上架日期:2012-05-09 09:11:16

    3HAB7772-1   Templet

    3HAB7799-1   Cam Switch

    3HAB7799-2   Cam Switch

    3HAB7802-1   Key pin

    3HAB7803-1   Key pin

    3HAB7806-1   Dismounting Bearing P-Rod

    3HAB7811-1   23-p /12-pole cable 7m

    3HAB7812-1   Battery Supervision Unit

    3HAB7815-17 Stop screw

    3HAB7821-1   Label layout P-unit cable

    3HAB7829-1   Label layout pos. switch

    3HAB7842-12 Connector female

    3HAB7842-18 Connector female

    3HAB7843-12 Connector male

    3HAB7843-18 Connector male[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB7854-1   Product Manual IRB 1400

    3HAB7862-1   Lock

    3HAB7862-2   Wingknob with locking cyl

    3HAB7876-1   Product Manual IRB 4400

    3HAB7885-56 Connection cable

    3HAB7887-1   Measuring Tool

    3HAB7897-80 Cable duct

    3HAB7902-80 Cable holder

    3HAB7907-1   Ferrule fuse

    3HAB7907-3   Ferrule fuse

    3HAB7907-6   Fuse-b time lag

    3HAB7907-7   Fuse-b time lag

    3HAB7907-8   Fuse-b time lag

    3HAB7914-1   Cable Clip

    3HAB7938-1   Harness power supply

    3HAB7948-1   Product Manual IRB 2400

    3HAB7954-1   Product Manual IRB 2400[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB7956-1   Rail

    3HAB7960-1   23-p /12-pole cable 15m

    3HAB7961-1   23-p /12-pole cable 22m

    3HAB7962-1   23-p /12-pole cable 30m

    3HAB7978-1   Cabling lower, SW

    3HAB7979-1   Switch cable

    3HAB7981-1   Sync. adapter

    3HAB7983-1   End Clamp

    3HAB7984-1   Pin Insulator

    3HAB7987-1   Label layout

    3HAB7995-1   Cabling switch ax 2/3

    3HAB8006-1   Terminal Hook Tongue

    3HAB8026-1   Link customer connection

    3HAB8028-1   Air Filter[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8032-1   Ext. cust. conn. harness

    3HAB8048-1   Label Layout Inside Cub. [福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8048-3   Label Layout Inside Cub.

    3HAB8063-1   Cabling lower, CP/CS/SW

    3HAB8064-1   Sync. tools, ax.1. 0 degr

    3HAB8079-1   Dismounting Tube Shaft

    3HAB8081-1   Limit switch

    3HAB8086-1   Cam, blank

    3HAB8101-1   RECTIFIER DC0


    3HAB8101-11 DRIVE UNIT ECB

    3HAB8101-12 Rectifier DC2 and Drive unit C

    3HAB8101-13 Drive unit GU

    3HAB8101-14 Rectifier DC4

    3HAB8101-15 Rectifier DC4 and Drive unit C

    3HAB8101-16 Rectifier DC4 and Drive unit U

    3HAB8101-18 Modules Drive System

    3HAB8101-19 Modules Drive System

    3HAB8101-2   RECTIFIER DC1

    3HAB8101-3   RECTIFIER DC2

    3HAB8101-4   RECTIFIER DC3

    3HAB8101-5   DRIVE UNIT AAD

    3HAB8101-6   DRIVE UNIT BAD

    3HAB8101-7   DRIVE UNIT CCB

    3HAB8101-8   DRIVE UNIT GT

    3HAB8125-1   Lifter.

    3HAB8131-1   Limit switches assembly

    3HAB8150-1   Instruction label

    3HAB8179-1   Rail

    3HAB8184-1   Punch ax. 6

    3HAB8191-1   Hub ax5, machining

    3HAB8194-1   Switchbracket ax2

    3HAB8197-1   Gear unit Z1,2,3/5

    3HAB8205-1   Interm. wheel unit axis 4


    3HAB8211-1   Harness ext. cust. conn.

    3HAB8215-1   User's Guide

    3HAB8216-1   User's Guide

    3HAB8217-1   User's Guide[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8218-1   Rapid Reference Manual

    3HAB8223-1   Punch ax.1-4.

    3HAB8237-1   F-Arm extension 2,8m

    3HAB8238-1   F-Arm extension 3,0m

    3HAB8246-1   F-Parallel rod complete.

