TBWOODS联轴器 TB WOOD`S Incorporated 轮胎式联轴器
TBWOODS联轴器 TB WOOD`S Incorporated 轮胎式联轴器
上架日期:2020-11-03 10:36:13
    订货号 TBWOODS 是否进口 货号 TB WOODS Incorporated
    标准编号 TBWOODS 联轴器类型 轮胎式联轴器 品牌 欧格斯特
    型号 TBWOODS 公称转矩 30000(N.m) 轴孔 9999
    规格型号 TBWOODS

    联轴器TB WOODS (2)
    联轴器TB WOODS
    TB Wood’s Dura-Flex couplings “split-in-half” elementdesign allows for easy element installation/replacementwithout moving connected equipment or disturbing theshaft connection.Spacer design can accommodate a large range of shaftspacing with few parts. Patented design of the urethanebond to the leading edge of the steel shoe bolted to thehub, minimizes bond stress for long coupling life.These couplings are highly flexible and able toaccommodate shaft misalignments (1/16” parallelmisalignment and 4? angular misalignment) whileminimizing torsional vibration and preventing damageto connected equipment.Specially bulated polyurethane material providessuperior weathering, chemical resistance, and dynamicproperties.

    Sure-Flex®Elastomeric Couplings:Sure-Flex is a TB Wood’s original! Sure-Flex Couplings utilize a rubber(EPDM or Neoprene) or Hytrel™ thermoplastic flex element (sleeve)to transmit torque and accommodate shaft misalignments. Sure-Flexcouplings have exceptional torsional flexibility, and the 4-way flexingb absorbs virtually all types of shock, vibration, misalignment, and
    end float. These couplings are an excellent choice when low cost, highflexibility, vibration damping, and easy installation are primary concerns.Models available with torque capacitiesup to 8.20 kNm; 72,480 in.lbs.
    L-JawElastomeric Couplings:Jaw-type elastomeric couplings are an economical, proven solution
    for general purpose applications. Jaw couplings are easy to installand require no lubrication or maintenance. Four different flexibleinsert types are available: Buna-N rubber, Urethane, Hytrel™ and
    Bronze. Jaw couplings are an excellent choice for all light andmedium duty general purpose industrial applications. Modelsavailable with torque capacitiesup to 0.70 kNm; 6,228 in.lbs.
    G-FlexGrid Couplings:State-of-the-art design from Bibby Transmissions, the original gridcoupling manufacturer. G-Flex is an all-bl coupling that providespositive protection against the damaging effects of shock loadsand vibration. Aluminum horizontal cover (T10), and all-steel verticalcover (T20) designs are available. G-Flex tapered grid couplings arean excellent choice where torsional flexibility/vibration damping areprimary concerns. Models available with torque capacitiesup to
    169 kNm; 1,500,000 in.lbs.
    Form-Flex®Disc Couplings:Form-Flex bl disc couplings consist of two hubs, a spacer and twohigh strength carbon or stainless steel flexible discs. Modified andspecial designs are commonly supplied to meet specific applicationconditions. Available in carbon steel, stainless steel or with corrosionresistant coatings. Models available with torque capacitiesup to 270kNm; 2,400,000 in.lbs
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