WDZA-BY消防线WDZNH-RYS低烟无卤电缆线 主要应用于通信局(站)及高层建筑等电源的输、配电系统; 2、 电缆线芯特别柔软,便于敷设安装; 3、 阻燃型产品在电气线路发生火灾时具有不延燃性及自熄性,达到A类阻燃要求; 4、 耐火型电缆在750~1000℃温度下燃烧90分钟,能正常通电。 Applicable scope and characteristic 1. Mainly used in power b and switching system in communication station and high-stories buildings; 2. The cable core is very soft, is easy for cable laying; 3. Flame-resistance product will be flameless and self-extinguished when fire occurs, meet the A grade flame-resistance requirement; 4. ℃.Fire-wearable cable will stay in working b for 90min by burning under the temperature of 750~1000 Is soft copper conductor 1-软铜导体MICA tape 2-云母带(V PVC; Y PE) 3-绝缘层Asbestus is filled up 4-石棉填充Glass silk wraps up belt 5-玻璃丝包带Inner protector 6-内护层Galvanization tape armor level 7-镀锌钢到铠装层Out protector 8-外护层 型号名称及敷设场合Specification、cables and where to lay 型号 名称 适用范围 ZA-RV 铜芯阻燃氯乙烯绝缘软电缆 架空、管道、室内电缆沟、地下直埋 ZA-RVV 铜芯阻燃氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套软电缆 ZA-RVV22 铜芯阻燃聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套软电缆 WDNA-RY 铜芯无卤低烟阻燃聚烯烃绝缘耐火电缆 架空、管道、室内电缆沟、地下直埋 WDNA-RYY 铜芯无卤低烟阻燃聚烯烃绝缘及护套耐火软电缆 WDNA-RYY23 铜芯无卤低烟阻燃聚烯烃绝缘及护套钢带铠装耐火软电缆