    3HAB8257-1   Cable Floppy disc unit

    3HAB8268-1   Adjustment screw

    3HAB8271-1   Wrist unit/F

    3HAB8273-13 Three limit switches ax.1

    3HAB8276-1   Spacer axis 2

    3HAB8278-1   Rotational ac motor

    3HAB8284-1   Damper axis 2

    3HAB8288-1   Rotational ac motor

    3HAB8289-1   Rotational ac motor

    3HAB8294-1   Lifting instruction

    3HAB8295-1   Damper axis 2

    3HAB8303-46 Connection cable

    3HAB8305-1   Lifting Hock

    3HAB8312-1   Limit switch complete

    3HAB8317-1   Sealing plug

    3HAB8318-1   Sealing plug

    3HAB8319-2   Sealing plug

    3HAB8335-10 Bridge connector

    3HAB8339-1   Cam switch

    3HAB8365-1   Position switch 1-2

    3HAB8366-1   Position switch 1-3

    3HAB8381-1   Gear Z6/5

    3HAB8385-1   Sync. mark. ax.3

    3HAB8388-1   Angel Bracket

    3HAB8389-1   Plain washer

    3HAB8400-1   Bracket

    3HAB8411-1   Cable u.ax.4-6[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8418-1   Gear Z1/4

    3HAB8424-1   Foundry - Logotype

    3HAB8431-1   Designition sign

    3HAB8451-1   Gear unit Z4,5/5

    3HAB8460-1   Gear Z4/4

    3HAB8463-1   Foot  Std/F

    3HAB8464-1   Gear box ax.1-3

    3HAB8465-1   Lower arm

    3HAB8466-1   Parallel arm/60kg

    3HAB8467-1   Parallel arm 45kg

    3HAB8476-1   Product Spec. IRB 240

    3HAB8505-11 Paralell pin

    3HAB8508-1   Spacer

    3HAB8521-1   Locking nut

    3HAB8524-1   RAIL, SWITCH AX2

    3HAB8539-1   Driving shaft ax 5

    3HAB8551-1   Driving shaft ax 6[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8572-3   PC-support S4C

    3HAB8584-1   Product Spec. RobotWare

    3HAB8596-1   Product Spec. IRB 1400

    3HAB8597-1   Product Spec. IRB 2400

    3HAB8598-1   Product Spec. IRB 4400

    3HAB8599-1   Product Spec. IRB 6400

    3HAB8618-1   Fan Holder

    3HAB8642-1   Connection bar

    3HAB8642-2   Connection bar

    3HAB8642-3   Connection bar

    3HAB8711-1   Driving Shaft axis 6

    3HAB8714-1   Damper

    3HAB8717-1   Gear ax.6[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8733-1   User's Guide

    3HAB8735-1   Switch complete axis 2

    3HAB8737-1   Cabling motor 3

    3HAB8741-1   Lower Cable, CP/CS/SW

    3HAB8748-1   Cable, switch ax 2

    3HAB8749-1   Cable, switch ax 2

    3HAB8771-1   Lifter

    3HAB8778-1   Product Man. IRB 1400 AWI

    3HAB8778-2   Product Man. IRB 2400 AWI

    3HAB8790-1   Nut washer

    3HAB8796-1   Drive unit DSQC 266A

    3HAB8797-1   Drive unit DSQC 266B[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8798-1   Drive unit DSQC 266C

    3HAB8799-1   Drive unit DSQC 266K

    3HAB8800-1   Drive unit DSQC 266H

    3HAB8801-1   Drive unit DSQC 266G

    3HAB8802-1   Drive unit DSQC 266T

    3HAB8803-1   Drive unit DSQC 266U

    3HAB8808-1   Sleeve[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8818-1   Castor

    3HAB8818-2   Castor

    3HAB8818-3   Castor

    3HAB8818-4   Castor

    3HAB8818-5   Castor

    3HAB8820-1   Drive system Enclosure

    3HAB8856-1   Stop axis 4

    3HAB8859-1   Power Supply Bar

    3HAB8859-2   Power supplay Bar

    3HAB8859-3   Power supplay Bar

    3HAB8861-1   Cover ax. 4

    3HAB8868-1   Cam Switch Key[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8890-1   Cover

    3HAB8902-1   Lower cable with CSw

    3HAB8927-12 Plate

    3HAB8927-13 Plate

    3HAB8927-14 Plate

    3HAB8927-15 Plate

    3HAB8927-17 Plate

    3HAB8927-18 Plate

    3HAB8927-19 Plate

    3HAB8927-2   Plate

    3HAB8927-20 Plate

    3HAB8927-21 Plate

    3HAB8927-22 Plate

    3HAB8927-23 Plate

    3HAB8927-24 Plate

    3HAB8927-27 Plate[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8927-29 Plate

    3HAB8927-3   Plate

    3HAB8927-30 Plate

    3HAB8927-31 Plate

    3HAB8927-32 Plate

    3HAB8927-38 Plate

    3HAB8927-4   Plate

    3HAB8927-41 Plate

    3HAB8927-5   Plate

    3HAB8927-6   Plate

    3HAB8927-61 Plate

    3HAB8927-62 Plate[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8927-68 Plate

    3HAB8927-69 Plate

    3HAB8927-7   Plate

    3HAB8927-71 Plate

    3HAB8927-8   Plate

    3HAB8927-97 Plate

    3HAB8935-1   Support washer

    3HAB8947-1   Clamp

    3HAB8948-1   Motor incl. pinion ax.4

    3HAB8949-1   Thrust washer ax.5

    3HAB8954-1   Gear set unit axis 5[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB8956-1   Wrist/200Kg

