伯乐BOHLER P23-IG进口氩弧焊丝ER90S-G
伯乐T Union GM Ni2低合金钢气保焊丝ER80S-G焊条ER55-Ni2
T Union GM Ni1奥钢联伯乐低温钢气保焊丝ER80S-Ni1焊丝 ER55-Ni1气保焊丝
陕西西安骏焊专业销售奥钢联伯乐低温钢焊丝焊条 耐热钢焊条焊丝 药芯焊丝 气保焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 镍基焊条焊丝等特种焊接材料
Classifications EN ISO 21952-A AWS A5.28 AWS A5.28M W ZCrWV2 1.5 ER90S-G ER62S-G Characteristics and typical fields of application For manual or automatic GTAW-welding of creep resistant steels such as HCM2S (P23/T23 acc. to ASTM A 213 code case 2199), pipe or tube material. Base materials HCM2S, P/T23 ASTM A 213 code case 2199