Our magnesium alloy products professional wholesale import white steel knife khyron, domestic white steel knife, hard white steel knife, high cobalt white steel knife, containing cobalt white steel knife, white steel knife, Sweden wins best white steel knife, a Japanese white steel knife, American white steel knife, white steel knife ASSAB17 Sweden, Germany KANREX17 white steel knife, AAA superhard white steel knife, white steel knife ASP23 Sweden, ASP60 white steel knife, 3 a white steel knife, white steel knife round rods, add hard white steel knife round rods, W4 white steel knife, W6 white steel knife and W9 white steel knife, W12 white steel knife, W18 white steel knife, M2 white steel knife, M2AL white steel knife, V3N white steel knife, M35 white steel knife, M42 white steel knife, M50 white steel knife, 6542 white steel knife, SKH - 9 white steel knife round rods, including aluminum white steel knife, high toughness of hard white steel knife, cheap white steel knife, ordinary white steel knife, ordin
ASSAB 17由高钴合金高速钢制成,以其优良的切削性、耐磨性、韧性和耐热性而闻名于世。其硬度经精心调整成洛氏硬度67-69,让每一把ASSAB 17车刀在其应用领域都能发挥性能。
6542超硬白钢刀圆棒 W6白钢圆棒
6542高速钢简介:为钨钼系通用型高速钢的代表钢号,韧性、耐磨性优于 W18Cr4V,硬度、红硬性及高温硬度相当。可用于制造各种承受冲击力较大的刀具、一般刀具大型及热塑成形刀具,也可作高负荷下的磨损的零件、冷作模具等。
东莞市镁凯龙合金制品有限公司是进口钨合金、进口白钢刀、进口弹簧钢、进口铝合金、进口合金铜、进口模具钢、进口不锈钢、进口轴承钢、进口工具碳素钢、进口冷作模具钢、塑胶模具钢、进口扁铁、进口易车铁、进口高速钢、进口铜箔铝箔、专业经销批发进口模具钢销售、青铜合金,钨铜,铬锆铜,银钨合金,超硬铝合金,7075铝合金粉末高速钢,高钴高速钢,冷拉钢,快削钢,光扁铁(厂家直销),钨钢刀具,钨钢精密加工及热处理服务于一体的综合大型公司。特约经销日本"大同"、"日立","高周波"瑞典"一胜百",德国"撒斯特",奥地利"百禄"美铝合金,德国GIANTAL, WELDURAL和HOKOTOL铝合金,日本NGK 肯纳钨钢,日本富士,住友钨钢等品牌。为用户提供优质的产品质量保证及售后完善的服务交货期快速,提供材质书证明/欧洲环保标准ROHS指令的SGS报告/海关进口报告单!
Dongguan magnesium alloy products co., LTD. Khyron was imported tungsten alloy, white steel knife, imported spring steel, aluminum alloy, imported copper alloy, steel, imported stainless steel, bearing steel, carbon steel, cold work die steel imports, import tools, plastic die steel, imported flat iron, easy car iron, imported high speed steel, copper foil, aluminum foil, professional wholesale distribution of imported steel sales, bronze alloy, tungsten copper, chromium zirconium copper, silver and tungsten alloy, hard alloy, 7075 aluminum alloy powder high speed steel, high cobalt high speed steel, cold drawn steel, fast cutting steel, flat iron light (factory direct sale), tungsten steel cutter, tungsten steel precision machining and heat treatment services in an integrated large companies. Japan of distribute of engage by special arrangement "datong", "Hitachi", "high frequency" Sweden "one win hundred," DE
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