    APP-ETH-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-EPB-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Pfb with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-ESR-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Serial RS485/422 with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
    SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL  
    SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote Link Library
    SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
    SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
    SST-PFB-SLC-ADP Profibus Adapter Module for A-B SLC
    SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70
    SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote Link Library
    SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC
    SST-ASI-CLX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B ControlLogix, v 2.1
    SST-ASI-CMX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B CompactLogix, v 2.1
    SST-ASI-SLC Two channel ASi Master module for A-B SLC, supprts v 3.0
    APP-PS7-PCI applicom PCI1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
    APP-PS7-PCU applicom PCU1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card Universal PCI
    APP-PFB-PCI applicom PCI1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
    APP-PFB-PCU applicom PCU1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card Univeral PCI
    APP-PFB-CPI applicom CPCI1000PFB Full Profibus 12Mb card Compact PCI
    APP-PF2-PCI applicom PCI2000PFB combo Full Pfb 12Mb + Pfb MPI 187.5 kb card PCI 5V
    APP-ETH-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Ethernet TCP/IP 10-100 card Universal PCI
    APP-EPB-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Pfb 1.5 MB card Univ. PCI
    APP-ESR-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Serial RS485/422 card Univ. PCI
    APP-ETH-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-EPB-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Pfb with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-ESR-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Serial RS485/422 with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-DRV-AB applicom driver upgrade for AB Ethernet PCCC on APP-Exx-PCU

    APP-ETH-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Ethernet TCP/IP 10-100 card Universal PCI
    APP-EPB-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Pfb 1.5 MB card Univ. PCI
    APP-ESR-PCU applicom PCU2000ETH Combo Eth. 10-100 + Serial RS485/422 card Univ. PCI
    APP-ETH-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-EPB-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Pfb with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-ESR-PCU-AB applicom PCU2000ETH + Serial RS485/422 with APP-DRV-AB factory installed
    APP-DRV-AB applicom driver upgrade for AB Ethernet PCCC on APP-Exx-PCU

    SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote Link Library
    SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC
    SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote Link Library
    SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC

    5136-CN-104 PC/104 ControlNet Card
    5136-CN-PCI PCI bat for ControlNet
    5136-CN-VME VME bat for ControlNet
    5136-CN-ISA ISA bat for ControlNet
    SST-DN3-104-1 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
    SST-DN3-104-2 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
    SST-DN3-PCU-1 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, single channel, universal voltage
    SST-DN3-PCU-2 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, two channel, universal voltage
    5136-DNP-CPCI 3U CPCI 1 Channel Card
    5136-DNP-ISA ISA Pro DeviceNet Card
    5136-DNP-PCM-SM PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Sealed Micro Connector Dongle & Cable
    5136-DNP-PCM-ST PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Screw Terminal Connector Dongle & Cable
    SST-DN3-VME-1 VME DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
    SST-DN3-VME-2 VME DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
    SST-DN3-VME-4 VME DeviceNet Interface card, four channel
    SST-DN3-CNF-X Configuration Console for DN3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel) refer to note1
    SST-DN3-OPC Data server for DN3 cards
    SST-PFB-USB-DTM USB Adapter for Profibus CommDTM (FDT/DTM compatible, No SST console required)
    SST-PB3-PCU PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage
    SST-PB3-PCU-B25 PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage, carton of 25 (cd on request)
    SST-PB3-OPC Data server for PB3 cards
    SST-PB3-CNF-X Configuration Console for PB3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel)
    SST-PB3-VME-1 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 1 channel
    SST-PB3-VME-2 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 2 channel
    SST-PB3-ISA ISA Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
    SST-PB3-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
    SST-PB3-104-B25 PC/104 Profibus DP interface card, Bulk carton of 25 (cd on request)
    SST-PBMS-PCI PCI Profibus DP multislave interface card
    5136-PFB-PCM PC Card (PCMCIA) Profibus Card
    SST-DPS-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Slave only
    5136-SD-104 PC/104 DH+/RIO PC/104 card
    SST-DHP-PCI PCI DH+/RIO Card, universal voltage
    5136-SD-ISA ISA DH+/RIO Card
    5136-SD-VME VME DH+/RIO card
    DC100KIT ENI Dvt Kit : Devt PCI Mother board+CD-Rom(buy DC100xxx-DVT separaby)
    DC100DPM-H-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, HE13. 2*5pins conn., Bulk of 10
    DC100DPM-H-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, HE13. 2*5pins conn., Devt. Purpose
    DC100DPM-S-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, Sub-D9 female conn., Bulk of 10
    DC100DPM-S-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus DP Master/Salve, Sub-D9 female conn., Devt. Purpose
    DC100MPI-S-B10 ENI DC100PFB Profibus MPI Client, Sub-D9 female conn., Bulk of 10
    DC100MPI-S-DVT ENI DC100PFB Profibus MPI Client, Sub-D9 female conn., Devt. Purpose
    SST-CCS-USB-KIT DC100CCS Devt Kit (USB Adaptor+DC100CCS+CD-rom)
    DC100CCS-C-B10 DC100CCS Module, CC Link Slave, 5 pin connector, bulk of 10
    DC100CCS-H-B10 DC100CCS Module, CC Link Slave, HE13 connector, bulk of 10
    SST-CCS-PCU Universal voltage PCI, CC-Link slave adapter interface card 
    420-0007 replacement PCMCIA cable to connect to PCM dongles 
    APP-INT-485-N applicom RS485 interface without galvanic insulation (2 units)
    APP-INT-232-N applicom RS232 interface without galvanic insulation (1 unit)
    APP-INT-232-G applicom RS232 interface with galvanic insulation (2 units)
    APP-INT-485-G applicom RS485 interface with galvanic insulation (1 unit)
    APP-INT-CL2-N applicom Current Loop 20 mA interface (passive) (2 units)
    APP-INT-PFB-G applicom Profibus interface with galvanic insulation (1 unit)
    APP-INT-MBP applicom Modbus Plus redundancy interface (for APP-MBP-PCI)
    APP-INT-AMP applicom amplifier interface (4 units)
    APP-INT-PFB-N applicom Profibus 485 interface without galvanic insulation (2 units
    APP-PS7-PCI applicom PCI1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
    APP-PS7-PCU applicom PCU1500S7 Profibus S7/MPI 1.5Mb card Universal PCI
    APP-PFB-PCI applicom PCI1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card PCI 5V
    APP-PFB-PCU applicom PCU1500PFB Full Profibus 1.5Mb card Univeral PCI
    APP-PFB-CPI applicom CPCI1000PFB Full Profibus 12Mb card Compact PCI
    APP-PF2-PCI applicom PCI2000PFB combo Full Pfb 12Mb + Pfb MPI 187.5 kb card PCI 5V

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