In order to improve the life of submersible sewage pump, most manufacturers are now in the pump protection system to find a way, that is, in the pump leakage, overload, ultra-temperature and other faults can be automatic alarm, and automatic shutdown repair. However, we believe that it is necessary to set up a protection system in the submersible sewage pump, which can effectively protect the safe operation of the electric pump.
1、 WQ潜水排污泵采用独特的单叶片或双叶片叶轮结构,大大提高了污物通过能力,能有效地通过泵口径的5倍纤物质与直径为泵口径约50%的固体颗粒。
3、 WQ潜水泵整体结构紧凑、体积小、噪声小、节能效果显著,检修方便,无需建泵房,潜入水中即可工作,大大减少工程造价。jdhuiquanby4.8
4、 潜水排污泵密封油室内设置有高精度抗干扰漏水检测传感器,及定子绕组内预埋了热敏元件,对水泵电机保护。
5、 潜水排污泵可根据用户需要配备全自动安全保护控制柜,对泵的漏水、漏电,过载及超温等进行保护,提高了产品的安全性与可靠性。
6、 潜水排污泵配浮球开关可以根据所需液位变化,自动控制泵的起动与停止,不需专人看管,使用极为方便。
7、 潜水排污泵可根据用户需要配备双导轨自动耦合安装系统,它给安装、维修带来极大方便,人可不必为此而进入污水坑。
8、 潜水排污泵能够在全扬程范围内使用,而保证电机不会过载。
9、 潜水排污泵有两种不同的安装方式,固定自动耦合安装系统、移动式自由安装系统。
1、 工厂、商业严重污染废水的排放。
2、 城市污水处理厂排水系统。
3、 住宅区的污水排水站。
4、 人防系统排水站、自来水厂的给水装置。
5、 、宾馆的污水排放。
6、 市政工程、建筑工地。
7、 勘探、矿山配套附机。
8、 农村、沼气池、农田灌溉。
4, there are no cavitation damage and irrigation and water diversion and other problems. In particular, the latter point to the operator to bring a great convenience. 5, vibration noise is small, motor temperature rise is low, no pollution to the environment. It is precisely because of the above advantages, submersible sewage pump has been more and more people's attention, the scope of use is more and more extensive, from the original simply used to transport water to the present can transport a variety of domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, construction site drainage, liquid feed and so on.
1、 介质温度不超过60℃,介质重度为11.3×103kg/m3,PH值在59范围内。
2、 无内自流循环冷却系统的泵,电机部分露出液面不得超过1/2。
3、 本泵主要零件材料为铸铁,所以不能应用于抽送高度腐蚀液体。
格式:150 WQ 160-15-15
There has been a big shift, and there will be no updates at the technical level. The focus is to meet the requirements of practicality. Spray pump in the design and development, add new technical elements, improve the perbance of use, is only a single aspect of the content. And there will be updates in other areas. Stainless steel products are widely used in our life, but also in the design and development process, has been improved. Highlight the product perbance on the basis, but also in the stainless steel professional products will be reflected in the characteristics. The obvious perbance is the flexibility in the design. Compared with traditional products, the creative development of stainless steel submersible pump at the beginning of the professional design practical outstanding spray pump do not know how to distinguish.会泉泵业一向坚持以质量求生存、质量求开展,不断开辟立异水泵的开展范畴。客户们的满足与成功就是衡量咱们作业成绩的重要的标尺。阳光人秉着"百折不挠、勇攀顶峰"的精力,为打造"品牌、百年虹瑞"而不懈尽力!竭诚欢迎海内外各界人士,携手共创二十一世纪的光辉!河北会泉泵业有限公司的诚信、实力和产质量量取得业界的认可