上架日期:2012-03-09 14:38:11
    Techalloy 72
    (AWS A5.14  ERNiCr-4)
    Techalloy 72 is a high ChromiumNickel alloy used for joining,
    repair and overlay cladding of
    Ni-Cr and Ni-Fe-Cr components.
    It resists high temperature corrosion including fuel-ash corrosion
    and erosion in atmospheres
    containing sulpher.  It is used
    primarily for boiler tube overlay in
    coal fired boiler systems.
    Techalloy 99
    (AWS A5.15 ERNiCl)
    Techalloy 99 is used for TIG and
    MIG welding of cast iron.  This
    wire is extensively employed to
    repair gray iron casting.  It can also
    be used for overlay and buildup. 
    The welds are easily machinable.
    Techalloy 208
    FM 61 (AWS A5.14 ERNi-1)
    Techalloy 208 is used for TIG, MIG
    and SAW welding of nickel 200
    or 201.  This filler bl is also
    employed for overlaying on steel
    as well as repairing cast iron
    castings.  It can also be used for
    dissimilar joints between nickel or
    nickel alloys to stainless or
    ferritic steels.
    Techalloy 276
    (AWS A5.14 ERNiCrMo-4)
    Techalloy 276 is used for welding of
    materials of similar chemical comb (UNS Number N10276),
    as well as dissimilar materials
    of nickel base alloys, steels and
    stainless steels.  This wire also
    can be used for cladding steel with
    weld bl. This alloy, due to its
    high molybdenum content, offers
    excellent resistance to stress
    corrosion cracking, pitting, and
    crevice corrosion.
    Techalloy 413
    FM 67 (AWS A5.7 ERCuNi)
    Techalloy 413 is used for TIG, MIG,
    and oxy-fuel welding of 70/30, 80/20
    and 90/10 copper-nickel alloys. 
    This filler bl
    can be used for MIG overlay
    on steel after a first layer with
    Techalloy 208.  Dissimilar welding
    applications include joining
    copper-nickel alloys to Nickel 200
    or nickel-copper alloys.
    Techalloy 418
    FM 60 (AWS A5.14 ERNiCu-7)
    Techalloy 418 is used for TIG or
    MIG welding of nickel copper
    alloys (ASTM B127, B163, B164 and
    B165 UNS Number N04400).  This
    filler bl can be used for MIG
    overlay on steel after a first layer
    with Techalloy 208.  Dissimilar
    welding applications include joining Monel? alloys to Nickel 200
    and copper-nickel alloys.
    Techalloy 606
    FM 82 (AWS A5.14 ERNiCr-3)
    Techalloy 606 is used for TIG, MIG,
    and SAW welding of base materials such as ASTM B163, B166,
    B167, and B168 – alloys which
    have UNS Number N06600.  It is
    one of the most used nickel alloys
    whose applications range from
    cryogenic to high temperatures. 
    This filler bl can also be used
    for dissimilar welding applications
    between various nickel alloys and
    stainless or carbon steels, as well
    as for overlaying
    Techalloy 617
    (AWS A5.14 ERNiCrCoMo-1)
    Techalloy 617 is used for TIG,
    MIG and SAW welding of
    nickel-chrome-cobalt-molybdenum alloys, as well as between
    themselves and dissimilar
    bls, such as stainless,
    carbon or low alloy steels. 
    This filler wire can also be
    used to overlay welding where
    similar chemical comb
    is desired.  The weld bl
    provides optimum strength
    and oxidation resistance from
    1500°F (815°C) up to 2100°F
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