• 扬程:7~156米
• 功率:0.18~250KW
• 材质:不锈钢 使用温度:≤80℃
ISG Series single-stage single-suction pipe centrifugal pump, is the unit of scientific and technological personnel of the United Nations internal pump experts to choose the domestic excellent hydraulic model, the use of is centrifugal pump perbance beters, in the general vertical pumps on the basis of a clever combination of design, at the same time according High temperature pump, corrosion-resistant chemical pump, oil pump, explosion-proof chemical pump, low speed pump. This series of products with high efficiency and energy saving, low noise, reliable perbance and other advantages, compound the latest national Machinery department JB/T53058-93 standard requirements, products in accordance with international ISO2858 standards design and manufacture.
1 ISG type vertical pipe centrifugal pump, for the transport of water and physical and chemical properties similar to the use of other liquids of water, suitable for industrial and urban water supply and drainage, high-rise building pressurized delivery, garden sprinkler irrigation, fire booster, long-distance transportation, HVAC refrigeration cycle, bathroom and other warm and cold water cycle pressurization and equipment supporting the use of temperature T<80℃.
2 IRG Type Vertical heat pump is suitable for bllurgy, chemical industry, textile, wood processing, paper and restaurants, bathrooms, hobs and other boilers high-temperature hot water pressurized circulation conveyor and urban housing heating cycle pump, the use of temperature 120 ℃ below.
3 GRG Vertical High temperature centrifugal pump is widely used in: energy, bllurgy, chemical industry, textile, paper and hobs, restaurants and other boilers high-temperature hot water pressurized circulating conveyor and urban heating system circulating pump, the use of temperature T<240℃.
4 IHG Vertical Pipeline chemical pump, for the transport of non-solid particles, corrosive, viscosity similar to water liquid, suitable for petroleum, chemical, bllurgy, electric power, paper, food pharmaceutical and synthetic fiber and other sectors, the use of temperature of -20℃-120℃.
5 YG Vertical Pipeline oil pump, for the transport of gasoline, kerosene, diesel and other petroleum products, the transmission medium temperature of -20℃-120℃.
6 IHGB Vertical Stainless steel explosion-proof chemical centrifugal pump, suitable for conveying flammable. Explosive chemical liquids.
7 ISGD, IRGD, GRGD, IHGD, YGD, IHGBD vertical low-speed centrifugal pump, suitable for the requirements of low environmental noise occasions and air conditioning cycle.
1 泵为立式结构,进出口口径相同,且位于同一中心线上,可像阀门一样安装于管路之中,外形紧凑美观,占地面积小,建筑投入低,如加上防护罩则可置于户外使用。
2 叶轮直接安装在电机的加长轴上,轴向尺寸短,结构紧凑,泵与电机轴承配置合理,能有效地平衡泵运转产生的径向和轴向负荷,从而保证了泵的运行平稳,振动小、噪音低。
3 轴封采用机械密封或机械密封组合,采用进口钛合金密封环、中型耐高温机械密封和采用硬质合金材料,耐磨密封,能有效的延长机械密封的使用寿命。
4 安装检修方便,无需拆动管路系统,只要卸下泵联体座螺母即可抽出全部转子部件。
5 可根据使用要求即流量和扬程的要求采用泵的串、并联运行方式。
6 可根据管路布置的要求采用泵的竖式和横式安装。
1 吸入压力≤1.0MPa,或泵系统工作压力≤1.6MPa,即泵吸入口压力+泵扬程≤1.6MPa,泵静压试验压力为2.5MPa。订货时请注明系统工作压力,泵系统工作压力大于1.6MPa时应在订货时另行提出,以便在制造时泵的过流部件和联接部分采用铸钢材料。
2 环境温度<40℃,相对湿度<95% 。
3 所输送介质中固体颗粒体积含量不超过单位体积的0.1% ,粒度<0.2mm 。