In order to achieve the purpose of sealing, while the dynamic ring and static ring has a lubrication effect. The medium-open pump is regularly inspected during operation. The characteristics of the use of mechanical seals in medium-open pumps 1, the main advantage of the mechanical seal of the medium open pump is that the seal is reliable in a long life cycle, the leakage is very few, the effect is long, generally can use about 5 years, the maintenance cycle is long. However, the mechanical seal structure is complex, the manufacturing and installation precision is high, the lattice is high, the technical request to the maintenance personnel is high. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the reliable operation of mechanical seals and extend the service life of mechanical seals. Of course, the price sealed with seasoning is cheap, the technical requirements are relatively low. The problem that the mechanical seal of medium open pump is easy to occur in the process of use, the main problem that the mechanical seal is easy to occur is the leakage amount is very poor and the temperature is too high. Touch the mechanical seal cover with your hand, and if you can't stay on it, it means the temperature is too high. Leakage per side should not exceed 60 drops of/min, if linear flow, it indicates that the amount of leakage is too large, can determine whether to observe the operation;
To bring it into line with the principles of economy, safety and application. The reliable operation of the medium-open pump determines the normal operation of the industrial production system, we can also assist in the operation of the pump in a series of things. In the operation of the medium-open pump by perbance differentiation into three data, small flow and high lift, medium flow and medium lift, large flow and large lift. It should be noted that in these three kinds of perbance, to avoid the pump long-term operation under small flow and large lift, so that the pump will produce a vortex, vortex will produce a large thrust, so that the shaft bending deflection is too large, not conducive to continuous operation. In the rotating component lubrication efforts, the rotary components of the pump have bearings, shafts and other bs, to ensure their lubrication, regular inspection of lubricants, check the amount of oil, oil can not be too little, not too much, oil quality is also very important, when the oil spoilage to be replaced in a timely manner. The pump group for planning management, the operation of the pump and maintenance of the installation rules and regulations, so that the temperature is not exceeded, the speed of operation is not speeding.
2.介质:温度≤105°C的清水或物理化学性质类似清水的其它液体(固体颗粒≤80mg/L)。 轴承1、采用油脂润滑的封闭式滚动轴承,维护简单,运行时间长;2、配备恒定油位的油杯,也可用稀油润滑;
3、选用进口(SKF、NSK、NTN)高质量轴承,运行平稳,噪音低,使用寿命长。 结构 结构紧凑、稳定性好。
S、SA系列双吸中开泵为泵壳中开结构,进出口均在泵体上,检修时只需吊出泵盖,转子部件便可移出进行检修作业,而不需拆卸管路,十分方便。 根据需要电动机(驱动机)可以在左端也可在右端,方便现场安装。结构上缩短转子部件轴向尺寸,轴的钢性更好,运行更稳定可靠。设有泵体密封环,而叶轮密封环为可选用件。密封环磨损后可以更换,减少了运行维护费用。
现已有近20多年的前史。渣浆泵泵作业中的佼佼者,是集规划,制作,出售于一体的归纳性渣浆泵专业出产安排。首要产品清水泵,渣浆泵,多级泵,泥浆泵。树立 于90年代河北会泉泵业有限公司位于在美丽--安国混流泵等产品专业出产加工的公司商场占有率居高。商场的占有比例不断跋涉。