6, according to the need, mouth and spit outlet can be installed in the same direction or 90°,180°,270° several different directions to meet different connection occasions. 7, pump head can be based on the need to increase or decrease the pump series and combined with the outer diameter of the cutting impeller to meet, without changing the installation floor area, which is not the other pump class.
ISG立式管道离心泵 产品概述:
ISG立式管道离心泵 产品特点:
1、 泵为立式结构,进出口径相同,且位于同一中心线上,可象阀门一样安装于管路之中,外形紧凑美观,占地面积小,建筑投入低,如加上防护罩则可置于户外使用。
2、 叶轮直接安装在电机的加长轴上,轴向尺寸短,结构紧凑,泵与电机轴承配置合理,能有效地平衡泵运转产生的径向和轴向负荷,从而保证了泵的运行平稳,震动噪音很低。
3、 轴封采用机械密封或机械密封组合,采用进口钛合金密封环、中型耐高温机械密封和采用硬质合金材质,耐磨密封,能有效地增长机械密封的使用寿命。
4、 安装检修方便,无需拆动管路系统,只要卸下泵联体座螺母即可抽出全部转子部件。
5、 可根据使用要求即流量和扬程的需要采用泵的串、并联运行方式。
6、 可根据管路布置的要求采用泵的竖式和横式安装。
3, shaft seal using a combination of mechanical seal or mechanical seal, the use of high-quality cemented carbide sealing ring, enhance the wear resistance of the seal, can effectively extend the service life of the pump. 4, easy installation and maintenance, no need to disassemble the piping system. Pump inlet and outlet are of the same caliber, simplifying the connection of the pipe. 5,ISG Vertical pipeline centrifugal pump can be based on the needs of flow and lift using pump series, parallel operation mode.
1、 IRG(GRG)型立式热水(高温)循环泵广泛适用于:能源、冶金、化工、纺织、造纸,以及宾馆饭店等锅炉高温热水增压循环输送及城市采暖系统循环用泵,IRG型使用温度T<120℃,GRG型使用温度T<240℃.
2、 IHG型立式管道化工泵,供输送不含固体颗粒,具有腐蚀性,粘度类似于水的液体,适用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、造纸、食品制药和合成纤维等部门,使用温度为-20℃~120℃。
3、 YG型立式管道油泵,供输送汽油、煤油、柴油等石油产品,被输送介质温度为-20℃~+120℃。
ISG Vertical pipeline Centrifugal Pump Main features: 1, vertical pipeline centrifugal pump structure Compact, small size, beautiful appearance, its structure decided to install a small footprint, such as the addition of protective cover can be placed in outdoor use. 2, the impeller is mounted directly on the motor shaft, thus ensuring the concentric degree of the pump, thus enhancing the operation stability of the pump and extending the service life of the pump.
ISG立式管道离心泵 工作条件:
1. 吸入压力小于或等于1.0MPa,或泵系统工作压力小于或等于1.6MPa,即泵吸入口压力+泵扬程小于或等于1.6MPa、泵静压试验压力为2.5MPa,订货时请注明系统工作压力。泵系统工作压力大于1.6MPa时应在订货时灵性提出。以便在制造时泵的过流部分和联接部分采用铸钢材料。
2. 环境温度<40℃,相对湿度<95℃.