    3HAB8956-2   Wrist/200Kg

    3HAB8957-1   Motor incl.gearbox ax.6

    3HAB8961-1   Turning tool

    3HAB8963-1   Play measuring  axis 4-6

    3HAB8964-1   Damper Axis 5

    3HAB8979-1   Axis 4/200

    3HAB8992-1   Lower Cable

    3HAB8996-1   Emergency stop button Ill

    3HAB8996-3   3-pos Selectorswitch

    3HAB8996-4   Stack light

    3HAB9009-1   Dismounting Tool

    3HAB9030-5   Insert type EE

    3HAB9030-6   Insert type EE[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9040-1   Gasket

    3HAB9041-1   Cylinder guide

    3HAB9042-1   Piston rod guide

    3HAB9059-1   Hex socket head cap screw

    3HAB9114-1   Insulation plate

    3HAB9135-1   Ext.control panel

    3HAB9135-3   Ext.control panel w. box

    3HAB9139-1   Label layout

    3HAB9163-1   Gear

    3HAB9165-1   Brake resistor

    3HAB9178-1   Terminal Bracket

    3HAB9185-1   Spaser

    3HAB9211-1   Circlip SB

    3HAB9237-1   Damper[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9238-1   Play measuring axis 4-6

    3HAB9239-1   Spacer, left stopp

    3HAB9243-1   Spacer, right stop

    3HAB9265-1   Washer

    3HAB9266-1   Fan Holder

    3HAB9270-1   Fan unit

    3HAB9271-3   Dummy Module Drive System

    3HAB9275-1   User's Guide

    3HAB9310-11 Gasket

    3HAB9310-2   Gasket

    3HAB9310-4   Gasket

    3HAB9310-5   Gasket

    3HAB9310-8   Gasket[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9327-1   Bearing housing machin.

    3HAB9335-1   Distance washer ax.5

    3HAB9342-1   Basic Operation

    3HAB9362-1   Upper arm, foundry

    3HAB9363-1   Support washer

    3HAB9370-4   Washer

    3HAB9384-1   Lifting Instruction

    3HAB9393-1   Lower arm

    3HAB9394-1   Parallel arm

    3HAB9397-1   HOUSING AXIS 4/F

    3HAB9398-1   Wrist unit

    3HAB9423-1   Cable Bracket[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9428-1   Control cable signal 50m

    3HAB9429-1   Control cable power L=50m

    3HAB9437-1   Bracket

    3HAB9483-1   Devicenet cable

    3HAB9483-17 Devicenet bulkh.feed-thru

    3HAB9483-3   Devicenet cable Male 3m

    3HAB9485-1   Multipole circuit breaker

    3HAB9513-1   Harness Drive syst A1,A2

    3HAB9583-1   Control cubicle w. wheels

    3HAB9586-1   Bracket

    3HAB9598-1   Feedback house in alumini

    3HAB9609-1   Drive System int. cable

    3HAB9615-3   Contact plate

    3HAB9621-4   Outlet 2-p w. earth term.

    3HAB9650-1   Cap

    3HAB9654-1   Guide ring insertion tool

    3HAB9664-1   Multipole con. X6 6p

    3HAB9674-1   Wall cubicle

    3HAB9674-2   Ext. control panel box

    3HAB9674-4   Label layout

    3HAB9674-6   Wall cubicle

    3HAB9676-1   Male insert 64p

    3HAB9676-2   Female insert 64p

    3HAB9688-1   Bracket

    3HAB9693-1   Bracket[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9715-1   Multipole con. X1-X4 10p

    3HAB9717-1   Front Plate

    3HAB9717-2   Front Plate NA+servo disc

    3HAB9734-1   Segment

    3HAB9743-1   Multipole con. X1-X4 16p

    3HAB9764-1   16p. connector female

    3HAB9780-1   Lower arm machining

    3HAB9821-1   Washer

    3HAB9856-1   Bearing Support

    3HAB9863-1   Fuse label[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9879-1   Bridge A82.X10

    3HAB9882-1   Earth connection

    3HAB9894-1   User's Guide Arcitec

    3HAB9895-1   User's Guide Arcitec

    3HAB9896-1   User's Guide Arcitec

    3HAB9897-1   User's Guide Arcitec

    3HAB9898-1   User's Guide Arcitec

    3HAB9899-1   User's Guide Arcitec[福州鸿飞达自动化科技]国际优价速销中

    3HAB9900-1   RAPID Ref. Man. Arcitec

    3HAB9913-1   Lower arm spray

    3HAB9958-1   Link customer connection

    3HAB9990-1   Sealing washer


    电话;0591-83855720 传真 FAX0591-88263940 

    联系人:小丹        手机15880080610

    QQ1327244264     maildanyanend@qq.com





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